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    My AFC roomate is screwing up my game!!

    My roomate, who I started living with a few months ago, is the BIGGEST AFC I know. I don't really feel like going into all kinds of detail about why he's the biggest AFC, but take my word for it--chronic nice guy syndrome, (always ends up "the friend,") fat, bald, no confidence, showers about...
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    AFC LIES in the media--check this out!

    This stuff just makes me so ANGRY! "Playing "hard-to-get" seems to have played out: 60% of those surveyed report they would most likely fall for a person they already know is head-over-heels interested in them rather than someone they have to chase" GIVE ME A BREAK!
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    AFC LIES in the media--check this out!

    I can't believe some of the dating advice in everyday media that "experts" claim will make you more attractive or "get you the one." It is sometimes almost THE OPPOSITE of what we are taught here. No wonder why so many men are clueless about women--Check this bunch of BS out...
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    Proof that it is "all in your mind" AND you can do or say ANYTHING

    About a month ago I stopped seeing this girl who I was really into. It's a good thing she is out of my existence, but she still runs through my mind a lot and I've had a hard time adapting to the fact she is out of my life. However, good insight has come from this situation--things that I don't...
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    What is going on? It feels like I'm numb to the world and women...

    I broke up over two weeks ago with a girl I had been seeing for almost 4 months. This girl was a total hoe/slut/psycho...just all around not a girl I should have been hanging out with, especially on an consistent intimate level. She was pretty much a f*** buddy, but we had become closer over...
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    ADVICE PLEASE! My roommate is going to ruin his life!

    My roommate is considering going Alaska for the entire summer with this girl who he's MADLY obsessed with. This girl asked him to go with her. My roommate talks about this girl as if she is a godess. The thing is, they have been FRIENDS for over 2 years and have never even kissed. My roomate...
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    I'm so low, I don't want to go on--Please help-Any advice will be appreciated

    Titus wrote: "Cccc, bad, bad, bad aura. It seems your whole fusebox just went to that great power conduit in the sky. You've got a HORSELOAD of plugged up energy channels there buddy. You really oughta do something about them. Bioenergy makes miracles" What are you talking about...
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    I'm so low, I don't want to go on--Please help-Any advice will be appreciated

    I'm still alive... I think everyone has had something good to say. I've been trying to keep my mind occupied and focus on larger, bigger goals. BUT, thoughts keep drifting back into my head about my "ex" and good times we had. From now on, I feel like whenever I have a really good time with a...
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    I'm so low, I don't want to go on--Please help-Any advice will be appreciated

    PLEASE HEAR ME OUT: I HAVE read the bible. I've read probably 20 e-books on-line, listened to numerous audio cds, etc...When you're in the situation I'm in and feeling so low and terrible, none of this stuff seems to help or matter. I honestly feel like I don't want to wake up tomorrow. Any...
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    I'm so low, I don't want to go on--Please help-Any advice will be appreciated

    "On another note Otr4, I want to bring to light your personality, What do you think is your most negative attribute? What is your most positive? What is your definition of a great life? What is your definition of a man?" OK, I'll answer your questions. My most negative attribute...
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    I'm so low, I don't want to go on--Please help-Any advice will be appreciated

    I don't have the time or money to see a counselor. I need real advice from real people who have real, similar experiences. Everyone, please help.
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    I'm so low, I don't want to go on--Please help-Any advice will be appreciated

    I think I have reached one of the lowest points in my life. Today I finally ended my "relationship" with this girl I've been seeing for almost 4 months now. I was expecting to have a great day with this girl, but we ended up having a serious talk and concluded we shouldn't see each other...
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    Months of contact then suddenly she won’t return my calls-How to have non-attachment?

    I’ve been seeing this girl for a while–about three months now. We’ve had our ups and downs and lately we’ve been working through some issues. We both have things we really like and really DON’T like about each other, but lately we’ve been communicating more about these things. This past...
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    What we can learn from the worst, most abusive men in the world

    I was just talking with a friend who is good buddies with a local police officer in my local college town. My friend recently learned that prostitution is a big problem in our city (something I didn’t know) and he explained why this is. I go to a big, PAC 10 football school and a lot of the...
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    You guys really woke me up, NOW how do I overcome my emotions (and sluts?)

    PlayerSupreme-- Where is this post you are talking about?
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    You guys really woke me up, NOW how do I overcome my emotions (and sluts?)

    I’ve really reached a turning point in my life. I’ve listened to what people have had to say, concerning my last post about this girl leaving me, and realize I’ve become a slave to my emotions. In a way, I’ve reached my goal. I’ve dated a number of attractive girls over the past half a year...
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    I WAS BLIND-SIDED! I’m SICK...I need your guys help more than ever

    A few years ago, I thought I couldn't trust women and had given up. Recently, I had gained some hope, but now, AFTER THIS, I don't think I can ever really trust a woman again, EVER. I'm serious about this, I realy don't think I can interact with women on the same emotional level again. I can...
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    I WAS BLIND-SIDED! I’m SICK...I need your guys help more than ever

    DEKKA-- This IS the same girl I agreed to the open relationship with. I'm really feeling ill right now. I'm trying to knock myself out if it. I'm in the most f***** up haze right now.
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    I WAS BLIND-SIDED! I’m SICK...I need your guys help more than ever

    DEKKA-- How did I get "played?" We played by the rules, she kissed someone else, I "made out" with someone else, we talked about her "kiss" and I was cool with it. Our communication and relationship continued smoothly, I never acted possessive or anything. It's not that I have ONEITIS, it's...
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    I WAS BLIND-SIDED! I’m SICK...I need your guys help more than ever

    PuertoRican_Lover-- Too bad you timed out, but would still appreciate your words. I'm really loosing it here. I think sometimes on this board people forget that they are actually talking to real people and that the things people write actually affect another's life. I would really appreciate...