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  1. F

    online dating sites are nothing more...

    Online dating is for losers to a large degree, hey maybe I'm wrong, but for a guy, there are very few girls who aren't in the "pump n dump" category online on most dating sites. Also, I think women believe they are a "failure" in some respects if they have to resort to trolling online for a guy...
  2. F

    online dating sites are nothing more...

    BB that is true, if you look at the profiles a lot of them say its hard to find a christian guy....blah blah blah.....well yea it is hard to find a christian guy who makes ur vag tingle...
  3. F

    online dating sites are nothing more...

    Although I don't agree with any statement that is "absolute" in nature, statistically BB is correct. You got to think, if you find a chick that is good looking, why is she on this site, what is "wrong with her".... - is she an attention *****? -Looking for some side action -Single Mom -BPD I...
  4. F

    Article: Why women cheat

    Whether you are religious or not, it's a good idea to look at the Bible to see how to deal with these women. Eve fvked the whole world over, cause she was a rebelios little cvnt. And Adam, AFC that he was followed his woman's lead. In Psalms/Proverbs, it warns young men against slvts trying...
  5. F

    Top ten jobs without a degree add any if you want

    1. Pastors- Most pastors don't head large churches, so they don't make a crazy amount of money. If you consider, they are basically on call 24/7, have to counsel people....etc. 2. Sales. Sales is the #1 way to make money in this world. I'm not talking about selling for other people either. 3...
  6. F

    Is legit? Apparently, this is a site where guys with means can hook up with hot girls, either as fb/fwb/gf/mistress/whatever, in exchange for providing for them. Sure, depending on your predisposition, they are escorts or just Honestly, I make...
  7. F

    Do we as Men expect too much?

    I think we can agree that for many (the majority) of men, they're life's mission is to find one woman they can settle down with and have a family. After all, it's all a part of the "American Dream". You know, if we lived in a different culture or time---it would work, but as long as we live...
  8. F

    I strongely believe that all countries should legalize prostitution

    I believe prostitution and most drugs should be legal. Our country wastes so many resources with it's bs drug war and jailing working girls and johns. What a load of crap. Oh by the way, what is a strip club? It's legalized prostitution! My first trip to a strip club resulted in a $20...
  9. F

    Trapped miner in Chile is a DJ

    True, but having two women fighting over you does!
  10. F

    Adult Kids Want $120,000,000 In Back Child Support

    He should of hired a hitman, it's cheaper.
  11. F

    Larry Fishburne's Daughter Talks About Doing Porn

    This is the kind of **** that makes guys leery of having kids (especially daughters). I'd much rather have a cad for a son, than a slut for a daughter...and I think most if not all men would agree. Imagine one day your daughter is a stripper, escort, actress and you have to basically...
  12. F

    2 estrogen filled mouthboxes vs. 1 power suit. hilarity ensues.

    I love the part where one or both of the women brought up how boys like they're toys, or something like that. Most of the crap guys buy is just to impress women so we can bed them. Women buy they're crap because they are materialistic.
  13. F

    nice quality American girl

    I watch a fair amount of porn, but this trick just disgusts me.
  14. F

    All Hell breaks loose in the backbreaker household

    Those of us who are bringing up the domestic abuse issue aren't missing the boat. I'd be more concerned about my fiance thinking she can bust my lip and that's an acceptable behavior because she is an emotional creature devoid of the capability of rational thought vs her stalking. They both are...
  15. F

    All Hell breaks loose in the backbreaker household

    Backbreaker, I'm not saying this to be a jerk, however I doubt you would be anything to worry about f2f irl if you let your woman slap u around. Let's get real.
  16. F

    All Hell breaks loose in the backbreaker household

    I respect your opinion Captain. BTW there is a difference between semen and sperm. I still ejaculate, look it up. I just won't want any surprise kids, no mistakes as it were. And if were are being real, women can not be trusted with the pill, and guys aren't always going to be vigilant with...
  17. F

    All Hell breaks loose in the backbreaker household

    I bet that turned her on.
  18. F

    All Hell breaks loose in the backbreaker household Even if a reverse vasectomy was not successful, I would be fine with adopting. Plenty of babies out there up for adoption. And guys this is not an excuse to be having sex without a condom. You can still catch all kinds of diseases.
  19. F

    All Hell breaks loose in the backbreaker household

    That's why I got a vasectomy, they're cheap no reason every guy shouldn't get one unless they are actively trying to have a child. shes older than bb too, so you got the mother/son dynamic going on as well.
  20. F

    Do any of you plan on ever getting married?

    I will cohabitate with a woman, and am open to making a lifetime commitment to one if I feel it's a prudent course of action, but I will not "get married" As in a legal marriage license, engagement rings, wedding , honeymoon...all that garbage. If our culture was different, and woman for the...