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  1. L

    the jim carrey pick up video?...where

    Ok sorry for that...last night i did see a post named "PUA videos"...maybe it linked to the other forum...sorry.
  2. L

    the jim carrey pick up video?...where

    Why am i stupid?
  3. L

    the jim carrey pick up video?...where

    Ok i looked at this video last night of jim carrey and like 2 other guys in diffrent clubs with this cheesy music playing in the backround...there heads are going crazy and it was funny as hell. Anyone have the link as i wanna show my bro?....i have searched "pick up videos" but still can't...
  4. L

    How to hide emotions?

    Thx for the reply...i guess i could give it a shot i mean i have nothing to lose...but much to gain!
  5. L

    How to hide emotions?

    There must be a simple way of thinking to stop being emotional in general areas like - Approach...and intimidation from good looking girls. A way to block those voices telling you she's too good looking for you or you suck. i know alcohol works...but i usaully have to have abit first and...
  6. L

    Finding your confidence! Help me with your comments!

    Ok after reading this thread i have to give Sapiens the credit he deserves...but i have alittle concerns...not that it's my buisness but i'd like to help here. Ok ...i think taking money to teach the guy is fine and no problem atall with this...but i think 5k is alittle steep...maybe more...
  7. L

    How to become attractive to girls

    Ok so i'm skinny with average main pulling is in how do i show more value than guys with better looks or build?. Do i show charisma or alphaness by dancing first or walking a certain way or what?.
  8. L

    Who uses the Idontgivea**** attitude here?

    Some good replies here lads....hopefully i can adapt my attitude from the guy who needs validation to a guy who wants ***** and won't be seen as a tool.
  9. L

    Stop giving women all the power guys!

    It IS that simple,you have to make the girl understand that,if you don't wanna be with us (the prize) then some other lucky girl wil be. I CRINGE when i see workmates and friends go out of there way for women...i mean,if they want you they will tell need to act like a damm *****...
  10. L

    Stop giving women all the power guys!

    AHAH tonight i'm out on the town,gonna dance and do my ****...and if a girl gives me a hard time i'll let her know about it....... I'm in control and will NEVER let a girl come between me and what i see myself as....a .... sec..... GO.....D!!!!
  11. L

    Meeting a girl from OR maybe not

    DUDE wake up and get out into the real world...if i had to lower myself to dating people i talked to on the internet my self esteme and confidence would plummet. Get ahold of yourself man!.
  12. L

    Stop giving women all the power guys!

    Ok as i browse through these threads as i've been away awhile i see one trend. That most threads consist of guys giving into or letting women have all the power over them...FFS if a girl doesn't like you or your going nowhere with a girl just NEXT HER. If you continue to obsese over one...
  13. L

    Who uses the Idontgivea**** attitude here?

    PLEASE tell me my friend? ahah :D
  14. L

    Obscessive Psycho ***** Plz HELP

    PFFFF tell her to **** off...anyhow that's NOTHING,try having a 4ft midget stalk you everywhere and txt you all the time and then get her friends onto you for not being with her.
  15. L

    Who uses the Idontgivea**** attitude here?

    I've never had anything bad happen to me like,but i did have a problem with this stalker who got me into alot of **** with alot of diffrent people. But i think your right...i guess i'll have to change the mould that society shaped for me in growing up. I want to shape myself now to what I...
  16. L

    Who uses the Idontgivea**** attitude here?

    "The only problem i see about the nice guy is that he doesnt respect himself, therefore looking for validation through others." THAT sums me up right there ---------------------------------------------------- I'm just sick and tired of being the guy who everyone loves,i don't like...
  17. L

    Who uses the Idontgivea**** attitude here?

    ok but what advice could you give somebody who wants to develope/learn to not give a ****. I mean you must've cared at one point before you just gave up and learned not to care?.
  18. L

    Who uses the Idontgivea**** attitude here?

    yeah but you CAN develope a i don't give a ****'s not like i want to pretend cause i don't give a ****'s just hard to get into state sometimes.
  19. L

    Who uses the Idontgivea**** attitude here?

    i wanna know the people who use the i don't give a **** attitude on this forum and are very sucessful with it?. Also as a new don juan who wants to run with this attitude i need ALL the advice possible in getting into this state. Like some films,harcore rock/rap music to get you into state...
  20. L

    To not care!

    That's SOO true,i think when i go clubbing tonight i'll wear what I WANT!.