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  1. C

    How to deal with threatening competition from other DJ's

    I agree with Ripper on this one. If your "game" is not up to par with his, then simply stay there and observe what he does right and compare it to what you do wrong. Think of it as stealing his secrets if you want to add a vindictive twist to it.
  2. C

    /help me dj

    I am an 11th Grade High School student, and I have some of the exact same problems. (With some added psychological problems.) Does your school offer any activities involving radios? HAM radio? Talk radio? Any of those are a good field to improve your communication skills; HAM radio is nothing...
  3. C

    How to deal with dudes trying to steal ur girls
  4. C

    I want to become wittier and I want to know how!

    My sense of humour consists mostly of jokes about Alexander Hamilton and his fateful brush Aaron Burr or puns involving obscure Science Fiction (mostly George Orwell or Isaac Asimov) references. I have been met with many a blank stare after attempting a joke with a relatively simple set-up or...
  5. C

    at the bar and a guy hits on ur girl

    I, personally, would probably do nothing being a pacifist and having no spine whatsoever. But, if I did have a spine, like you, I would make it very clear to the interloper that he is not welcome. If he becomes belligerent or simply ignores your warnings, then fisticuffs are fair game...
  6. C

    I want to become wittier and I want to know how!

    What about someone who has nothing except for academic experience? Does that mean those with no personality or humour should quit while they are ahead? If that's true, then I suppose I am wasting time...
  7. C

    Your mothers.

    My mother was and remains a "femnazi". I still love her very much, but she filled my mind with so many ideas about females and people in general that I have developed a gross ignorance, to the point of a phobia, about the subtleties of social interaction. She has a great degree of control...
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    got lost on the way to becoming a DJ

    At least you got started. Some among us are still held up at the starting gate.
  9. C

    My ego is getting too big...

    At least you don't have an ego that is small and fragile.
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    she calls me crying

    Do not involve yourself in the situation. If they tried to kill her, what would prevent them from killing you?
  11. C

    Sex problem

    Substance use only facilitates an altered sense of perception. That would not be a very feasible solution to the problem at hand.
  12. C

    dont assume or attatch meaning...

    I have been told the same thing by others regarding the labeling of subcultures. However, I still would not dare speak to an "Emo" girl because, while I do not dislike them personally, I dislike what they represent. Sometimes labelling will interfere no matter what.
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    its a bad thing to think like a woman

    Reason does not sway females? In the words of Spock himself: "That is illogical."
  14. C

    What race are you?

    Chalk-white; almost to the point of being albino but some red in the face. Irish-Welsh-Polish-German with a little bit of Cherokee and Choctaw. (Complete with the "crooked" Cherokee nose.)
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    Sex problem

    Like my therapist says: "All your problems are inside that thick skull of yours!"
  16. C

    Don't you hate those losers who would never approach and yet DISS you?

    I don't have the testicular fortitude to make an approach, but I do not disrespect a fellow male after a failure.
  17. C

    Business... Is Life... Is Women.... DJ's should be rich...

    Judging from your name, I would say that law would be a natural inclination. Then again, I don't know you personally. What sort of credentials do you possess?
  18. C

    PULSE.POST - Participation in Communication

    I'm clinically-diagnosed OCD, so it's a little difficult for someone such as myself to overlook small details. I would likely drive myself to drink if I purposely ignored the "small stuff."
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    NO ONE CARES! ( For you shy guys out there! )

    How do you stop taking yourself seriously enough to start de-sensitzing yourself to rejection?
  20. C

    Stood Up to a Very *****y Woman at My Gym Today

    Wow, a fierce warrior AND a bodyguard as well. I wish I knew people like you in real life back when little 80 LB High School girls utterly destroyed my fragile ego.