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  1. O

    The ebb and flow of do you deal with it?

    It seems over the past year, as I’ve made more and more progress with women and figuring all this stuff out, that success seems to go up and down, almost like clockwork. I swear, one week I will be doing great, and then the next week I feel like I’m back to where I was years ago, before I hade...
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    Called her tonight and she has a “project to finish.” Hmmmmm......

    I call this girl about once a week--sometimes twice a week and that is IT.
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    Called her tonight and she has a “project to finish.” Hmmmmm......

    Thanks for the tip, BUT should I wait for her to call me back to CONFIRM that it is all in my head?
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    Called her tonight and she has a “project to finish.” Hmmmmm......

    I realize that some of these posts can get really tedious sometimes in terms of what you “should or shouldn’t do” in some ultra-specific situation, but I think it is these “small” decisions that we make with women that make all the difference in the long run. I’m still learning this stuff and...
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    I've come a long way...last night "neg hit" proved it

    Any other stories/ideas?
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    What does it REALLY mean when she asks how many girlfriends you've had?

    I've been seeing this girl over the past month and on our second date, just after our first kiss, she asks how many girlfriends I've had. I say "468" in a joking way and she laughs, and doesn't pursue the question. A few nights ago, on our third date, she asks about how many girlfriends I've had...
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    I've come a long way...last night "neg hit" proved it

    When I first started coming to this site and learned about "neg hits" (or "negative hits") I couldn't believe anything like that would work. Teasing/almost insulting a girl actually create attraction?? I would have never believed it years ago in my absolute AFC days, but now it comes naturally...
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    jealousy is driving me crazy!!

    Those links aren't really what I was getting at with my post. My problem is how to deal with a close friend who always seems to be "on" with women, and how to deal with those tinges if jealously that creep up when seeing your friend with a hot girl. Those links were more about not getting...
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    jealousy is driving me crazy!!

    I have a friend--I might say he's my best friend-- and he is not the best looking guy--he's skinny and has a lazy eye so you can't keep eye contact with him--I even heard some girls make fun of his eyes one night. The thing is, depite this stuff, he ALWAYS has hot girls around him. He used to...
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    SHOULD THE GIRL CALL YOU? How do I deal with this situation?

    Does everyone agree that I should wait for her to call me?
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    SHOULD THE GIRL CALL YOU? How do I deal with this situation?

    I think I'm going to take the "no call" route with this situation. However, (and I know it's "AFC,") but a part of me feels that since this girl seems to be showing such a high Interest Level, that it would be stupid of me to not call her back when I still have a good chance of getting with her...
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    SHOULD THE GIRL CALL YOU? How do I deal with this situation?

    One person is saying to NOT call until she calls first, and another person is saying to just have me call now--these are completely different opinions and the answer to this is the focus of this post. What the hell should I do to make this situation turn out the best...
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    SHOULD THE GIRL CALL YOU? How do I deal with this situation?

    I'm getting COMPLETELY different opinions about this. And it's even more confusing because one idea is from a girl and another from a guy....
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    porn makers--good Don Juans?

    This topic keeps coming up. Any other ideas out there?
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    SHOULD THE GIRL CALL YOU? How do I deal with this situation?

    Hey Megan-- What do you mean by "but as for the whole boyfriend thing, i think there may be some sort of story here." ?? I'm not sure what you mean.
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    SHOULD THE GIRL CALL YOU? How do I deal with this situation?

    I'm at a weird point in this situation with a girl. We've spent some time together over the past few weeks and she seems into me. She's cute, and knows it. On our second date, two days ago, I ended up laying in her bed in her dorm room with her, watching a movie and we eventually were holding...
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    Questions: "What are you thinking" and "I like to have sex"

    Anyone else have any ideas? I know the "what are you thinking" question comes up a lot, so what does it mean and what's the best thing to say?
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    Questions: "What are you thinking" and "I like to have sex"

    I was out on a first date with this girl last night (a hot 18 year-old) and she must have asked me "What are you thinking" about five times. What does this REALLY mean and how should I answer this question in the future? (Last night, I never really answered the question, just changed topics and...
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    I'm at a loss and don't want to go on...

    The last post I read pretty much said "LOWER YOUR STANDARDS." This is even more depressing--to think I have to go after women I find unattractive in order to have any hope at all. I do have high standards, but I also have high standards in regards to myself as well. But the combination of...
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    I'm at a loss and don't want to go on...

    I've been visiting this site for over 2 years now and I have seen no resuts. I have really tried to improve myself, but nothing seems to work. Everyday I hope things will start coming together for me with women, but nothing ever changes. I constantly see things in my life that contradict...