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  1. R

    Talkative Or Mystery: The Ultimate Discussion

    Yeah exactly... sometimes you have to try and throw in some common sense; adapt. At the same time, don't go spilling out all your emotions that you have for the girl on the first date, and freak her out. As with everything, a lot of times you just learn the best from past...
  2. R

    start a relationship?

    You just have to figure out if you want her enough. I'm in a similar situation in that... this girl I like hangs out with friends that are quite different than those of mine, and I never thought I would like a girl like her either, but our personalities just clicked, and I also do find her...
  3. R

    can 'she' see other girl's #s

    Well, I was wondering - first date - we might be stopping back at my house (OK my parents' house) to show her around and I have a few pieces of paper and and on my calender in my room I have other girl's numbers around with their names, and this girl's number which she wrote on a piece of paper...
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    Leave Women Off This Site.

    no sh*t... why can't we guys just chill here. You know how nosey women can be... and how much they spread stuff to eachother.
  5. R

    WHat you guys think? Need your opinion please

    I agree with ApocalypseCow. Anyhow, I set up a date with a girl that supposedly has a college bf, which I know she does... but really I did not give a sh*t. Cause I want to date this chick, and she was talking about how she was the one that would prob. break up with him eventhough I didn't...
  6. R

    In trouble with the girls

    woah, that sucks. Have that chick sneak out of whoever's house she's staying with, or say she's going to the mall or something, and have her get a copy if she doesn't have one already of a key to her house. That way you can chill there too with her... her parents just seem over proctective...
  7. R

    Online conversations?

    I actually agree with Luscious. I don't mind using online convo at all to perhaps set up a date, or just stimulate a little interest. You just have to be smart with it, and not get carried away and talk your ass off. It can be real helpful for those that have experienced using it.. I've made...
  8. R

    Dating college girls: can it be done?

    ur right, I don't have any prob. with HS chicks.. I guess I just have it in my head - oh no she's going to college. Damn..
  9. R

    Dating college girls: can it be done?

    ok, so how should a HS guy (I'm going to be a senior) approach dating a chick going to be a freshman at college? She is a lot more mature than the avg. HS chick to that's a plus. But she's not desperate for bf, or nothing, so how do I stand out to her, and not come off as "just another guy...
  10. R

    Glucosamine/Chondroitin for heel tendonitis??

    hi, I had tendonitis from too much hard running, on my right achilles. Are you a heavy heel-striker? if your injury is even running related, you probably need shoes with more heel padding/cushion, or just new shoes. Also if you're a heel striker, try to adjust your foot strike a little so its...
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    yeah see if she'll hold the eye contact, and look at her mouth/lips and see if she's still looking at you. If she like turns or head or looks away, she prob doesn't want to be kissed yet - just my guess
  12. R

    She's trying to hard for phone convos

    lol, she probably wants you more than a friend. Just stop calling her, see if she still pursues you... just don't be rude to her
  13. R

    No interest from women...

    yeah perhaps just tend to outside appearance a bit more. Shell out some extra cash, nothing flashy or too lavish though. Just new stuff if needed at all. Definitely body language plays a key role, I always find people looking at me when I walk into a room all confident and relaxed...
  14. R

    A spin on being a challenge

    Yes, I'm thinking similar to you. However is there a solution to this? What if she's mildly interested in me... but OK, she's going to be a freshman at college while I'm going to be a senior in HS. Right now I figure I'm "just another guy" so playing as a challenge is not the way to go...
  15. R

    Dating college girls: can it be done?

    dude dime bag, i definitely agree with you. HS girls are cool (most of them) but a lot of them can just be b*tchy and stuff since they're still in hs and eventhough they're fine... it gets annoying. I met this chick going to be a freshman at a college nearby, and got her # today, so i'm...