My ego is getting too big...


Senior Don Juan
Nov 30, 2004
Reaction score
the Netherlands
Okay, here's the deal.

Over the last year, the amount of IOI's I've been receiving has gone from maybe 5% of women, to about 95% of women.

I walk into any random place, where women are, and I have eye-contact. The 6s become shy, the 9s give straight eye-contact back.

I start talking to any random girl, and I get immediate giggles, playing with her hair, women kino-ing me before I kino them, everything.

AFC's would think this sounds like heaven. But it isn't.

It's addictive. Once you've felt that feeling, it must continue.
Once it stops (it's not always "on") you suddenly feel like sh!t.

I feel like my ego is getting too big. I have a girlfriend, with whom my relationship has been going in ups and downs. Now, I'm treating her with absolutely no respect whatsoever. I'm being a complete a$$hole, and I can't even help it. I've basically become the kind of person I used to hate.
It's even gotten to the point, where this is starting to affect my scholastic performance. I spend so much time flirting, that I spend less and less time on school. Half the projects I do, I do together with girls - and that usually just means flirting, having fun together and massive kino'ing. Whereever I go, girls approach me and start talking to me.

Basically, my ego has become dependant on female approval, and to be honest it's not a very stable state.

Why the fvck am I writing this?? Not to boost my ego!

It's because I'm beginning to hate this way of life.
I want more control over my own ego/self-esteem, and I want to be able to properly fulfil my obligations to school. I've been addicted to drugs in the past, and I've kicked the habit, which was easier than this.

Anybody got some advice for me?

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
Galt's Gulch
I-am-someone said:
...Anybody got some advice for me?
Just because you can beat off every day it doesn't mean that you have to.

Let's see Confucius come up with something better than that! :woo:

Rex Man

Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2005
Reaction score
Don't worry, I've been through exactly what you're describing.

Sometimes all the girls are looking you're way and you can't do wrong. Other times no matter what you do, it doesn't go like it should.

It still happens to me but what you should do is this; on one of your 'off' days divert your attention from women competely. If you keep focusing on the 'off' situation you will only make matters worse trust me.

worry leads to desperastion, but if you don't let the off times get to you, you won't have anything to worry about. :yes:


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2006
Reaction score
Forget girls for afew weeks and focus on yourself. Get better at whatever it is you like to do, and try out new things. Take bartending classes, take guitar lessons, whatever it is you've always wanted to do.

Time to relearn that you can also have confidence and fun away from females.