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  1. L

    Treat this like any other approach?

    The worst thing you can do is get all weird if she says no...chances are she'll just forget about it and you should too. If she turns you down and you don't treat her any differently, who knows, maybe she'll realize you're cool and change her mind. Just don't ignore her or ask her out again...
  2. L

    How old of a club # is too old to call?

    No, a year is wayyyy too long to wait. 8 days max.
  3. L

    Woman's Point of View

    Hey no problem. Also, it can be a...well, I hate to use the word test...but sort of a barrier to see if you're interested enough to really get to know her. I agree with your friend, some off-putting girls can be super nice once they realize you're sincere.
  4. L

    New and advice wanted

    Um, she WAS into you, what she wasn't into was your head games. I agree with Marinetti.
  5. L

    Woman's Point of View

    If it's all the time, I'd have to say they just don't like you. If this is a one time thing, she could just be in a bad mood or not want to be hit on. Some girls come off as mean, when really that's just their sense of humor or a defense mechanism because they've been burned by guys one too...
  6. L

    Should one dating a girl get involved in her business?

    NO!!! Absolutely not. If you're really interested, business could screw that all up. You want to date your boss? Wait till you have to start taking orders from her. If she pushes, just let her know you're not interested in any extra work right now/you've got enough going on already/etc.
  7. L

    confused about this girl

    ^^ Absolutely, more flirting=better tips...take it from a waitress. This in no way means she's interested in them. "Getting on their level" can increase your tips a significant amount. And you have no right to be jealous, she's not yours! Sounds like you're getting too emotionally involved...
  8. L

    Woman's Point of View

    Haha, yes! This made me laugh.
  9. L

    How do you approach girls in everyday situations?

    Girls can smell ****y a mile away. Some like it, some don't...that's a chance you take if you go this route. Often, being sincere and genuine will get you a lot farther.
  10. L

    How do you approach girls in everyday situations?

    I agree to an extent: there's not one thing that's going to work every time, girls are emotional/crazy/moody/weird. Good luck figuring out how the female mind works!
  11. L

    How do you approach girls in everyday situations?

    You're absolutly right about the "selling" thing, that's what I think too...It's like "what does this guy want and why is he talking to me?" One other word of advice, go for the really hot girls! They are no less approachable than less attractive ones, and once you get someone talking to you...
  12. L

    Woman's Point of View

    I do agree that a woman can fall for a guy who would be considered by most people to be less attractive than she is. Obviously I can't comment on LovelyLady's situation, but I see it happen all the time. In fact, often it's the knock-out women who end up feeling like they're unattractive...
  13. L

    Woman's Point of View

    I disagree with some of your responses (you can read my reply above) but thanks for the welcome!
  14. L

    Woman's Point of View

    Lol, wait, so men are superior because they have to work harder for attention form the opposite sex? The whole thong hanging out of the jeans just screams s1ut to me, if a girl does it chances are she's just looking for attention. And just because she's looking for attention, NO, this does not...
  15. L

    Woman's Point of View

    Yes, that is exactly what most girls want! Here's my take on your situation: Initially, she thought you were hot, so she started up a conversation to get to know you. Somewhere along the line, she lost interest or felt like your personalities didn't really click or found out she wasn't really...
  16. L

    Woman's Point of View

    Excellent point! Yes, dirty homes are not the way to win a girl over! Plus, it really ruins the mood....way too distracting to have a sink full of dirty dishes and pizza boxes/clothes laying around.
  17. L

    Woman's Point of View

    Do you mean move up a step or move down a step? Either way, yes it's possible!
  18. L

    Woman's Point of View

    I know you're going to hate this, but it's kind of hard to pinpoint. He had a bit of a southern charm, so something that made him stand out from other guys. He asked me sincere questions and responded in a way that made me feel like he was enjoying our conversation and actually listening to...
  19. L

    Woman's Point of View

    Actually, it's quite different than being put on a pedestal. I don't want a guy that's going to worship me (honestly!), I want a partner, someone who treats me as an equal in a relationship. But, in order for a woman to feel like it's worth pursuing that with a guy, she needs to know that he's...
  20. L

    Woman's Point of View

    I actually do like mythbusters, guess I missed that episode. There is a never-aired show on youtube about the "girls don't fart" myth, Francisco, you should check it out. Kudos for putting down the seat though. I can't believe Rollo got away with that urinal stunt!