I need to make my girlfriend c**, or we’re going to break up! Need help with control


Senior Don Juan
Sep 17, 2002
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I have a very serious problem on my hands.
I’ve been with this girl in a relationship for nearly a month, we’ve been dating for almost five months, and I really like her. Until about a week ago everything was going really well and we were both very happy. Then, suddenly, she started getting really distant and unhappy. After days and many hours of frustration, she finally admitted to me that the problem is sex and that she has never had an orgasm with me.
This girl loves sex. I mean LOVES sex and she really thinks of it as one of the most important parts of a relationship. She has given me a lot of chances, but for some reason I ‘ve had extreme difficulty with controlling orgasm with her. I usually c** way to fast or get so nervous about trying not to c** fast that I loose my erection. I know there are a number of posts on this forum about this problem, but I need some SUPER GOOD, EFFECTIVE advice FAST, or my girlfriend is going to be out of my life. In my opinion, the problem is not that she can’t reach an orgasm, it’s because I simply can’t last that long. I’ve tried to find other ways to give her an orgasm, but she doesn’t like receiving oral sex and claims she can only orgasm through sex and nothing else.
I’ve tried different condoms and breathing techniques. No help. I’ve also tried kegel exercises, which I have done for years, but they have never helped stop me from having an orgasm really fast. Nothing has worked. WHAT CAN I DO? I need help fast! I really like this girl and don’t want to loose her.


Don Juan
Jan 16, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by otr4

I’ve tried different condoms and breathing techniques. No help. I’ve also tried kegel exercises, which I have done for years, but they have never helped stop me from having an orgasm really fast. Nothing has worked. WHAT CAN I DO? I need help fast! I really like this girl and don’t want to loose her.
Condoms? You tried wearing two? Ahh its not so difficult after all now is it lol.

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
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Galt's Gulch
More forplay on her and less on you before you do the deed.


Master Don Juan
Jul 3, 2003
Reaction score
i couldn't cvm with a condom on if you paid me. try whackin off before she comes over and put 2 or 3 friggin condoms on. if you still blow your load you need help.


Don Juan
Oct 11, 2003
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What girl doesn't like oral sex? WTF, I've never heard that before. Actually the only reason I can think of is if she felt like she'd have to return the favor, and she doesn't like to give oral sex.

But for lasting longer, yeah, spank your monkey before she comes over. Also, alchohol will help you last longer. Just get a little buzz, and get to pumping.


Master Don Juan
Nov 16, 2003
Reaction score
I've known a few girls that refused to get oralsex if it wasn't in the shower cause they didn't feel clean enough.


Master Don Juan
Dec 31, 2002
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You need to find a way to warm her up to bursting point before going in. Use scented massage oils, take ages undressing her. Spend a long time teasing her body, all over, shoulders, neck, back, thighs, with your fingers and your tongue, and anything else you want to stroke her with.

Really enjoy yourself with her body, tasting her, smelling her, feeling her every way you can. Get her so hot that she is practically screaming at you to f*ck her, and then hold off some more.

Keep her right on the edge for as long as you can without risking her murdering you, and then f*ck her into next week.

A good position for really deep penetration is to start with her underneath you like 'normal'. Then sit back onto your heels and pull her towards you, so her arse is on your lap. Enter her. Put her legs on your shoulders. Put one of your arms across her legs to hold them in place against you. Having her legs together like that makes her p*ssy tighter. Then bend over her, so you're crunching her up almost double and her p*ssy is pointing almost straight up. Now f*ck. Hard. Vary the rhythm, sometimes stop for a few seconds when you're all the way in and wiggle a bit. Just mix it up so she doesn't know what's coming next (her, hopefully). Do it right and she'll be trembling for an hour after.

Here's a picture of it (damn you can find anything on the net), but he is leaning more over her and hasn't got his arm across her legs like I do.


Work safe, kind of - it's animated mannikins.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 17, 2002
Reaction score
Hey BP1974--
The problem with "warming My girlfriend up" is the fact that she just likes to start f****** right away, sort of like a super horny guy. She hates foreplay and oral sex and just likes to get to the rough, hard sex. This may sound really cool, but not when you have a problem with ejaculating really fast with a girl who is serious about getting off.


Don Juan
Dec 4, 2003
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United States
I have tried what BP1974 suggests, personally I love that position and yes it goes much deeper for the girl. Be careful however, as it might "hurt" her because it goes too deep and she might not like it, I've had this happen with one girl, she simply didn't like the position because it went to deep and it hurt she siad. Regardless, I think you should try it. And yes some girls simply don't like oral sex, it makes them "nervous" or what have you, who knows why.

As for suggestions, I don't know what to tell you I'm sorry.

One thing though, how long are you lasting, have you timed it?

I ask because most girls c4m several times. I make my girlfriend c4m at least 2 times everytime we have sex. Sometimes she loses count, I like it when she tells me when is about to c4m, the look on her face is priceless. *evilgrin* Anyways back to the topic onhand, yea there is a good chance that it's HER with the problem and not you, girls can orgasm in under 5 minutes usually with no problems at all. Are you lasting a couple of minutes at least? If you are going 5 minutes at least then it's HER with the problem and not you. Goodlcuk.


Don Juan
Jan 10, 2004
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Canada, Near TO
**Warning this may be a bad idea**

If she's that horney you might want to try something really rough. She sounds like she has a lot of sexual control, taking some of that back might be what you need.

I won't get too explicit, but maybe tossing her onto the bed while she's undressing. Pulling her off the bed while you're doing the deed (as in, you're standing on the floor, she's on the bed). Make sure she doesn't get hurt with all this moving around, and that she's having a good time.

After moving her off the bed, maybe you could find her way onto the floor?

Put a pillow underneath her at the base of her back when she's on the floor. Put pressure on her abdomen, while going at it. (The abdomen thing works for guys too).

Pull her hair? (Gently, hurting people isn't fun).

Outside? (if you live in a really warm place).

Use your fingers?


Shower? (If you have a removable shower head that can be alot of fun for girls).

Basically, just try to keep the act going without always having your D*** involved. Change things around alot. You're in control, she wants it from you. Give your D*** a rest every once in awhile. Make sure it's fun, and none-mechanical.

If she's super sexualised, she'll probably enjoy some of the more 'hardcore' things I've suggested.


Master Don Juan
Jul 29, 2003
Reaction score
Los Angeles
Here's a few ideas:-

1) You have to practice on your own. Jerk off - and practice getting to the edge then calming down. Keep doing this for as long as you can. You want to learn where your point of "no return" is - so you can prevent yourself busting a nut. At the same time practice thinking about something else - doing math questions in my head helps me a lot. Bottom line practice on your own.

2) Jerk off before you see her - realease some of that tension.

3) Don't drink before hand or do drugs,

4) Your putting way to much pressure on yourself. Don't think about how your going to "Perform" - it's no wonder your getting stage fright. Relax, take your time. You can't tell me your enjoying fvcking this chick with all this pressure your putting on yourself? Perhaps you've just got to say "Fvck it" if you can't handle the situation.

5) Having done practice in 1) above - make sure you change up the positions when you get close to the point of no return. Or Change up the rythm - slow down, take a break.

You've got to pace yourself - and you have to know yourself as well. I believe a lot of your problems stem from the fact that this chick is to much for you - your getting stage fright - and your putting to much pressure on yourself.