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  1. F

    All Hell breaks loose in the backbreaker household

    I live in the real world too. And had a similar situation happen. My girl thought I was stepping out on her and she slapped me, I slapped her right back. I dropped her a few weeks later, but I can guarantee you she saw me in a different light going forward, I wasn't a pvssy who was going to take...
  2. F

    All Hell breaks loose in the backbreaker household

    I didn't say he needs to turn into an abuser. But making excuses for his lady, is just AFCish. You don't have to punch her in the jaw/knock some teeth out, but a strong slap is in order. Thanks to feminism, everyone is equal...if a woman can hit me I can hit her right back. Chivalry is...
  3. F

    All Hell breaks loose in the backbreaker household

    u don't think it's a huge red flag, that she had no problem hitting you like a B$#@^? Now she knows she can get away with slapping u around, what's next? I'm not asking to be a prick, we're all brothers here, but if a friend IRL told u the same story u just came out with, what would be ur...
  4. F

    All Hell breaks loose in the backbreaker household

    dude u let your woman hit you like you were a streetwalker and she was your pimp. If you havent lost your frame yet, your on your way out bro. I'm not an advocate of beating on women, but I feel if she wants to hit like a man, she needs to be treated like a man. You should of slapped her back...
  5. F

    False rape charges are nothing new - traces back to antiquity

    Moral of the story? Women are *****s. They can not be trusted, and do not listen to them. Look what happened to Adam and mankind because of listening to that trick Eve. Poitphar's wife was a heffer, who wanted what she couldn't have, so she tried to destroy young joseph. King Solomon pimp...
  6. F

    Marriage Counsler killed by her ex convict husband.

    What stood out to me is she would bring this kind of man around her 4 yr old son. I guess I really shouldn't be all that surprised.
  7. F

    Tiger to pay $750M in divorce!

    I have always found it interesting that celebrities who are very rich, are not very "Alpha" at all. Do any of you think that any of the super wealthy on Forbes richest americans would allow a woman to take 1/2 of their net worth?
  8. F

    anyone here in medical sales

    In almost any sales field you have an opportunity to legitimately earn six figures. Of course, unless it's telemarketing or most jobs you find on Craigslist or in the newspaper. Never get into a particular sales field because you see others making mad money. I'm not one of those guys who...
  9. F

    This **** is why I love this place.

    I love these posts, they are GREAT! Then she told me that she ended up walking back home with the dude she was working with and that he is sleeping downstairs. WTF? couple of issues here POPPED right @ me: 1.The bf defintely is a wussie. She knows he won't do anything in response. Women need...
  10. F

    The $450,000 engagement ring

    So that's about 1% of his net worth. Still $450k for an engagement ring, when the wedding might not even happen. I really hate how these celebs and the wedding/engagement industry just messes up these women's expectations. 20k for a wedding is the avg. A couple could buy a new car...
  11. F

    What do you tell a 20 year old who is contemplating abortion?

    Can't she just carry the child to term and give it up for adoption?
  12. F

    The $450,000 engagement ring

    You really think he will get away with a 150k wedding, when he got her a 450k engagement ring? Try a million plus wedding..
  13. F

    THE Solution to the Modern Day Divorce Era!!!

    That wasn't my statement, I thought I was quoting Espi.
  14. F

    THE Solution to the Modern Day Divorce Era!!!

    I respectfully disagree. Morals or lack thereof means nothing compared to the biological nature of want to fvuck as many women as possible...he has the urge to moral will prevent him from trying to follow his prime directive. I take it you have never been to a church?
  15. F

    THE Solution to the Modern Day Divorce Era!!!

    Your idea would only work if both parties agreed to it, which they you know they will not. Romantic Love is possessive( and that's not a bad thing), and I don't see anyone being ok with their spouse effing someone else on the side, unless they aren't into their spouse anymore. And just...
  16. F

    THE Solution to the Modern Day Divorce Era!!!

    I understand what you have written. In my opinion it will never work. And you aren't being committed 100%, maybe 50%. Expecting women to have sex devoid of emotion is a pipe dream. The same goes for men too! For all the talk about men "pumping and dumping" & "emotionless sex", some men get...
  17. F

    THE Solution to the Modern Day Divorce Era!!!

    Congratulations! In an age where "instant gratification" and "Do what makes you happy" is rewarded above all, you deserve a pat on the back. You should have your wife read this thread, she doesn't know how lucky she is.
  18. F

    THE Solution to the Modern Day Divorce Era!!!

    Thanks for projecting your feelings about yourself onto me! LOL If you are just going to cheat, or if you believe it's impossible not to cheat--why get married at all? MOST women do not feel the same way as you, so you will eventually lose. I take my commitments seriously. If I go...
  19. F

    THE Solution to the Modern Day Divorce Era!!!

    What is your definition of "alot of dating experience"?
  20. F

    love shack reading

    Yes that forum is hilarious! Look at this gem : Should the OW/OM attend the children's sporting events...even inconspicuously? What a psycho!