I WANT REVENGE! Please contribute ideas


Senior Don Juan
Sep 17, 2002
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I know everyone is going to say "don't waste your time on this girl" or "who cares, move on", or something to that effect, but I AM NOT going to simply ignore the disrespect I recently experienced with this one girl, no matter what you guys say, so PLEASE GIVE ME SOME ADVICE HERE.
This past Friday I went to see this girl I met on the internet for the second time. She seemed somewhat into me the first time we hung out and had even told me to call her anytime. She lives in a different city about an hour drive from where I live.
Anyway, we planned to meet at her place. When I got to her place she was hanging out with a guy and was drunk. I was immediately angry about this (but didn't ******dly show I was angry in any way) but decided to stay around because the girl's body language towards this guy screamed "friendship" so I decided to wait it out and hope he would eventually leave.
This girl mentioned to me, when I first got there, that she thought she had "scared me away" when we first hung out. I told her she was sort of a freak (in a joking way) but that she was being paranoid.
After about an hour of sitting around, watching this girl talk on the phone and to this guy friend (which was super annoying) and on top of this BARELY TALKING TO ME, we all leave to go downstairs to the street below her apartment to have a ciggarette. This girl starts acting all drunk and stupid and knocks over some road block signs in the middle of the street then goes back upstairs with the other guy.
I stay downstairs for about 15 minutes by myself and by this time I just want to leave and am COMPLETELY SICK of the situation. But I think it would be rude to just leave without saying some sort of goodbye.
WELL, I walk back upstairs to her apartment and the door is locked and she wont answer the door.
I call her phone, but she doesn't answer. I knock again, but no answer. WHAT THE HELL???
I get in my car and drive home, in disbelief that somone could treat me like this. (I would have been more upset, but I have a steady HOT girl I'm having sex with at the moment).
Anyway, I would feel like a complete AFC p**** if I just do nothing about this situation.
I want to write this girl a short, striking e-mail about her actions--something that lets her know that I did not appreciate her disrespect and that she's a F***** B****!!!
What can I write that will be powerful and convincing?


Don Juan
Aug 31, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by otr4

Anyway, I would feel like a complete AFC p**** if I just do nothing about this situation.

I want to write this girl a short, striking e-mail about her actions--
Isn't writing her a letter about how she hurt your feelings what an AFC would do? An email at that? I mean you're hurt but if you show the BEAST it hurt you, it knows it has the power to control your emotions and there for to control you. Next time you find a super hot dumb b!tch, take the 10 to the drunks work. "I didn't know you'd be here!" and act surpised.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 17, 2002
Reaction score
I don't want to write to about how she "hurt my feelings," I just want to her to know that her actions were not acceptable and make her think about what she did.


Don Juan
Aug 31, 2004
Reaction score
Don't email her. If you want to play the jilted lover you can key SLUT into he car but then what kinda tail are you going to get durring 90 days in prison?

Or better yet, I've been reading a book called The 48 Laws of Power. Submit to her. Do the AFC thing, be her friend, get close to her. Then crush her completely and without mercy. I really reccomend the book if your out for revenge.

Grey Fox

Master Don Juan
May 14, 2003
Reaction score
Your emotions are blinding you. Think about she did you a huge favor. She spared you months of hard judgement on your part to determine wheither or not she was worth it. Why do you want to be near such a person? Seriously, what can you possibly do or say that will make this loser any more worse of than she makes herself. Trust me she probably is a freak and probably scares most guys who have self respect about themselves away.

The time it takes to plan, gain her confidence, and carry out your "revenge." Is going to cost you valuable time, time you could have used to find a better woman and do something worth while. Also you're going to end up seething with anger and bitterness while you wait to carry out your "revenge." All those emotions are going to imprint on you and women in the future will see your unhappy, vengeful and bitter side, driving them away. If anything wasting your time on her is only going to hurt yourself in the end, and you know it and it makes you angry that you have to move on without getting the last word in.

-Grey Fox


Senior Don Juan
Sep 17, 2002
Reaction score
I was JUST reading "48 laws of power" before I read your post. I haven't got to the "submitting" chapter yet...
I'm NOT trying to enact elaborate revenge on this girl, I just want something good to e-mail this BIATCH!! PLEASE HELP.


Don Juan
Aug 31, 2004
Reaction score
Great book. I love philosophy and parables and this has so many real life applications. Get it to help your pimp game and to build your own strenths in dealing with the world.


Don Juan
Jul 16, 2004
Reaction score
"told me to call her anytime"

This is not a good sign. When chicks tell u (she is ordering u bro)
to call her .. You should not.

If she ask you if u are going to call her, however,
is a good sign.

"She lives in a different city about an hour drive from where I live"

Why cannot you find a woman somewhere closer to u?

"When I got to her place she was hanging out with a guy and was drunk"

Should not even get out of your car .. just drive away.

" I would feel like a complete AFC .."

Hmm .. You are one.. very big one.

You have violated all the rules being Alpha.

1. You drove to see her long dist.(cravin for approval)
2. You stuck around even after u saw her condition and surrounding.
3. You wanted to say good-bye?
4. You went back?

Guy, plz. You loose this time. There is nothing that will make her to upset or feel jelous over you. No matter what you do, she will
laugh at your silly tricks, well ... unless u burn her house down.. then she may get ticked. So, leave the B!atch alone and
spend your precious engergy on fresh target.


Master Don Juan
Jul 24, 2003
Reaction score
Yeah, something was wrong from the start. You did not explain how you got invited to her house, did she want you or did you insist...

I can imagine her telling this male friend "This AFC is coming to visit me, he won't take no for an answer, please be here when he comes, we will ignore him and hopefully he will leave, if he doesn't we will pretend to be drunk, get him downstairs, then run upstairs and lock him out until he leaves.."

Sorry to be so harsh but I can see this happening.

If you really had a date with her you should have left immediately when you saw her with the other guy... did she really want to go on the date with you with the other guy tagging along?

Something is wrong with the story... give us the true version please



Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2003
Reaction score
A universe...where heartbreak and sadness have bee
Originally posted by otr4
I know everyone is going to say "don't waste your time on this girl" or "who cares, move on", or something to that effect,
If you know what we're gonna say, then why even ask?

Dude, if you wanted to save face, you should've just walked when she brought another guy on your date. Just call her an ass and walk. Instead you sat around and consented to be IGNORED for 15 minutes while her drunk ass talked to some other dude, then she comes downstairs and trips over road signs and then goes back upstairs with another dude.

And you stand and WAIT.

You made yourself a glutton for disrespect in this one. Someone offered you a sh!t sandwich, you knew it was sh!t, it looked like sh!t, smelled like sh!t, but you wolfed it down ANYWAY. And now you want revenge. :p


Don Juan
Aug 25, 2004
Reaction score
A 9mm to a loved one will do the trick.

It's always more traumatic if you make them watch you do it.

But seriously. Get over it. And enjoy it if she begs you back.



Master Don Juan
Feb 29, 2004
Reaction score
Baltimore, MD
Revenge is for AFC's

A true man is able to walk away.

Revenge on the other hand shows that you are still thinking about her. You have oneitis.

Don't even worry about her and walk away. She disrespected you. Show her your disrespect by not being bothered by her.

i went through the revenge thoughts but that was stopped when senior and master DJ's told me that it is for pu$$ies to want revenge instead play the ultimate revenge card on them and live your own life.
Apr 3, 2003
Reaction score
You got punked out because : You got there and another fool was there. You the bigger fool stuck around even after you saw this tramp had company.

You missread the body language. And you didn't read the body language of the other fool either. You know he fawked her while you were begging at the door and desperately calling her. They probably laughed at your pathetic ass all night long.

You should of gotten a clue that your were punked out and used by her talking to the other fool and not you.

So here is your fool assed email:

Look bytch, one thing I do not tolerate is disrespect from any ho's. Do not pretend that you were so drunk and shyt. This is my last contact with you.

You mistakenly thought I was some sucka, and you almost got ya ass ho-slapped when I came back up.

But it's cool bytch. I went home and boned one of my girlfriends extra good and made her take it up the ass like I was going to do to you that night.

Well since I was trying to decide whom to take with me when I go to.......(insert a vacation spot)....you just helped me make up my mind.

Don't bother writing back, cause I will not answer.

Peace out and have a wonderful day.

Don't forget to attach a photos of you and other ho's.


Now back to you. Now if you truely want to waste even more of your precious time:

because I can understand your need for revenge. It's best served up right in their faces. Now I would go back to that city and get another freak in the same town. Show up at places your bytchy freak goes to with the other one all over you.

Put on a show for her ass and continue to waste your time doing the revenge thing.

Or you can grow up and realize you got punked and move on and learn from it. Your choice.
Apr 3, 2003
Reaction score
Let Otr's post be a lesson to all of you wanna be players. When you put a ho up on a pedistal and make getting her so all important you will get played. How?

Cause you will play yourself just as Otr did. He played himself by staying there.

He played himself by choosing a freak and not a good girl. Never be so desperate for a piece of arse that you go to these kind of lenghts. No pvssy is worth this bull-shyt.

Always be willing to walk the fawk away at the first sign of something that doesn't fit into your reality. Your self esteem deserves it.

Otr made several mistakes:

1. The girl had company. I woulda said "oh am I bad, I will come by another time...and never called her again.

2. She was obviously disrespectful to have someone else over when I got there....not worth another moment of my time

3. She was sloppy drunk. I don't need sex that badly to fawk a drunk assed ho. I am not that desperate. And neither should any of you fellas'.

4. She ignored him. If a ho ain't feelin ya. Why stay and look desperate. We don't have to beg these ho's for sex...they should be beggin us.

5. He let his ego run his game. He decided to stay. That was ego based. He wasnt' going to let another player get in on his shyt, after driving another hour. When you let your ego run your shyt your only getting played. A real player/don juan...would not of gotten played this way.

I guess that's enough although I could go on and on...

To me the best revenge is just walking away without a word.

Don Juanabbe

Master Don Juan
Jan 28, 2004
Reaction score
1. girl I met on the internet

Then what do you expect?

2. She seemed somewhat into me

Then why'd you waste your time?

3. she was hanging out with a guy and was drunk


4. decided to stay around


5. hope he would eventually leave.


6. After about an hour of sitting around, watching this girl talk on the phone and to this guy friend



you f*cked or what?

8. girl starts acting all drunk and stupid and knocks over some road block signs

This girl acts like this and you actually give a sh*t about her and are attracted to her?

9. But I think it would be rude to just leave without saying some sort of goodbye.

What are you, a doormat?

10. I call her phone, but she doesn't answer. I knock again, but no answer.


11. I want to write this girl a short, striking e-mail about her actions

She really got to you, didn't she?

12. What can I write that will be powerful and convincing?

Don't waste any more of your time, for the love of god! You're ego is bruised right now. Go bang that other hottie, if she exists.

Don Juanabbe

Master Don Juan
Jan 28, 2004
Reaction score
Actually, I want to add something to OTR, cuz he's probably feeling pretty bad. All of us at one point or another have been played for the fool. It happens to the best of us, so don't get down on yourself.

I kinda got played a little by the first girl I got together with shortly after my LTR ended. I was rusty.

But I got my revenge

- by showing her that I didn't care.

- by letting her see me with other women

- by letting her see me sucking face with another woman

- by never phoning her

- by living well, looking good, and still being polite and cordial to this b*tch

- and best of all, by catching her staring at me out of the corner of my eye, knowing that she made a mistake by letting me go and realising that she now has to take her loser ass home every night to her cocaine addicted, loser boyfriend and live a crap life when I could've elevated the b*tch out of the trailer park. But then again, why would I want something like that in my life?


Master Don Juan
Jul 16, 2003
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Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
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monrovia, CA
actually, if you read the 48 laws of power, you would know that walking away is the best thing you can ever do.

A mans repupation is everything. Guard it with your life.

By going and submitting to her, you show that you are weak, therefore you would have a rep. as being weak.

Face it, you aren't getting anything with this woman. And even if you did, is it worth it? The best thing you can do is show her you are a man of virtule and values. If you meet one of her friends one day and she is hot, do you want her going back to her saying "hey, this guy is a punk... let me tell you how much of a chump he is..."

Don Juanabbe

Master Don Juan
Jan 28, 2004
Reaction score
Exactly. Now that I compare my own situation with that other girl, maybe I'm not as AFC as I thought I was. If there's one thing that supercedes my ego it's my pride and the ability to hold my head high in all situations.

This is one of the better threads I've seen on here and I admire OTR for having the balls to be completely honest with everyone.

Austin Allegro

Master Don Juan
Sep 3, 2003
Reaction score
London, UK
The ONLY form of revenge you can get is to do nothing, get over it and learn from the experience. Any kind of response which shows her you are the slightest bit ruffled by the experience will be music to her ears - she will revel in the power she has over you.

If you do NOTHING, she MIGHT just think in the dark recesses of her stodgy brain 'hmm, that guy never came crawling back or sent me a rude email...maybe he was more of a man than I thought' and perhaps she just MIGHT consider she was in the wrong, but that's a long shot and who cares what she thinks anyway because she's history.

Bottom line is that any attempt at revenge will make YOU look weak, not her.