WHat you guys think? Need your opinion please


Don Juan
Jan 25, 2003
Reaction score

I was feeling this girl in my accounting class in college, at end of semester i tried to get to know her more so we talked few times. Last day of class i asked her if i can get her email (yea should of went for the #), she smiled and said yea sure.. So guess there was SOME interest on her part.. I emailed her asked if we can go out to movies, get something to eat and chill, something like that.. She said yea we can go out, you seem cool...

Then later in the week we talked online for little bit before she went off to work, got to know each other little more.. Then i was trying to play stupid like i didnt know, i asked "what u look for in a guy? are you single?" she was like " just fun and funny"but im not really interested in having someone at this point of my life"<<<well i wasnt really liking that line, i dont want to hear this ****.
So questions is for those guys that have experienced this before? Does she really mean when she says that? Or is it just plain BS..

I mean if you werent interested in someone i dont think u would give them ur email and agree to go out with that person? It just doesnt make sense at least to me.

If you guys think that she means what she says, what am i supposed to do or can do to change her mind? And yes i know i shouldnt be thinking about what she said because i havent even gone out with this girl and might not even get along with her when we do go out.. But lets say everything goes fine and im really feeling her and would like us to develop some kind of relationship what is the best way to make her change her mind?



Master Don Juan
Jun 5, 2003
Reaction score
New Zealand
A useful rule is this.
If yr talking to someone you know and want to mack on them , be direct.It save s confusion and akes you look confident.

If yr talking to someone you've just met and you want to mack on them start out subtle , it stops you scaring them off and you don't come on too desperate.

I mean hell , I give my email to people I'm not "interested in" all the time (workmates , old friends I've just bumped into, people who want to join the soccer league...).


Senior Don Juan
Feb 16, 2003
Reaction score
First of all, I think your line of questioning scared her. You two hadn't even gone out yet and you're asking if she's single and what she looks for in a guy. Why do you care? Are you going to change yourself for her? Just set up a date and then you'll figure out what she looks for in a guy.

And you ask how can you "convice her to change her mind." You HAVEN'T GONE out with her yet! How do you know YOU'LL like her! Stop trying to plan steps 2-10 when you haven't even reached step 1 yet.

If this is a girl worth pursuing, go read the DJ Bible and read about building attraction. Act ****y, funny, and KILL ALL DESPERATION! NEVER let her know she is the only one. Keep your distance. Lay off ALL that "relationship" talk.


Don Juan
Jun 8, 2003
Reaction score
I agree with ApocalypseCow.

Anyhow, I set up a date with a girl that supposedly has a college bf, which I know she does... but really I did not give a sh*t. Cause I want to date this chick, and she was talking about how she was the one that would prob. break up with him eventhough I didn't even ask anything about their relationship.

And she agreed to a date with me, so really I'm confident she'll want to be with me once we "get-together" for a bit. You really don't need to ask her what she looks for in a guy, she agreed to give you a chance to show your stuff anyways - by going out.

good luck - oh yeah don't talk to her too much online before the first date, just what I think works better.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 3, 2003
Reaction score
Happy Valley
Red flags all over, dude.

I have to say, I'm not an advocate for the e-mail, IM, text message thing. I prefer talking to the girls at least on the phone, and definitely in person.

Two things you could have done when you got the e-mail.
The first, which isn't quite so great, is to get her e-mail like you did, then e-mail her for her number. Don't e-mail her to ask her out.
The second, while she's writing the e-mail down (cause it really is easier to ask for the e-mail when you're first learning) then say "hey, why don't you write down your number, too."

However, never use the e-mail. ALWAYS go for the call.

Originally posted by yankees13

Then later in the week we talked online for little bit before she went off to work, got to know each other little more..
Like I said, I'm not a fan of online chatting when you're trying to DJ a chick. So many things you try to convey can be lost in the message. Sure there will be a few people who disagree, and in all honesty, it boils down to sticking with what's comfortable with you, however, I think to start, you should always go for talking in person or phone. It will build up your confidence, and your rapport.

Then i was trying to play stupid like i didnt know, i asked "what u look for in a guy? are you single?" she was like " just fun and funny"but im not really interested in having someone at this point of my life"<<<well i wasnt really liking that line, i dont want to hear this ****.
Well, to be honest, I think most girls would answer that question in a similar fashion. I wouldn't ever ask that question. If she's interested, she'll tell you. You need to show her you're interested with actions, not words. She'll use the words, believe me.
Besides. Maybe she's not wanting to be with one person at this point in her life. It's possible. However, she could also be trying to gauge your interest, too.

I mean if you werent interested in someone i dont think u would give them ur email and agree to go out with that person? It just doesnt make sense at least to me.
Unfortunately, while you might feel this way, girls are completely different. She can give you her e-mail, and I think that most girls would without a moment's hesitation give out their e-mail. They like the attention, and also, they feel it's safe.
Don't make the mistake of thinking just because she handed our her e-mail, she's interested. Sure it shows some interest, but only some.

If you guys think that she means what she says, what am i supposed to do or can do to change her mind?
Dude, first off, relax some. You're already extremely uptight about this girl. She's not the only one out there, belive me. Maybe you can't change her mind. However, you might be able to show her that you're a great guy, who she will want to be around all the time (and maybe bang). Or maybe you can get her to be your girlfriend.

I think you really need to read the Don Juan Bible (look in the blue at the top of this screen... Top right. THERE it is :) ), and definitely read Pook's post "Kill that Desperation." I push that post a lot, because I think it's a very important one.

But lets say everything goes fine and im really feeling her and would like us to develop some kind of relationship what is the best way to make her change her mind?
Be a DJ. That's the best way. Blow her mind with how suave, cool, and just generally awesome you are. The rest will come after that.

-- Zero-


Don Juan
Jan 25, 2003
Reaction score

I guess you guys are right that i scared her off by asking if she is single, what she looks for in a guy? I messed up big time, i have to chill out and take it slower for sure.. I just hope if i turned her off ,it wasnt too much


Don Juan
Jan 25, 2003
Reaction score
Also i forgot to mention a little small thing

At one point she got disconnected and she came back on, i didnt message her back. So after about 10 min i got a email from her saying sorry got signed off then i messaged her...i think thats good on my part because i didnt show desperation and jumped right at her when she came back on.. Yea i know not a big deal, but im making little progress i guess


Don Juan
Apr 12, 2003
Reaction score
Every bit helps. Be careful you sound like your ready to look at rings with her already. Don't be, ever. When you go out just be cool, walk slower than normal (means you have your own pace). You know the techniques just use them. Don't talk about any relationship shiat with her at all!!! You don't want to know, and you don't want to show you care. It'll increase your desperation if you want this chick.

And desperation doesn't work, ask pook.