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    Really good 1st date: When should I call her to hang out again?

    Hey jbbrain and everyone else: Yeah, I had to break it off with the last girl I was seeing. It got to the point where I just couldn't trust her or put up with her hanging around so many guys. She had some guy "friend" come and stay at her dorm from out of town--she said that they were not...
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    Really good 1st date: When should I call her to hang out again?

    I realize this is a common question, but I need an exact answer on what you guys think would be the best thing to do so I don't screw this situation up. I went on a date with a girl this past tuesday (three days ago) and I want to see her again. Our first date went well: we we're really...
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    I need to make my girlfriend c**, or we’re going to break up! Need help with control

    Hey BP1974-- The problem with "warming My girlfriend up" is the fact that she just likes to start f****** right away, sort of like a super horny guy. She hates foreplay and oral sex and just likes to get to the rough, hard sex. This may sound really cool, but not when you have a problem with...
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    I need to make my girlfriend c**, or we’re going to break up! Need help with control

    I have a very serious problem on my hands. I’ve been with this girl in a relationship for nearly a month, we’ve been dating for almost five months, and I really like her. Until about a week ago everything was going really well and we were both very happy. Then, suddenly, she started getting...
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    Keeping girls on the "backburner" when having a girlfriend

    Hey everyone-- I've been in a "commited relationship" with a girl for over a week now and have been dating this same girl for over three months. She is cool, I like her a lot, and she seems to really like me. HOWEVER, I'm still not sure how much I can trust this girl. (She has a lot of guy...
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    How to know if you can really trust your girl

    Thanks everyone for all the advice so far. However, I think I might have made the wrong impression about the whole situation when I wrote this post. First off, I'm 24 and my girlfriend is 18. I think a few of you brought this up or wanted to know my age. Secondly, a lot of you have brought...
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    How to know if you can really trust your girl

    Thanks Clooney. It sounds like you have experience. Does anyone have anything else to add about signs of "things to come"--body language, things a girl might say etc., in relation to the trust issue. Also , this girl is 18. I'm not sure if that means anything, but just throwing it out there.
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    How to know if you can really trust your girl

    I just recently got into a relationship with a girl. She's cool and I really like her. One thing, however, that has been difficult to deal with, is the fact that this girl has A LOT of guy-friends. I mean, A LOT. And she hangs out with them all the time. She claims that these guys are only her...
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    Knock It Off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    EVERYONE ON THIS BOARD: Don't pay attention to OR repy to a post like this!! I've been a member here for years and every once in a while someone will come across this site and post something similar to this trash, but who gives a s***? It's funny--people will come here and make fun of the...
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    Staying with a girl when there are no better options at the moment?

    Help me out guys! I realize that for most of you these words are just some random letters on a computer screen, but your imput really does affect my life in a big way. I trust the opinions on this board and I would really like to hear your opinions. Thanks!
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    Staying with a girl when there are no better options at the moment?

    Have you guys ever kept hanging out with a girl, (even though you pretty much know she is not right for you, is a flake, or does annoying things) when you have NO better options at the moment? I'm kind of in this situation right now. My goal is to start hanging out with/meeting other girls, but...
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    Girl ALWAYS talking on her cell phone while we are out together

    Do you guys think that this type of phone behavior (which I described in my original post) is enough reason to NEXT a girl? I've been really thinking about this over the past few days and I haven't contacted this girl for a while now beacuse I've been displeased with this bull****.
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    Girl ALWAYS talking on her cell phone while we are out together

    The really annoying thing is (and what I tried to hint at in my orignial post) is that this girl (and probably a lot of girls out there) have NO IDEA how rude and annoying this bull**** is! They think it's perfectly acceptable to just pick up their cell phone, anytime, anywhere, and start...
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    Girl ALWAYS talking on her cell phone while we are out together

    I kind of let it slide to. I just walked away from her and talked to this guy I knew at the bowling alley and let her sit there by herself until she was done. I thought about confonting her about how annoying it is, but I don't want to come off as a complainer or someone who always needs...
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    Girl ALWAYS talking on her cell phone while we are out together

    I've been hanging out with this girl lately. A few nights ago we went drunken bowling and were having a good time. THEN, the cell phone calls started rolling in. I think two guys called her and she talked to them on her phone WHILE she was bowling for like 5-10 minutes, and then she answered a...
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    "girl-friends" as social proof--Good or bad?

    No one has ANYTHING to say about this?
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    "girl-friends" as social proof--Good or bad?

    I was just reading an article that was talking about how it is important to surround yourself with women (preferably hot women) who are just your friends and who you don't want to have sex with. The article talked about how use can use these women as social proof when out in public and how it...
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    I realize I MADE MISTAKES, but she still flaked--let her go or give one last shot?

    Hey Monkey-- I DON'T WANT THIS GIRL FOR A LTR. I hang out with this girl purely for fun (and for sex that has a good chance of occuring). I KNOW that she is not relationship material. If you (or anyone else on this board) had this same type of mentality about a girl and she still done the stuff...
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    I realize I MADE MISTAKES, but she still flaked--let her go or give one last shot?

    Thanks Dekka for your reply-- Everyone else, HELP ME OUT HERE. Even a simple "drop her" or "Give it another shot" response would be helpful.
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    I realize I MADE MISTAKES, but she still flaked--let her go or give one last shot?

    Sometimes I think I rely on WAY to much for help with my women situations. Actually, I KNOW I rely on it way to much. Over the past couple of weeks I have written a number of posts about a particular girl and have been really overanalyzing my situation with her. I PROMISE everyone on...