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  1. L

    Called "skinny" by girl...confidence took slight dent :(

    ok protein is the way to go?.
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    Called "skinny" by girl...confidence took slight dent :(

    UPDATE: Ok so i've taken some of the advice here onboard and have started lifting weights. I've also tryed to get as many calories in a day as i can like eating muffins,doughnuts,toast....drinking full fat milk etc.. i know it's not healthy to do...but i figure once i get alittle weight i...
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    Called "skinny" by girl...confidence took slight dent :(

    i think your right too :(
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    Called "skinny" by girl...confidence took slight dent :(

    From what i heard on this forum from another guy which i liked,he would put girls in there place if they overstepped the mark and said something rude to you that she would find rude if said to her. What i'm saying is....if she is rude to me...and she wouldn't like me to say what she said to...
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    Called "skinny" by girl...confidence took slight dent :(

    ok so i've tryed eating like chips everyday as i know there 's alot of fat in em...tryed kfc for a few weeks... Even tryed eating at every eating 1-2 doughnuts a day....but all i gained was like 1-2lbs. maybe i'm destined to be a skinny ****e?.... It's so annoying as my...
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    Told AW with bf where to go!

    Your the man,you had complete control and showed her that you weren't taking any of her ****ty games. "pat yourself on the back my man!!!"
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    Called "skinny" by girl...confidence took slight dent :(

    I get told that ALL the time,but like putting weight on has major flaws. here's few to name - You look like you haven't eaten anything in day's. - it makes you look unhealthy - you look like a weed compared to other guys - you get the piss taken outta ya constantly Atleast...
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    Called "skinny" by girl...confidence took slight dent :(

    Ok i'd say i'm skinny but i look great and dress even better....but when this girl in a club told me this while dancing (shortly leaving after) It ruined my night bigtime....problem is i've tryed EVERYTHING IMAGINABLE to gain weight and i just can;t gain ANY weight. People who i see...
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    TOTAL AFC out does me mr.Confidence

    Thing is my confidence is far from's not a confidence thing to approach's just there isn't much op to approach in clubs as most go in groups.
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    TOTAL AFC out does me mr.Confidence

    I'm tackling this problem in the strangest of ways....i just walk past girls now and say "HI" or "hey there sweet thing" or "Hey sugar" Sometimes i get somewhere sometimes i don't....i approached when i was on holiday but can't do it at home :( but my bro never approached this girl and got...
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    Sobering up in the Club

    You know i don't get drunk,i get sick...i have to put my finger down my throat to make myself sick after like 8-9 drinks cause i'm soooo small body type. All i do then i buy myself a bottle of water!
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    TOTAL AFC out does me mr.Confidence

    Ok this has got me soooo pissed it's hard to hide my utter disgust everytime it get's mentioned. Ok i'm not afraid to admit i'm a virgin at 22 (Yeah i suck i know) but me and my bro been going down town for years and he has like 0 confidence....and i mean 0!!!! He dance like a swaying...
  13. L

    NOT buying girls drinks how?

    OMG gonna use this line....that's sooo smooth my man!
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    NOT buying girls drinks how?

    Anyone as i have lost girls in the past from telling em straight "I don't buy girls drinks"
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    Fat Ugly Chicks With High Standards?

    This **** is too funny, i'd tell her i wanted to adopt her as she's so cute ahahah
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    NOT buying girls drinks how?

    I mean i get asked every now and then from girls i pick up to buy em a drink. Wondering how i can get away with not buying a girl a drink as i don't believe in that ****. Without sounding like an ass...?
  17. L

    the 4 things you NEED for success with women!!

    Ok what does it for me is before i go out i think of times where i have achieved things in my life i didn't think i would've. just go out a don't care what people's your life and everyone else are spectatours to what YOU DO. Look at me....sat i ended up nearly...
  18. L

    the 4 things you NEED for success with women!!

    Ok this is cause i talk from my xp over the last month of trialing this **** out 1.Most IMPORTANT is HOLD EC....DO NOT LOOK AWAY....but make sure you give em one of your best smiles....not too creepy it makes them melt ahah 2.Charisma....You NEED to look like life is a blast and you...
  19. L

    What should i do/change to become approachable?

    it always seem's that no girls ever approach me even though i'm one sexy *****. I mean not to be modest but i'm a good looking guy with an amazing amount of confidence and show it off alot....i figure it might be because i'm too "outta there league" and they think they don't stand a chance...