# Close at Wake Last Night


Senior Don Juan
Oct 12, 2005
Reaction score
Chicagoland area
Ok, so that's either a new high, or a new low, for me. I guess depending upon how you look at it. I personally view it as amazing, seeing as though a couple months ago, when I was still going through that "shy guy" phase I hit, something like this would have been pretty much impossible for me.
One trick I've learned , which helped me do this last night, is that (whether you smoke or not) it's not an entirely bad idea to buy a pack (and a lighter, obviously) and keep it on you. Like it or not alot of chicks smoke, and it becomes kind of a social thing. I bought a pack, the other day, of these French cigarettes, Gauloise Blondes (says something different about you than Marlboro Reds; girls notice every detail it seems), and I have a nice Zippo (always classy to light a lady's cigarette for her). So anyway I went outside for a "cigarette break" during this wake I was attending last night when I saw there were a couple girls out there. I lit one of the girl's cigarette for her and that pretty much opened convo. Basic small talk. Who are you here for? Etc, etc. I pretty quickly moved into getting her talking about her job, and determined immediate availability (or lack thereof) by saying, "Who drove tonight, you? Or your b/f ? Or ??" She said, "No I don't have a b/f" . I took that as an IOI. I ended it by saying "Well I have to get back in. There'll be a prayer soon I think." She said, "Yeah I should too." Then, in a way I have not really done before (I just figured, screw it be bold), I simply said, "Well hey it was really nice meeting you. How about a cup of coffee or a drink or something some night?? Are you free alot of nights during the week, or, are weekends better, or ??" She said, "I'm free most weeknights." "Great, " I said, "Well let me call you then." I did the prescribed pull out and open up the cell phone thing, and waited. And, like a charm, it worked. She said, "Alright this is my cell." And that was it. I will (probably) call around Sunday (I really don't feel like having to deal with a "first date" possibility either this Friday or Saturday). The problem for me now seems to be, after I get these #'s, which I've gotten a few of lately (although yes there have been several shoot-downs as well ; none brutal however), I seem to lack interest in actually CALLING them. lol...Strange. It seems like the "point" is almost becoming #-collecting or something, but I realize that should NOT be the point and therefore I will have to take active steps to work on myself in that respect (as well as many others).



Oct 4, 2005
Reaction score
Similiar kinda thing happened to me about 10 years ago. Was at a funeral/ reception type of deal. A niece of the guy who was being buried was makin' eyes at me. So, I moved in and got the number from her. Nothin' much ever came of it, but now looking back it seemed a little weird. Cute and a little devious was this little philly...


Senior Don Juan
Aug 31, 2004
Reaction score
i have the same problem, i get the numbers, then i just keep putting off calling for some reason... its pissing me off any tips on that part?

i got this really cute girls number who used to work at the club i go to alot, spoken to her once said Hi once when she worked there. Met her at the station and had a good convo about stuff got her number... that was Sunday night. Its now Wednesday and i keep just want to rather test the waters with a weak text rather then call. IM NOT REALLY EVEN SCARED TO DO IT its like a mental block like im good at getting the number but then im not confident at using it.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 12, 2005
Reaction score
Chicagoland area
Egoist ~ thanks ;) Modro ~ I think what it really comes down to ultimately, I know this is what it is w/me at least, is a "fear" or even possibly a general dislike of the idea of real intimacy evolving. Not physical intimacy, obviously that's the primary goal, but I'm talking about potential LTR type intimacy. That's where the reluctance to actually USE the # comes in on my part, in these kinds of situations. It's like, in a sense, I'm afraid that the phone call will eventually lead to something more than just a casual dating / hookup type thing and I don't think I really want that right now and therefore....... it just leads to having to be an even bigger d*ck to a girl who might really be developing feelings for you. And I know how that feels because I've done it in the past, and generally it's not something I like doing. So...... almost seems easiest to just avoid it altogether sometimes.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 31, 2004
Reaction score
i decided to go on a walk with the pure intention of no distractions so i didnt put it off, it took me about 5 mins to clear my head and get myself ready, i press phone and it goes to answer machine (initial thought was dammit)

i was pondering trying again but i didnt want a load of miss calls on her phone and she wouldnt know the number calling. which is why i thought she might not have picked up, it was about 9:30pm (mobile phone btw) i was also thinking of leaving a message saying who called and i would try again tomorrow...

i then get a text saying 'you rang whos number is this?' so i try again a bit more confidently.....


so i thought shall i txt, i think she wants to know who it is first (this is why i hate england sometimes they dont pick up numbers they dont know) i decided to put just

'Hi its Mod from Sunday we met at the Station' I didnt know if she what was gunna happen now i didnt want to seem too needy or desperate to ring her, she rememberd who i was and in the text put

' Hi hows things?'

i then had a plan, to act cool now not too needy etc so i thought im not gunna really answer this im going to gain control of the situation again as i wanted to call her not text the date proposal.

so i just replied i am fine bit busy as it was my birthday yesterday, i'll give u a call sometime tomorrow'

i thought this was good as i got her thinking about me now calling her at a time tomorrow, so now i can decide when i want to call or answer now, her final text i wasnt expecting was this

yeah sure ill talk to you tomoro hope u had a good birthday.

ur thought on that guys?


Master Don Juan
Oct 3, 2005
Reaction score
The city that sleeps. Sometimes.
Originally posted by Modro
i decided to go on a walk with the pure intention of no distractions so i didnt put it off, it took me about 5 mins to clear my head and get myself ready, i press phone and it goes to answer machine (initial thought was dammit)

i was pondering trying again but i didnt want a load of miss calls on her phone and she wouldnt know the number calling. which is why i thought she might not have picked up, it was about 9:30pm (mobile phone btw) i was also thinking of leaving a message saying who called and i would try again tomorrow...

i then get a text saying 'you rang whos number is this?' so i try again a bit more confidently.....


so i thought shall i txt, i think she wants to know who it is first (this is why i hate england sometimes they dont pick up numbers they dont know) i decided to put just

'Hi its Mod from Sunday we met at the Station' I didnt know if she what was gunna happen now i didnt want to seem too needy or desperate to ring her, she rememberd who i was and in the text put

' Hi hows things?'

i then had a plan, to act cool now not too needy etc so i thought im not gunna really answer this im going to gain control of the situation again as i wanted to call her not text the date proposal.

so i just replied i am fine bit busy as it was my birthday yesterday, i'll give u a call sometime tomorrow'

i thought this was good as i got her thinking about me now calling her at a time tomorrow, so now i can decide when i want to call or answer now, her final text i wasnt expecting was this

yeah sure ill talk to you tomoro hope u had a good birthday.

ur thought on that guys?
texting is lame in general.. hard to communicate that way.

just call her tomorrow and go from there. She doesnt answer, too bad. Doesnt pick up - leave her a message.

if nothing works, NEXT!, dont text her again.