Called her tonight and she has a “project to finish.” Hmmmmm......


Senior Don Juan
Sep 17, 2002
Reaction score
I realize that some of these posts can get really tedious sometimes in terms of what you “should or shouldn’t do” in some ultra-specific situation, but I think it is these “small” decisions that we make with women that make all the difference in the long run. I’m still learning this stuff and just want to learn to make the best decisions possible. Tonight, my particular situation is this...
I was supposed to hang out with this girl tonight. We’ve been seeing each other over the past month and tonight would have been our 4th date. Each time we have hung out we have gotten more and more intimate and tonight I really felt we were going to f*** for the first time. (The last time we hung out I KNOW I could of had sex–she was giving me every signal imaginable– but I didn’t have a condom and she had to get up really early in the morning, so I didn’t go for it.) Anyway, I called her last night to schedule a time to get together tonight and she says she can hang out in the evening. Well, I just called her tonight and she says she has homework to do. She doesn’t flat out say she can’t hang out, but she is implying this, of course, and I had to weasel it out of her that, in fact, she can’t hang out tonight. I tell her to call me later and she says she will.
This was a little shocking to me because this girl has not been flaky at all in my experience with her so far. She always answers her phone, always shows up on time and even calls me to get together sometimes. She probably does all this because, when I first met her, one of the first things I made clear was that I don’t like flaky people and I flat out asked her if she was a flake. She said “no,” and so far, up to this point in time (with the exception of tonight) she hasn’t flaked and has been really cool.
I feel like this is an awesome girl and don’t want to get too pissed off about her flaking tonight. My question is this: Should I wait for her to call me, and never call her back until she calls me again? My belief is that if she really wasn’t flaking out tonight and was not trying to blow me off, she would call me back. Also, is it possible that I am I blowing this situation out of proportion? (I DO have high standards and usually don’t tolerate any bull**** when it comes to women–especially when it comes to broken plans). Thanks for the help.


Master Don Juan
Jan 11, 2002
Reaction score
Yep your blowing it out of proportion. This is what is called "fundamental attribution error" - you blame her "mistakes" on internal souces, when infact it could be external.

i.e. you think it is because she is flaking on you, when really it is that she has to do homework. One foolproof way to get this in check is the consistancy, if she does it all the time, she is flaking. If she rarely does it, it is homework. You say she rarely does it, so relax, probability is she actually has an assignment.

Take it easy, if your this uptight you are in for a rought or VERY short relationship with this girl!


Senior Don Juan
Sep 17, 2002
Reaction score
Thanks for the tip, BUT should I wait for her to call me back to CONFIRM that it is all in my head?


Don Juan
Jun 12, 2003
Reaction score
I've got two concerns about this:

You're showing her your insecurity and lack of confidence, and she's reacting to it by dropping her Interest Level in you. I'm sensing that you're calling her too much. If you're calling her more than once every two days, then it's too much talking. Telephone is for setting dates. The "I don't like flakes" stuff you pulled did not help you and made you look like damaged goods.

The way you're setting up your dates invites flaky behavior. You should call only once to set up an exact time and place to meet. Do not call again before you meet. What is there to talk about?


Senior Don Juan
Sep 17, 2002
Reaction score
I call this girl about once a week--sometimes twice a week and that is IT.

Big Pappy

Master Don Juan
Oct 30, 2003
Reaction score
I'd say she's doing homework. Relax.

I'd wait about a week then call her with a specific activity in mind.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 17, 2002
Reaction score
Does anyone else have any ideas about whether or not I should wait for this girl to call me back or call her at some point???
(I usually would ALWAYS wait for the girl to call, but the reason I am making such a big deal about this particular girl is because up to this point, my time with this girl has been really good and not much has gone wrong. I AM NOT GETTING ONEITS!!! Truthfully, I could move on and deal with it. BUT, I don't want to blow this relationship in anyway if I don't have to because it has been so good so far. I especially don't want to blow it because I was too stubborn to call her or something like that). I really want to make the best move here and your guys advice really does affect my life in important ways.
SO, should I eventually call her or wait for her to call me?


Senior Don Juan
Mar 19, 2003
Reaction score
Phoenix, AZ
You should go out and get 5 numbers tonight and then the next time she is "doing homework" you won't sit around obsessing over it all night. I would not call her today, if you don't hear from her call in a couple of days with a story about how it actually worked out well that you two didn't go out tonight because you did _________________ instead and had a great time doing it. If she is interested in you that should be the last time you hear the homework excuse. If she isn't interested those 5 other numbers would be good to have on hand. :)