online dating sites are nothing more...


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
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monrovia, CA
than another way for a woman to deny reality, that they are not wanted.

WE know enough about woman, about dating in general to know that an attractive woman, who is good looking, who isn't bat**** crazy, or have very low self esteem issues, is going to get hit on an avg amount of times during a normal day/week/month whatever. WE can go into the "oh it's the pretty ones that don't no one asks out" jumbo but even still, guys see attractive women and want to get with them and try to do so.

That goes for all the niche sites as well. My mother is a hardcore chrsitan. Yet she has never been to any Christan nicched dating site (like the banner i'm looking at right now while typing this) becusae men at her church, try to get at her and she hasn't had to. And if she broke up with her BF tomorrow, i'm quite sure sh would have no shortage of men at her church, trying to hit on her /date her.

At it's very core, dating sites, are there for people who can't, or won't, find another person to date to get together. It's someone who is afraid to approach a woman, dating a woman who has such low self esteem issues that she will treat the guy that she meets like a king, both ignoring the fact that they are the equivalent to outsiders in the real world big boy dating scene.

My wife and i have this friend. I would not even call her a friend. she is ust a woman that was a friend of my wife's friends and came over one day to a BBQ we had and decided dammit she is now my wife's friend so she comes over all the time. Anyway, she's ****ing huge lol. About what..5'10ish, if i had to eyeball it, probalby 280-300 pounds. 37 years old, and has ran through, per my wife, 4 BF's this year.. yes apparently there are guys out there that will still date you if you are a fat ****. all of them were "losers" per her standards. the last guy basically used her as a free roof and went out and was ****ing his ex like every onther night from what i heard. she cried and everything to get him to stop but he won't so she left.

so now she is single again and got the idea to go on lol. Yes, because the problem, is that every guy in the metropolitan LA area, is a loser, and you have to go online to find a "real man" that will treat you right, even when you don't go about treating yourself right.

So in short, im the last 20 years or so, people havre gone from sayhing "wow, no one is really paying me any attention, I need to see what i'm doing wrong to make myself more attractive so guys will approach me" to "wow, no one is really paying atention to me, these guys suck, i will go online and find a real man that can appricate me for what i am" and guys saying basically "i get to talk to these women, without the hassle of actually talking to women"

basically IMHO you are dealing with societies rejects


Master Don Juan
Feb 28, 2011
Reaction score
good post.

The issue is complicated. I don't use the internet for dating but many colleagues of mine do. In many cases yes, the internet is for socially inept folks who can't quite hack it in the real world..but as far as the men there is the sub-set of those who are just too busy. A friend of mine, six-one, tennis player, handsome, started a bio-tech company, pulls at least 800 grand a year but HAS NO TIME TO DO SH!T. He uses the internet to date and wonders why there are so many fatties. Dude has game, but he has no time to try it out..I tell him he should make time, use a high class personal dating site (30K to join), or hire a high class hooker.

He is by no means a societal reject, he is legitimately busy...this situation is what awaits the man who is 'building his empire'..once the empire is built you have to find the hot tail to fill it up.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
Dude has game, but he has no time to try it out
it's like going to the gym. there is always time.

when i was starting my first company and made a concious effort to talk to women, i was talking to women in lines at fedex lol and at the place i got my dry cleaning done, or at the restaurant i picked my dinner up at 9:30 at night at.

I did myt "get to 100 rejections" list in about a month while working 6 days a week, 12-14 hours a day. maybe a hand full of them were "when i was out"

also, he doesn't have time to "game women" yet he has time to spend with the women he doesn't have time to game, doesn't add up. if you can make time to go on dates with women you can make time to game women

he's using his success as a crux to not go out and there and talk to women.


Master Don Juan
Feb 28, 2011
Reaction score
I agree with your sentiments BB, I think its more that my friend doesn't like to 'game'. He likes to fvck but not to game...In college he had girls all over him, now he's at the office 18 hours a day. I tell him the two go hand in hand, at least until the amsterdam prostitution system comes along.

Another thing is pickiness, I tell him if time is lacking game anyone. Keep the skills up. He thought online would allow for better selection..haha. NO. He learned that the hard way.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 25, 2007
Reaction score
my guess is they go on there for validation / attention. They will also date a few guys they think are ok. Get free meals and coffee etc.


Master Don Juan
Feb 24, 2010
Reaction score
thats a HUGE part of it. Some are there only for the validation.


Don Juan
Jan 18, 2010
Reaction score
Although I don't agree with any statement that is "absolute" in nature, statistically BB is correct.

You got to think, if you find a chick that is good looking, why is she on this site, what is "wrong with her"....
- is she an attention *****?
-Looking for some side action
-Single Mom

I remember joining one of the christian dating sites, starting chatting up a HB7 Latina , would of been a HB8 if she dropped about 20 lbs. Divorced girl, said her husband cheated on her, who knows. Anyway, took about a week, and she was sending me nude pics, phone sex, and vids of herself in the shower, finger banging herself. Ok her problem, she was a bit of a hoe and was prob on the site looking for a good christian guy to wash away her sluttish guilt.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
I think an accurate assessment would be to say that women (and men) go online to find people because they both have perception problems, meaning, they aren't getting the quality of mate that they think they should be getting in real life.

my wifes overweight friend, think she should be dating someone who won't pay any attention to her, and the only guys that will are guys who are basically out of other options for various reasons. she thinks going online will fix her problems.


Don Juan
Jan 18, 2010
Reaction score
BB that is true, if you look at the profiles a lot of them say its hard to find a christian guy....blah blah blah.....well yea it is hard to find a christian guy who makes ur vag tingle...


Don Juan
Jan 18, 2010
Reaction score
Espi said:
Does this same logic hold true for women in bars?
Online dating is for losers to a large degree, hey maybe I'm wrong, but for a guy, there are very few girls who aren't in the "pump n dump" category online on most dating sites. Also, I think women believe they are a "failure" in some respects if they have to resort to trolling online for a guy.

Now a bar is the modern social scene, it's where you go to meet the opposite sex, so I don't think all girls in a bar are tricks.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
Online dating is for losers to a large degree, hey maybe I'm wrong, but for a guy, there are very few girls who aren't in the "pump n dump" category online on most dating sites. Also, I think women believe they are a "failure" in some respects if they have to resort to trolling online for a guy.

Now a bar is the modern social scene, it's where you go to meet the opposite sex, so I don't think all girls in a bar are tricks.
funny enough I think it's the exact opposite.

Online dating sites exist, so that women like my wifes overweight friend, do NOT have to admit to themselves that they are the reason they cannot get a date."obiously the men around here just don't kn ow how to treat real woman"

It's funny, a trend i noticed. i notice / pick up on alot of things/behaviors as i get older. she spends like, all her free time on the phone, trying t o paint pictures of how she is always the "good one" or how she is always getting used by "bad men" she has created this idea in her head that everyone is wrong but her. In that case, the online dating site, is just a way to prolong the lies she is telling herself.


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2011
Reaction score
Online dating is just another way to find more people. You increase your dating pool a lot and find all kinds of people on it. You cannot generalize a population as diverse as the one on dating sites.

Sure you may find more of a certain type of man or woman on one particular site than another, but each site has a variety of different kinds of folks.


Don Juan
Jan 18, 2010
Reaction score
backbreaker said:
funny enough I think it's the exact opposite.

Online dating sites exist, so that women like my wifes overweight friend, do NOT have to admit to themselves that they are the reason they cannot get a date."obiously the men around here just don't kn ow how to treat real woman"

It's funny, a trend i noticed. i notice / pick up on alot of things/behaviors as i get older. she spends like, all her free time on the phone, trying t o paint pictures of how she is always the "good one" or how she is always getting used by "bad men" she has created this idea in her head that everyone is wrong but her. In that case, the online dating site, is just a way to prolong the lies she is telling herself.

Sorry I should of qualified my statement by saying most HB 7-10 would feel like a failure....not war pigs


Master Don Juan
Jun 11, 2008
Reaction score
South Dakota
met ONE decent girl online,she was desperate for marriage,was long distance, and it was 6 months after my divorce...I wasn't CLOSE to ready for a relationship. Christian mingle? a JOKE,had women with 6 month old kids[she didn't marry baby daddy,cause he was a drunk(not sure when she turned Christian...last month?)],a Moslem[wtf?}, and other women who were equally unsuitable. But the biggest problem is not many want to live in South Dakota.
SO, even if they are "all that",won't work well for me


Master Don Juan
Oct 8, 2008
Reaction score
I'm guessing this is the Cool Kids thread and me and the other 33% of the other tools in the world who ADMIT to meeting their dates online aren't invited. ADMIT is the key word in there.

Finally, where are you guys complaining about this? Online.


Master Don Juan
May 27, 2007
Reaction score
In 1999 I was 18. Yahoo personals was free. I had only had sex twice at that point. She was 38; ran her "game" on me about being seperated and not having it in a while and wanting to feel that "young guy" stamina again... She got the room... I just showed up.... She wasn't unattractive, but i could tell she had been used a lot... And i used her 3 times, then didn't want to be around her anymore; faked a sickness and never heard from her again.

Then there was the AOL profile searching.... Just get on AOL and search for random women in your area - and they come up (there was no privacy then; everyones info was out in the open). Just start chatting them up. Exchange pics and you're off.... I scored a couple of women this way as well.

Over the last 12 years or so - I'd estimate I've meant close to 100 women online. Yahoo Personals, AOL, Yahoo chat rooms, Myspace, Match, Craigslist, OkCupid, Ashley Madison, POF, Facebook, and some other random sites here and there.

I'm not here to psycho analyze why i use it so often - but i just want to share some of my experience.

1) I've slept with about 30% of the women i've meant from online on the first night, some within the first 30 minutes; some within the first 5 seconds.

2) Of the 100 or so i've meant - over half of them I never slept with! Either because they were warpigs or because they weren't that into who i was. That leaves only a small percentage of women who I didn't bang on the first date or didn't bang at all.

3) A common type of woman i run into are; in order: 1) single mothers. 2) workaholics (2-3 jobs, sometimes school on top of that). 3) nurses. 4) Ugly girls who could take decent pics. 5) Fatties who could hide the fat rolls in their pics. 6) Cheating Women. 7) "Seperated" women. 8) Crazy @ss b!tches.

4) There's a large number of women who "claim" that they're online because their friends suggested or "made" them do it. The story normally is: "Can't find a good guy so friends suggested... blahzay blah... just seeing what's out there." Problem is - the guys who can get women online normally aren't good guys either (points at self). Or at least not "settle down with" guys.


Now... I want to talk a bit about bar/club pickups as well...

The NUMBERS AREN'T MUCH BETTER. My 1st night lays are probably ONLY SLIGHTLY lower, and of course i don't have to worry about many Babies momma's or women not appearing as they are (although makeup/alcohol/summer dresses/etc can make a woman look 1-3 points high than they normally do.) There's also a much faster rush that comes through me when im doing a good pickup. When you have that vibe going back and fourth and you know it's on! That's hard to duplicate through online dating.

But my main point is - bars (at least the ones around here) have about the same quality as online dating. You just have a smaller chance of being tricked into thinking a UG is a HB.


So, where are there a larger % of quality women? Social circles... Work... Day game spots... House parties... Events (concerts, festivals, block parties, etc.)

In fact - all my TRUE girlfriends have come from one of the above (most from work.)


Bars, clubs, online - - - only a small percentage are worth more than the price of the condoms.


Don Juan
Dec 6, 2007
Reaction score
FLGuy said:
I remember joining one of the christian dating sites, starting chatting up a HB7 Latina , would of been a HB8 if she dropped about 20 lbs. Divorced girl, said her husband cheated on her, who knows. Anyway, took about a week, and she was sending me nude pics, phone sex, and vids of herself in the shower, finger banging herself. Ok her problem, she was a bit of a hoe and was prob on the site looking for a good christian guy to wash away her sluttish guilt.
your saying this like its a bad thing


Don Juan
Jan 18, 2010
Reaction score
Espi said:
I'll bet that a lot of those same women who hang out in bars also log on to dating sites.
one of my points is that by the time you filter for acceptable height and weight ethnicity ( most black girls are not attractive to me), and geography you are left with a limited amount prospects. While it may work for others to find hookups online I rather take that same time and energy and meet girls face-to-face because I think at the end of the day it's a lot more efficient.

Espi said:
So you're saying that if you meet woman in a bar whom you consider attractive, independent, etc., that there's no way you would date her if she had ever used an online dating site to meet men?
no that's not what I'm saying