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  1. L

    To not care!

    I think a guy would be better with women if he tryed less to impress and just didn't give a ****. i mean whenever i spend time and do my hair and appearence i don't get anywhere,but when i just don't make much of an effort i find myself doing better.
  2. L

    Going abroad make a DJ outta me?

    Thing is i don't know any of the girls in my home's like it's easier to approach on hoiliday as your first line is easy "How's ya holiday going?....where ya staying then?....etc"
  3. L

    Going abroad make a DJ outta me?

    what i'm trying to say is does anyone else's ability with women change when they go abroad or on holiday?,like where i am able to approach without fear. But when i get home i'm back to being like a lemon.
  4. L

    Going abroad make a DJ outta me?

    I figure that if somebody is having problems at home for whatever reason....ya think doing abroad on holiday or whereever ya go where there's loads of girls would help a guy become a DJ quicker. I'll exsplain,you see whenever i'm abroad i seem to be able to APPROACH women WITHOUT any kind of...
  5. L

    WTF do i do,stalker help!

    That;s some good advice...thx man...just get a moments weakness sometimes where i feel sorry for her...but i'll try my best!
  6. L

    WTF do i do,stalker help!

    ok long story i got this stalker (Who's a it's not funny) Now i made a thread about this months ago,now i thought i got rid of her but she emailed me saying she's i emailed her back and said if it's not a game then good luck. Now after a few emails i kinda said...
  7. L

    (Keep Your "JUICE" up)Stop Looking at P.O.R.N!!!! please for the own good of you ...

    This post is sooo true and important to every wanaabe don jaun that you really shouldn't ignore this topic. I find that if i go without after 2 day's i get to a point my confidence goes up about 40% and i start to really make an effort in getting a girl.
  8. L

    HOW do i learn NOT to care!!?

    Catch is don't agree with you here,IT'S BECAUSE I CARE TOO MUCH THAT i'm in the position i'm in. So i think if i care less it will solve the problem?!
  9. L

    why do fat chicks think they deserve "in shape" guys?

    AHAH that's just brillaint ahah
  10. L

    HOW do i learn NOT to care!!?

    I guess i'm gonna have to keep repeating to my "Don't give a ****"....but it's not easy to practise this without acting like a ****head.
  11. L

    HOW do i learn NOT to care!!?

    that;s what I AM currently and get no attention from girls atall....yeah they talk to me becuase they have no other choice (in the lift at work)....or waiting for something..... Being this guy get's me NOWHERE!
  12. L

    HOW do i learn NOT to care!!?

    hey catch,thx man some good you think if say tommorow i went into work and said what I WANTED TO SAY when in a conversation with any girls would be a good thing. I mean usaully i talk utter ****e as i'm afraid to say what i'm really thinking... Ok i think from tommorow i WILL...
  13. L

    HOW do i learn NOT to care!!?

    Thanls guys,makes alot of sense to me...but i can see how making other factors in your life better so you care less about girls....but it's not just seem's i care too much just about everything. Like if i see something wrong i HAVE TO say something...and this crap about me always...
  14. L

    HOW do i learn NOT to care!!?

    Ok this bothers me sooooo much it's getting on my nerves now.For the past 2 months i've been trying to careless about everything in my life acept certain things of course. What i mean is....stop careing if a girl doesn't like you for who you are,or trying to act diffrently around women to get...
  15. L

    girls don't like skinny/slim guys?

    ok so i know i can get many women who like to dance with me and kiss me etc....but i never get 1-night stands from clubs. just wondering is it cause i'm skinny and girls don't like skinny guys do they?....i mean most people i speak to or mess around with always comment on me being skinny and...
  16. L

    with your help, I could lose my virginity tomorrow

    Dude you going with 2 and 2 and making 5 What makes you think your 100% gonna get sex.....i'd be more worried about getting to that stage man.
  17. L

    i don't chase. they come to me. how about you?

    I'm an avergae looking guy who never get's approached by fat,ugly or sexy girls :(
  18. L

    i don't chase. they come to me. how about you?

    there must be SOMETHING your maybe your body language or something. Ironically my dog is named "Chance" your my little ***** :D ahah
  19. L

    I suck!!! Every Girl Rejects Me

    I think your an average looking guy (NOT UGLY) So i think the best advice you can take onboard was from the guy who said "Take it easy,have patience and it will happen" i think i'm in the same boat as you atm....i'm trying to hard to get something where i should really just take it easy.
  20. L

    I suck!!! Every Girl Rejects Me

    Man we all get down every now and again...but ffs you sound soo pathetic get a life allrdy!