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    David DeAngelo's - Man Transformation

    I always wanted to meet Dave.. cool.. hey David.. how about you send me a megaupload link and I'll give it a download. You got me interested over here.
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    adding a chick your gaming on facebook, good or bad?

    no.. its annoying seeing their statuses
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    Guitar Hero III for the Wii tips on playing?

    actually I think hes just trying to sell Wii Equipment.. look at his sig... lol I think like a marketer/spammer too much.
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    GF gets Mad over Twitter

    most girls are... it 2010
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    She wants her kids to TAG along for the first date.

    I never been on a date with a woman's kids tagging along so really don't know how to go about it. The kids are pretty young not sure how young but she is only 21.. so they have to be mad young haha.. Should I just make the best out of it?
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    To Be 24 Years Old and a Great Seducer must you have your Own Place?

    I'm so used to having my own place of living but now I don't soo.. I'm raising this question, and thought it would be interesting.
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    What would you say to Megan Fox?

    Wouldn't be pressured because she doesn't have a booty
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    Feelin kinda f'ed up.....Should I be?

    appreciate the response.. I think I might have a problem with that one though lol
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    Feelin kinda f'ed up.....Should I be?

    yea I haven't had nightmares.. Im just more paranoid.. BUTTT the problem Im having.. is I'm feelin weird because I'm at my parents house, and I feel like I won't be able to get as many girls because of it.. as opposed to living on my own..
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    Feelin kinda f'ed up.....Should I be?

    I have a pretty good amount saved up now.. I'm self employed(graphic design and internet marketing works) Gettin all the paperwork and gettin pre approved, will be the hardest thing for me to do this long as I can save up some more.. Here 23k is nearly 20% for a nice townhouse lol...
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    Need help Escalating

    just pay attention to her body language, and eye contact when it comes to the right time.. If yall watchin a movie or somethin.. it'll be a moment when yall just look at each other and kiss.. Or after yall get together and are about to say bye.. after the hug just kiss her.... if shes chillin...
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    Feelin kinda f'ed up.....Should I be?

    Thanks for the replies guys.. Yes I know.. thats what I've been thinking that it'll take a while.. I might just get a apartment again after a few months.. but it is a great time to buy a house considering the economy and alot of foreclosures being on the market.. I just don't think I could...
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    Feelin kinda f'ed up.....Should I be?

    Ok so I just turned 24.. I've been living on my own since I was 21 going on 22.. Almost a month ago.. I witnessed a life threating situation.. I was robbed at gunpoint right by my apartment in the parking lot.. I dunno if I was being watched or not but I moved out after the situation after...
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    What to wear to the gym when working out/picking up women

    Basketball shorts, shoes and a shirt.
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    Memorising lines for PRIMING dates.

    :rolleyes: but the book says.. that it contains very valuable information that should never be thrown away under any circumstances :nono:
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    Funny club pickup line

    :crackup: :crackup: :crackup: :crackup: :crackup:
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    give me a line or something to use so that i can start approaching

    "Sooo you think you fly huh??" with a slight smile lol just playin.. but might actually with some girls.. depending on the type of girl she is.. or comes off as.. and if she actually knows what fly means