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    How to deal with ULTIMATE temptation...

    I used to post on sosuave all the time a little over 6 years ago. I’ve come a long way with women, and have learned a lot over the years. The following is my current situation. I work at a bank and for the past few years this hot, beautiful girl started regularly coming into the bank and I have...
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    I’m ready to share my wisdom…and get you guys laid

    I hate clubs. You don't want girls from the clubs--they have diseases. Seriously though, the best way to deal with clubs is to go with ANOTHER girl and make sure she is attractive. If you have absolutely no girl to go with you, maybe going to clubs should be low on your priority list. When you...
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    I’m ready to share my wisdom…and get you guys laid

    I wasn't trying to give any advice in the post. I'm not here to give that all important "Tip." I just want to answers questions and share my experience.
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    I’m ready to share my wisdom…and get you guys laid

    I’m ready to share my wisdom…and get you guys laid I haven’t posted on here for a while (most of you probably don’t even remember me). I’ve been a member for some time now (years) and I was reading posts on this website long before I even became a member. I have studied seduction, in a...
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    EMERGENCY BIRTHDAY GIFT! Need help please!

    She's a really good girl. She has got me very nice gifts on my birthday, Valentines day, and Christmas. (Also lots of sexual favors...). She deserves a good gift. SUGGESTIONS??
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    EMERGENCY BIRTHDAY GIFT--Need help please!!

    Hello, I haven't posted here for a while because I found a really great girl who I've been with for over a year now. The problem, is, her birthday is on Friday and I can't think of a gift idea! I'm completely stuck... I need to get her a cool, creative gift (on a budget). We were having...
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    EMERGENCY BIRTHDAY GIFT! Need help please!

    Hello, I haven't posted here for a while because I found a really great girl who I've been with for over a year now. The problem, is, her birthday is on Friday and I can't think of a gift idea! I'm completely stuck... I need to get her a cool, creative gift (on a budget). We were having...
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    PEOPLE TEASING YOU--How to deal with it?

    Hey everyone, I haven’t written a post for some time now. I’ve been in a relationship with a girl for over a year now and things are still very good. For those of you who don’t know me or remember any of my posts, I would just like to say that at one point I was as LOW as you could get in...
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    Threesomes And Your Girlfriend--need Advice

    Hey everyone, I have a DELICATE situation that I need help with. This might be more of a question for the true PIMPS out there, but I’m willing to listen to any good advice. I’ve been with my girlfriend Mellisa for almost a year now. She is super cool and really cute. When my current roommate...
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    Threesomes And Your Girlfriend--need Advice From The Pros

    Hey everyone, I have a DELICATE situation that I need help with. This might be more of a question for the true PIMPS out there, but I’m willing to listen to any good advice. I’ve been with my girlfriend Mellisa for almost a year now. She is super cool and really cute. When my current roommate...
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    How many of you can truly trust your women not screw around?

    It depends on the woman. Some women are VERY loyal. Some women are just sluts or can't be trusted, EVER--PERFECT future -x-wife material. I think you can usually tell right away if a woman can be trusted or not, based on her interactions with other people, especially other men. If she's...
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    How to effectively avoid “AFC BY ASSOCIATION”

    I have two questions: ONE: My friend is a total AFC. COMPLETELY. Just believe me on this one. I’ve been studying seduction for years and this is a very accurate definition of my friend John. Have you guys noticed how it is nearly impossible to talk sense to a guy who has no clue about this...
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    Disrespect And Women

    This is why I'm posting--to figure out what action I should take now. What should I write back or say to her?
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    Disrespect And Women

    I’m having trouble deciding how to handle this situation. Please help me out. There is this girl I work with–I’ll call her “SARA.” I first started talking to her about 9 months ago. We eat lunch together all the time and used to workout together on a regular basis. I’ve never really pursued...
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    I can't seem to get over this ONE, PARTICULAR REJECTION

    I had a really bad rejection about a month ago. I wrote about it a while back here at sosuave. In summary, this is what happened: I went to see this girl I met on the internet for a second time. She seemed somewhat into me the first time we hung out and had even said I could call her anytime...
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    I WANT REVENGE! Please contribute ideas

    Thanks everyone for your help. You have really woken me up to how stupid I was acting. Its hard to believe that I have come so far in this game (I've had 3 "girlfriends" over the past 6 months, have a hot girl I'm seeing right now, and have been dating numerous other) BUT STILL do STUPID, AFC...
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    I WANT REVENGE! Please contribute ideas

    Hey WALKEN, I was JUST reading "48 laws of power" before I read your post. I haven't got to the "submitting" chapter yet... EVERYONE-- I'm NOT trying to enact elaborate revenge on this girl, I just want something good to e-mail this BIATCH!! PLEASE HELP.
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    I WANT REVENGE! Please contribute ideas

    I don't want to write to about how she "hurt my feelings," I just want to her to know that her actions were not acceptable and make her think about what she did.
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    I WANT REVENGE! Please contribute ideas

    I know everyone is going to say "don't waste your time on this girl" or "who cares, move on", or something to that effect, but I AM NOT going to simply ignore the disrespect I recently experienced with this one girl, no matter what you guys say, so PLEASE GIVE ME SOME ADVICE HERE. This past...
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    Am I BLOWING a good opportunity?? PLEASE HELP
