Really really need help on this, I am in a friken meat locker here!!


Don Juan
Oct 25, 2005
Reaction score
I know this is forum is about learning and using your own game, but, until I get there I am missing soooooo much. I need ALL the advice I can get on this one scenario and I swear I will learn the rest myself, I promise, cross my heart!

Okay, my scenario: I work for a high tech company keeping their 2000 or so laptops going at a help desk. I work in a big room with about 13 cubicles and 6 other people. If you imagine a square clock, the door is at the 12 o’clock position. If you walk to middle of the clock, I am to the left against the wall. All cubes are about neck high so you can see everything. Now, having access to all that come in and need help, you should see what walks in, it’s absolutely insane!! There is soo much tang that floats in there, around there and in the neighboring buildings that any normal guy would be shellacking his shilaily by lunch. HOT HOT HOT and plenty of it. I have worked at other MAJOR companys with 1 mile long buildings and never seen so much prime stuff.

Okay, anyways, I think you get the idea. Well, it is said it is a no no to play with office affairs but I dont like that idea with all the poon running around. I work till 6 and am too tired to go out after work. Even if I DO go out after work, all my male friends are toads and want to go home. I could go out by myself but I just lack interest, hence cause I am tired. What I would like to do is start running game on these chicks. Okay, maybe not "games" but some smooth moves would be nice. Now, at the cafeteria I could do the ol DJ talked about routine, thats fine, but, in my room, when they come in, how should I act? I have the ones that come to me, and the ones I see two cubes from me, watching me as I shilack the shilaily over them. I hardly ever see them out of the room, so, I would never run into them, for the most part.

I hope I provided enough material to you guys to see what you would do in those two situations. I mean, should I ask them out, with people around? Email them and make a move, as I have thier info? Dry hump thier leg while they are logging onto thier computer? Man, this is too much of a gold mine to lose. I dont even care if I get fired, I have no life to lose anyways, lol.

If you need more clarification, just let me know, I am not the greatest writer, or speller for that matter.


Don Juan
Oct 25, 2005
Reaction score
Thanks, I am definatly going to read that, but, I need to know NOW what to do before I lose any more posobilities. It is gonna take mee weeks to read this and figure it all out, not that I mind, but, all that booty lost to 3(?) weeks??

I just need some personal input QUICK as to yes, go for it as this is how far I would take it and what I would do [insert example here], no, your a bozo for thinking of it etc.

Just think of this request as a virtual in the bar with the buds drinking a beer question. I hope they could help me while sipping virtual beer and not just say "read the book", although thats what I am gonna do. Spent all day reading and me eyes are tired and my brain hurts, lol.


Don Juan
Oct 25, 2005
Reaction score
Come on guys, seriously, I need help on this one. What should I do with these women? How much of a professional attitude should I keep with them? How agressive should I get with them?

You all are helping "Jayer" and he aint doing squat!! I dont want or need help at the mall, club or anywhere else, I will be more than happy to crash and burn like a comit there, but, I DO need help here as this is my bed (proverbialy speaking) I am playing in/ know, work ethics and all that stuff!?

Needs to know how you would move in and around a situation like this. I had one hot little chick roll in which my DJ competition moved in on cause I was on the phone and one on the phone later that I swear woulda sucked the skin right off my pickle if I would have asked her.


Don Juan
Oct 25, 2005
Reaction score
Hmmm, no one wants to help me with this delima, give me thier ideas, and, or experiences except for "go read the bible"?

Damn, I thought this was a place one could ask for help?

Guess I am not worthy of being in the "click" Niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice, great support guys!!


Don Juan
Sep 27, 2005
Reaction score
I'm not qualified to tell you what to do but calming down might not be a bad start. If you go off half ****ed you won't be happy with the results of any endeavor. Relax man--the office will still be there next week.

You say you don't have time to read? That's like a guy saying "I don't have time to clean the garage, I'm trying to find my torque wrench!" It will take a lot less time to find your torque wrench if you stop & clean the garage.

I know it's long, but you can read the DJ bible in less than a week if you're determined. I finished it in 3 nights.

One more thing: if you start fooking girls from work & things go sour w/one or more girls, there is a good chance you will (a) have to quit, (b) get fired, (c) not be able to use that place as a reference for future jobs. (A lot of companies have explicit policies about this). You may or may not care about that, your call, but find out what you're in for first (read the employee handbook).


Don Juan
Oct 24, 2005
Reaction score
New York City
Originally posted by sikpupy
Hmmm, no one wants to help me with this delima, give me thier ideas, and, or experiences except for "go read the bible"?

Damn, I thought this was a place one could ask for help?

Guess I am not worthy of being in the "click" Niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice, great support guys!!
The problem is you are kind of lazy.

No one really wants to take the time to help you because you have made it clear you are looking for a quick fix.

Read the bible. Then come and talk to us. Honestly. This isn't the pick-up Red Cross here. We help those who help themselves.

You need to start off by working on your "****y-funny" attitude and come up with 3-5 original ways to work the situation you find yourself in there to your own advantage.


Don Juan
Oct 25, 2005
Reaction score
Well, first of all, thanks for "some" input, I really appreciate it.

No, I am far from lazy. I am not the greatest at putting things together. I have already spent at least 2 weeks, 8 hours a day searching for info and learning. I already read most of the bible, but, between that and reading Davids stuff, my mind is much.

I just needed some input from fellow DJ'rs on this subject before I get it all figured out. The way my mind works with dislexia and what not, it is gona take me quite a while to remember all this info.

I only have 4 posts, so, if I was lazy, I would have 100. I just wanted to know what everyone thinks the best angle in my position, which I hoped was typed out good enough, would be.

I know work is a tricky place, but, thats why I need your help. I dont think they could or would do anything as I stay inside a room and all our corospondances are monitored. I never see them in the halls and they do come to me. There are so many of them, all I need is one good one, but I just need to know a good angle.

Many people on here ask for help and opinions, thats all I was asking.