This is stupid but need advice


Senior Don Juan
Oct 20, 2007
Reaction score
Okay long story short, I am in school kind of not looking for any girls (trying to finish school) but there is this one girl i like and I have known her for a while - we wont on two dates but nothing ever happened. Anyways, I ran into her at a concert and talked to her. Sent her a text message good seeing you tonight, she replies with some bogus story on facebook. I respond back and she doesn't reply. Then a month later HER friend invites me to this girls bday. I don't end up going nor did I wish her a happy bday (she came to my bday before that). Now a week later or so she messages me asking how I am doing. Well the logical response was to reply back and ask a question how shes doing which I did. Two more replies back and forth she replies to my message by just answering the question (which was what you been up to)? She doesn't reply with anything to keep the conversation going.

This is where I am confused, should I continue messaging her and keep the conversation going or should I just not respond with anything?


Master Don Juan
May 28, 2007
Reaction score
Well, talking to her is not going to change her mind. Your ship to the friendzone has already sailed.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 20, 2007
Reaction score
Let's say I am not in the friendzone, what would you be doing?


Don Juan
Nov 25, 2009
Reaction score
Ok, lets assume your not in the friendzone, this is what I would do.
You need to RAISE your value in her eyes,
so what your going to do is not contact her, let her contact you, no instant replies, then just say ah sorry missed your call was busy doing _____somethingawesomehere______
she will probably prob you regarding it, just keep your answer short and say you have to go and TTYL.

If you CAN , say her friend is having a party and you know shes going, what you'll do is raise your value by talking to everyone at the party, but put hardly any on her, try get some girls around you, just be fun and they will be around you :) but dont give any to her, she will want your attention and will try talk to you, give her about 3 minutes of convo and say hey i gotta get going, and do whatever you were doing, cause you need to talk to more people.
Then you can smokebomb/phantom, maybe she will try talk to you again, just be natural and i dunno pretend u got a sms.
Now you got heaps of value, shes wondering wtf your up to.

Now you got something to work with !

Getting into a social area like a club where you know shes at, is probably the best way to gain value. Have fun IN FRONT of her with others, but dont be interested in her. Thats my best advice.

Then you can get flirty, kino, etc push pull her and soon youll have a girl chasing you. if you can do it right.

You should just spin plates for a bit and her interest should raise if there is 'anything" there. put short.