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  1. D

    Powerpoints - Don't lose your energy - General Life Advice

    Hi All, Whilst I'm new to this forum, I have personally and always have been a big believer in improving ones self. I believe if you improve your lifestyle, everything else falls into place. I don't know if people have heard of this theory, but it's one I use and it's a great analogy on how...
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    What about getting revenge on the girl?

    Dont do revenge, itll just bite you in the arse. I have a best mate ( who i now question our friendship ) because he goes PSYCHO basically at trying to get revenge and making their life miserable. Sending hate emails, sms and stirring lies into heads. It pisses me off and its so immature...
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    Good body language

    I entirely agree that bodylanguage cannot be forced, its very hard. Also The further the bodypart is from your brain, the worst it is at bodylanguage IE Feet/legs/hips Most people can get the top half right, btu the feet point to exits/cross/have bodylangague/leaning on walls etc...
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    I Hate Looking At Myself In The Mirror

    if you want my opinion, its just your hairstyle, Study hairstyles to suit your face shape. I reckon you can match your 5'oclock shadow to a short-sides mini faux hawk hairstyle which will show off your jawbone and still keep yoru face from looking too "wide" On another note. a...
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    Do The Eyes Tell It All?

    Exactly Should be about vibing with each other. How the HELL are you going to build rapport if you just talk like a machine-gun lol. Your words should be interesting, have meaning and have the ability if you choose to, smoothly lead and change the conversation = alpha.
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    Good body language

    If your talking how YOUR body language should be.. bascailly confident controlled - think james bond. Minimal People who are nervous move heaps and fast. Eye contact Chin up Good posture, no hunching!!! Relaxed Leaning back a bit = look more confident feet a bit more than shoudler...
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    Extremely confused with this woman!

    Yeah bro, sory but thats the harsh truth from the guys above. You blew it when you did nothing for 5 hours. Think about it Just say YOU invited a girl over to YOUR house to watch movies She sits on the OPPOSITE side of the couch and doesnt talk and watch the movies THats the...
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    Cutie who wanted me, kissed her, texts next day sayin it was a mistake! lol‏

    Next. Shes dumb. Move on. Do NC. Thats how i feel mate!
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    First Approach, Got Blown Out, Hummiliated and Hurt

    Wow pickupmilitia!! you foudnt he perfect clip to the analogy I was trying to get at hahahaha!!!! :rockon: :rockon: :rockon: :rockon: :rockon: :rockon: :rockon: :rockon:
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    what do YOU say when a girl asks you, "How many women have you been with?"

    Her: How many woman have you slept with Me: 3.14159265.. mmm I just can't get enough Pi ;)
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    "I need space" But GF wants to see me for the weekend?

    Wow slick, I read what happened. I felt really bad for you! But you know what IM FUKN HAPPY FOR YOU you just got rid of the most DISRESPECTFUL HORISH B.IT.CH I EVER heard of holy crap!!! She doesn't even deserve you, your words, your time, your thoughts! I'll share you some...
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    need advice on what to say.. not what to do

    Well no contact means exactly that... but i guess if you HAD to reply or CHOSE to you could reply with closed , polite answers. "Whats up" = Not much just been really busy with life! Are you mad" = No im not the hulk. Helloo = Hello I dunno? Usually with NC you just stop talking to them, if...
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    Ever been called on gaming?

    No one will call it , unless your faking it, and using pre-made lines and routines. Bring the game INTO your personality and itll be yours, too unique to be called on. It will be you
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    First Approach, Got Blown Out, Hummiliated and Hurt

    I just want to add, it'll be tough for now. I like to relate it to a Fighter! Think of it as "Conditioning" Toughening up! Example a Muay Thai warrior He is just starting out, his knuckles are soft, his shins are weak. He kicks a bag lightly and his legs hurt, but he knows if he keeps...
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    First Approach, Got Blown Out, Hummiliated and Hurt

    I reckon the best cure is to go out there and try again man! You seem to get it, you know you shouldn't care, but you do. But if you dont ever try again, then thats the worst! I recommend changing your perspective. Its hard, but you need to do it! Next time you go approach, you need...
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    First Approach, Got Blown Out, Hummiliated and Hurt

    Hey man, Don't take it to heart! You just need to change your perspective. Remember the outcome shouldn't effect you. Try another girl, doing nothing is losing!!! You can blame yourself, but screw that, BLAME HER hahaha. who knows, maybe she just broke up with someone, maybe shes a retard...
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    "I need space" But GF wants to see me for the weekend?

    Ok Slick! Keep us posted mate! Sounds like your doing good (least your out of the AFC mindset)
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    Pretty boy-no sex appeal

    Hey Man, I read your post, and if someone has given you this advice, I apologize in advance. Its clear that it's not your looks that are the problem, it's _you_ problem is _you_ percieve yourself as a nice guy, husband, pretty boy etc. Well lets perform a paradigm shift "Your now a bad ass...
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    Should you cancel a 3rd date or every 2-3 dates?

    Hey man I think your reading too much into this. Remember your the man, you run your life You chose whether or not YOU want the date, and your strong enough to not care on the outcome, your just there for the journey. What im trying to say is. If you want to date her, do it, if your...
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    SHUT THE F*CK UP... obey your d*ck

    Hahahaha this post cracked me up! Legendary post