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  1. D

    The Forehead test (a sure sign to go in for the kiss)

    I do this one a lot, works a treat... Another thing you do is make deep-eyecontact whilst doing it for about 3 seconds and grin, she'll eat it up
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    So, I messed up. Apologize or leave it?

    Just go with the benefit of the doubt if you value the friendship then you have to apologize since you falsely accused When you do mention why your apologizing (you value the relationship) and she will realize she does to, itll click in her head. A DJ isn't an *******... if you're...
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    Is this girl feeling it.

    Sounds to me Friend 1 is jealous the girls is going for YOU over HIM(cause he thinks hes so awesome), and is a total douchebag and not a real friend. I probably wouldnt hang with him. Thats why he invited her out and not you, to try win her over for his ego. Friend 2 sounds like a better person...
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    "I need space" But GF wants to see me for the weekend?

    Hey bro just saying, if things dont work out and you break up, dont get to cut ( it is looking that way ) you could get the jump on her and break up first, but if you do I can see you doing AFC and then asking her to be back together/letting her get back to gether with you then itll fizzle out...
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    how to be heartless

    Basically be strong, cause a strong person doesn't need anyone else! A strong person lets people into his life of HIS choosing. And for girls, just never say I love you. Ever. =/ it just ticks a checkbox in their head that should never be ticked. IMO
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    how to be heartless

    Not sure what you mean "how to be heartless" but ill just attack it with some knowledge. Just realise that emotion and logic do not mix, listen to your logic first How many times have you done something cause you "FELT you had to do it" but you knew it wasnt going to work or was bad. And it...
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    Girl sticking finger in nostrils? ;s

    Maybe it's part of her culture?? Dunno
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    "I need space" But GF wants to see me for the weekend?

    Wow I was going to reply but pimp just owned this post. So I'll just rep him +1 to what pimp said. You major AFC'd the crap out of it let me add That basically means, I plan on moving on with my life - without YOU
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    People think im on roids

    Hey man im in the same boat, i been training for 10 years now. But i pride myself on being natural. Just take is a compliment cause you know whats funny :) we are comparable to people on juice! Just means you succeeded and done it the hard way. Most guys who comment on it, are just jealous...
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    This is stupid but need advice

    Ok, lets assume your not in the friendzone, this is what I would do. You need to RAISE your value in her eyes, so what your going to do is not contact her, let her contact you, no instant replies, then just say ah sorry missed your call was busy doing _____somethingawesomehere______ she will...
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    Starting something on facebook...?

    actually deleted, just noticed about the age thing. sounds bad bro dont go !
  12. D

    Is she branch swinging?

    Hey man, just reading through all the tips, i think the advice here is great. Gotta love SS :) Sounds like a **** test, just don't tolerate it, you just need to get the frame back. She's unsure of the relationship cause she feels above it all think about her position she has you who...
  13. D

    When she asks "Are you gay?"

    Its a good sign, i get it a lot and usually things end out in a better way. Hit her with a quirky response its got openings all over it! "What!? I'm 100% straight baby, but you would look so much hotter if i could throw a helmet and shoulderpads on you" EDIT: and most of the times when they...
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    Caught girlfriend out with another male, 2 yr relationship is over.

    absolutely awesome! You deserve better than that! Think of it as a new life! Time to start ROCKING IT OUT , find new interests, better yourself and get a girl who actually deserves you. It's a good time of opportunity! Good job man. :rock: And also like others have said, you have a...
  15. D

    Is she branch swinging?

    Hey man just gave it a quick read and got two red flags off that... bolded them for you. 1. She wont shut up about him (people talk about what/who they are interested in, she has interest in him) 2. Before you could say a thing, she said she wasn't cheating or anything (You didnt ask??) 3. She...
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    she asked for a break for a few days i accepted then text her later to end things.

    Bro, after reading the rest of this thread , advice and your responses. You need to just STOP thinking about chicks all together, you need to man up, get some confidence. Join something manly (gym, martial arts, sports) get some interests, get busy! Become a tough prick (I dont mean go and...
  17. D

    dinner and a movie my room? help!!!!

    Hey bro sounds good, you got her to your place. Main thing is to be cool, and like warrior said lead lead lead. Act like shes your mate, i bet your fine just diong whatever YOU want when they are around. If you act all awkward like you need to impress, if your actions look forced then youll...
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    she asked for a break for a few days i accepted then text her later to end things.

    WOW this girl is retarded, man you done the RIGHT thing what the hell are you questioning yourself for anyway! Aren't you a DJ-to be. then better game up! NEXT that like you have :up: Chase some other tail, laugh at her loss. She lost YOU the prize. I think you got major oneitis bro Game...