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  1. C

    a girl...

    Having read the DJ Bible, I would have to agree with Black Circle and say "next."
  2. C

    Brak86's Journal

    Wow. Everything about your actions and your's too amazing. Where do you get your material? Where do you get the motivation? How do you do the things you do?
  3. C

    Is it an attractive trait to love travel?

    What is wrong with such hobbies as collecting action figures or watching anime? If it interests you, why should it matter what others think of it? Sure, I'll admit, there are some things that repel even me; e.g. LARPing, Collectible Card Games, etc. But, there are some things that can be shared...
  4. C

    I need a Mentor

    How can I get into a party if I don't know anyone that would throw a party? I am effectively alienated from my peers at school; no one pays me any attention unless it involves work, then they stampede all over me. (It's because I hold a GPA of 3.85044, the highest in my class.) Essentially I am...
  5. C

    Sociopaths: Frustrated Nice Guys?

    When you turn on the news and hear about another rape/murder, do you ever wonder about what drove the culprit to commit such a heinous act? They must be some kind of soulless monster without a sense of self. In a way, you are absolutely correct. Someone who decides to go out and purposely...
  6. C

    What do you do for a living?

    I'm a freelance consultant, ha ha!
  7. C

    Well here's my sob

    This story is fairly similar to mine...minus the females and the job part. At least you have the cojones to work on it.
  8. C

    no game at the club...

    If the Matrix taught me anything, it's that no one ever makes their first jump.
  9. C

    Wanted: Your Most AFC Move

    My most AFC moment (and the moment that I'm still living currently) is when I never quite found myself able to approach any female for any reason at all. No matter what, I could not get my (quite audible) self-dialogue to flow in a positive direction. In the end, all I was able to do was...
  10. C

    Would you get married?

    Somehow, I fear that if I were to somehow spawn I'd produce some of the most pathetic creatures you ever saw. Sure, I may be a genius (by Intelligence Quotient standards), but most likely my offspring would be dim-wits. Either that or they would be the most hideous things to walk the planet. Or...
  11. C

    Girl I have my eye on invited me to her party...

    What if I don't know anybody? What if I have been alienated from all my peers who, despite ignoring me on every other occasion, only talk to me if they need help with schoolwork?
  12. C

    Did your parents ever...

    I was never drawn into the discussion on sexuality. (In fact, I remained ignorant of sex until I was about 14.) My mother, however, did fill my mind with volumes of rants and monologues on males' past evils against females, claiming that all of evolutional theory regarding gender differences was...
  13. C

    Why can't I approach with people around?

    That's a very cruel act. Even if there is a supposed animosity between BlahUgh and the audience, what does mocking them accomplish? That will only make them feel worse. I'm speaking from the viewpoint of having such things done to me in the past. Secondly, what is wrong with masturbation? For...
  14. C

    Girl I have my eye on invited me to her party...

    I have a comment: How do you get invited to parties? In my entire High School career (3 years and going) I have never been invited to a party. You are a lucky man. Just don't blow your chance.
  15. C

    I need a Mentor

    Well, I don't particularly have a dream past that. If you mean a dream related to my interests, I have always had a bit of a passion for acting. However, my biggest passion is electronics, particularly telecommunications. My secret passion, which I know will never make me money due to the state...
  16. C

    I need a Mentor

    I just recently turned seventeen. Also, I didn't give enough detail on that situation. Again and again I have demanded that they allow me to go and get my license. Every time I try and confront them on the subject, they always make an excuse like "insurance is too high, we're not letting you...
  17. C

    Do Girls need a forum?

    There was a time when I thought that my mother held all pertinent information. That all changed when I found this forum.
  18. C

    You should read this.

    I only discredit myself because, after running all the logical scenarios through my mind, I have come to the conclusion that it would be logically impossible. As for my choice of wording, 'female' is a neutral term. I do not see females as "other-worldly creatures." I only use the term 'female'...
  19. C

    I need a Mentor

    Easier said than done. My parents absolutely refuse to take me anywhere on the weekends unless I have a specific purpose. They won't let me get my driver's license because, in their words, "I don't have time for stuff like that." They want me to spend my weekends working. Unfortunately, they...
  20. C

    You should read this.

    You did a pretty good job even getting to her bedroom. If I had any chances of interacting with females in the past, I wouldn't even be past the front door.