I’m ready to share my wisdom…and get you guys laid


Senior Don Juan
Sep 17, 2002
Reaction score
I’m ready to share my wisdom…and get you guys laid

I haven’t posted on here for a while (most of you probably don’t even remember me). I’ve been a member for some time now (years) and I was reading posts on this website long before I even became a member. I have studied seduction, in a variety of ways for years now, and have experienced significant success IN THE REAL WORLD. I come back here today to share my wisdom and help out those in need. I feel I owe it to this site for helping me so much.

I’m sure you’re probably asking yourself why you should listen to me. For one, I am not trying to be a “Pook” or a “David DeAngelo”. I’m not an “expert,” who loves to preach or make money, but I am someone who has overcome HUGE obstacles and I want to share what has worked for me (and I’m sure will work for you).

If you read any of my earlier posts on this site I was SUPER depressed, never had any girls around, couldn’t even talk to girls—I was the EPITOME of an AFC (textbook) and my friends even started to give me sh** for being such a wuss/chump with women. I was obsessed with thinking my APPERANCE was why I never had any women or got laid. I was so low I was suicidal. However, for years I have worked hard and can now boast a long resume of my success with girls. I will give a short synopsis of my success and then we will move on with the help…

My first real success started around 2 1/2 years ago. I’ve had THREE girlfriends in the last two years. I only like very attractive, hot girls and have settled for nothing else. An old roommate of mine got so jealous that I was dating and having sex with this one girl that he would not let me even talk about her when he was around.
Besides these three girlfriends, I’ve dated numerous other girls (at one point I was seriously dating and having sex with two girls and both girls knew about the other girl, but put up with it because they liked me so much).
One girlfriend wanted to start having threesomes with me—we used to go out looking for other girls to bring home and share. I’ve got the girls I’ve been with to be the kinkiest sex kittens they’ve ever been in their whole life (I probably can’t discuss much of that here).
At this point in time I have an awesome, intelligent, talented, beautiful girlfriend who will do ANYTHING for me—she completely adores me and we’ve been together for almost a year and a half. She’s got her life together and could have so many other guys, but she sticks LOYALLY to me. She is a sex fiend, but looks wholesome. I could go on and on about her, but she is pretty much what we all want when we come to this website (and if you think you want to be one of those guys who just has sex with different women and doesn’t want a girlfriend…your mind will probably change when you actually DO just have sex with a lot of women and realize it might be better to have safe sex with just one hot awesome girl—at least for a while).

One night a few weeks ago I was out with a guy friend and a girl HE really likes. This girl was hot, but I wasn’t thinking much of her because my friend was all into her and I have a girlfriend. But by the end of the night, this girl was giving me all these signs and eventually told me she wanted to have sex with me to my face. I blew her off because I’m loyal to my girl, but years ago something like this would have NEVER, EVER happened to me--not even an ugly girl would have said anything to me like that. Now I have girls all over the place.

I don’t mean any of this to sound like I’m bragging, I just want to show I have been successful and therefore the advice I give will be worthwhile.

At this point in time I am opening up this post to questions. For the next week I will give answers to anything you want to know. Please bare with me as I’m a very busy person, but I promise to dedicate time to writing back. I hope I am able to help in the biggest way possible.




Senior Don Juan
Oct 21, 2003
Reaction score
I read through and I don't see anything that really helps anyone. Seems like bragging to me.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 17, 2002
Reaction score
I wasn't trying to give any advice in the post. I'm not here to give that all important "Tip." I just want to answers questions and share my experience.


Feb 10, 2005
Reaction score
How do you pull a hot girl from a club? How do you do it in detail from open to close. What's your tactics and techniques? I know this is a broad question but you say you went from bAFC to attract hot girls, but you didn't mention how you do that.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 17, 2002
Reaction score
I hate clubs. You don't want girls from the clubs--they have diseases. Seriously though, the best way to deal with clubs is to go with ANOTHER girl and make sure she is attractive. If you have absolutely no girl to go with you, maybe going to clubs should be low on your priority list. When you show up with an attractive girl, the competitive nature in women will come out and they will vie for your attention (and wonder what your status is with the girl who's with you). It's late where I live, but I will elaborate more later on all of your questions.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 10, 2005
Reaction score
I think the size of your ego is ridiculous.


New Member
Oct 4, 2005
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When I'm talking to a chick on a cold approach and I get them laughing a little I never know if I should keep smilling or tone it down and be a little bit cool and collected.

Is there a point at which you should shift gears and stop being ****y and funny and be cool and confident?