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  1. W

    I dont care and no motivation to do anything!

    yea they do :(
  2. W

    I dont care and no motivation to do anything!

    lol the TV and porn will be death of you...I only watch TV for sports.. maybe 1 football game a week, and I catch some of the world series.. eventhough I hate baseball I have to represent Astros! anywho I feel ya about your friends.. I just go out with my friends on Saturday. I spend the rest...
  3. W

    View of College?

    Alot of good replies.. good ****.. Heres my situation.. Somebody read :) I just started going to college for graphic design now. I love graphic design and figured it was something that I wanted to do so I attended this school. The university didn't have a graphic design major. So I...
  4. W

    View of College?

    lol you ain't lying.. It seems society puts such a must on college still though?
  5. W

    View of College?

    How important do you feel a college degree is?
  6. W

    Spread the Word...SoSuave

    non DJs are the reason alot of these girls are turning bisexual or lesbian. I wish my friends were djs so they wouldn't be yelling out of my car window "hey....hey girl can I come home with you?" its funny for a while but I mean damn.
  7. W

    FIELD REPORT #5: Follow up on pickup

    19 credits and 2 jobs... got damn lol
  8. W

    Myspace girl is accepting applications...

    well all they go to do is press the accept button when a guy requests to add them its simple.. and yea like verbal said some just add so they'll look good and it builds their ego... I agree once with your last statement though.. once you get a net female on instant messenger it is easy to...
  9. W

    Girl at store.. Question about number close right away...

    yea I should of done that.. -shaking my head- I'll go back
  10. W

    Myspace girl is accepting applications...

    2 many people on myspace.. you gotta be quick and get a nice looking female when she first registers before she gets a 100 friends..
  11. W

    Myspace girl is accepting applications...

    dont feel that **** out.. if she has enough time for that.. shes prob. fake... but hey who knows
  12. W

    Girl at store.. Question about number close right away...

    Ok So I was in walgreens their was this cashier working there.. and she was ringing up the lady in front of her.. and I was looking at her.. and she noticed me looking at her real quick somehow and said "what..?" lol I was suprised and said "huh" and she smiled a lil.. so the old lady out...
  13. W

    Stuttering Problem

    yea I have to take public speaking next year sometime.. I don't look forward to it.. but o well.. anywho thanks for the replies people..
  14. W

    Stuttering Problem

    har har @ at all the jokes lol but nah winter time never comes in Houston
  15. W

    Stuttering Problem

    k I have a stuttering problem so at times.. its really frustrating for me.. not just 2 females but since thats what this site is about.. I find it hard to just approach girls out in the open.. of course I get nervous.. it's much easier for me in clubs because I can just "dance"(grind with them)...
  16. W

    Being a peoples person is not in me..

    I've tried... it's just not in me at all...
  17. W

    My Club Technique

    word.. I need to work on this also
  18. W

    DR: F-Close via Internet Seduction

    no rubbers?!!! :eek: :eek: