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  1. L

    Woman's Point of View

    Personally, I'm not really hung up on it, but if someone is, I'd say it would be because of the whole uncleanliness of the don't know who else has touched the handle, seat, sink, etc, and with what on their hands.
  2. L

    Question about eye contact

    A smile is a good sign, but if they're nice they might just smile to everyone. A better indicator is prolonged eye-contact, not just a quick glance. Or a couple times within a setting or short period.
  3. L

    Girls Like Playing with "FIRE" saying: A technique I thought of

    Hey, if I liked the guy, I would go for it. It's a challenge, and lets the girl make the move/have control. A lot of girls won't approach a guy or ask him out just out of nowhere, and this technique gives her a way of "asking you out" without actually doing it. As for the delivery, say it in...
  4. L

    My girl wants to hang out with her ex. What do I do?

    I don't think you're being too harsh - just that you went about it the wrong way. I agree that this guy is no good, but the way you "commanded" her not to hang out with him is bound to make her defensive and upset...and more likely to do just the opposite. A better thing to say might have...
  5. L

    She doesn't have your number and you call her but she doesn't pick up

    Honestly, that sounds jerkish, just like you thought. I wouldn't have called back even if the guy was a Brad Pitt look-alike. If you act like a jerk before the date, how is she supposed to think you'd act during the date? I'd expect a guy like this to pull the "I forgot my wallet" routine so...
  6. L

    She doesn't have your number and you call her but she doesn't pick up

    I'm not a guy...but I would definitely vote for leaving a message. Texting seems sort of impersonal, and for a first contact thing it could be a little weird. With a message, you can let her know who you are, why you're calling, and where you got her #. She may just not answer her phone if...
  7. L

    Getting to know a shy girl

    She may not be shy at all, she might just not talk in this class. Just go for it, ask her non-personal questions at first so she doesn't feel put-on the spot.
  8. L

    Kino: escalation or match

    ^^ I agree, definitely match it! A good side-by-side move: lightly touch the small of her back (just for a second!) when you're saying something to her.
  9. L

    can women be molded?

    I don't see this as an issue of "molding" her. People need love/affection in different ways, and hers seems to be through verbal affirmation. This isn't a matter of her being selfish. The fact is, if you can't or are unwilling to satisfy her emotionally in this way she'll find someone who...
  10. L

    Woman's Point of View

    There is no way the good looking women want more sex than men. The non good looking ones sometimes do. Interestingly pessimist view. I disagree. I agree, but its not worth it for a guy to wait 9 months, spend alot of money and time, treat her nicely, do whatever she wants so he can get...
  11. L

    Woman's Point of View

    I prefer honesty, so that might actually work for me. It's really important that he not come across as creepy or desperate, both of which are deal-breakers. And a sincere smile is a must. The thing about having a random guy come up to you is, girls are always looking out for themselves and...
  12. L

    Treat this like any other approach?

    I'm sorry, I wasn't contradicting this part of your post! I just meant that he shouldn't put too much thought into it, if it seems like he's paid a great deal of attention to her without saying anything, it can come off as a little creepy. I think something like, "hey, you seem to be doing...
  13. L

    Woman's Point of View

    Yes women want sex, I'm not denying that. Some women want sex more than some men. But to approach a woman with the assumption that she wants to have sex with you, and to touch her sexually based on this assumption, shows no respect for that woman and a very low understanding of women in...
  14. L

    Treat this like any other approach?

    The thing is, if she turns down your offer to get a drink, there's going to be no study date because she'll already know you're interested in more than just studying. ABC sounds like he's got a good grasp of the situation, although I would forgo all the planning/reasoning, it's really obvious...
  15. L

    VERY CONFUSED SITUATION w/ a HB 8 .. How can I handle this?

    I agree with what's already been said. Um, her boyfriend won't LET her leave him? Sounds like a lame excuse. If she really wanted you she would have left him already. "Doing couple stuff but not in public" is a big red flag. You just need to stay out of it until she gets her life...
  16. L

    Should I apologize to her....?

    Yes! I think you should absolutely tell her! She deserves an explanation for you brushing her off like that, it's no wonder she broke up with you. And if she's any kind of a gf she'll be supportive, which it sounds like you could probably use. It's not admitting weakness, it's letting her in...
  17. L

    Woman's Point of View

    As a woman, I'd like to think that my opinion on what women think is 10 fold more informed than all the men on this site. Women act mean for a lot of reasons and, depending on where you meet them, it is not ALWAYS because they're not interested, this is why I asked for specifics on his...
  18. L

    "I'm too nice"

    If she said it like it was a deal-breaker or it was an excuse as to why she didn't want to continue the relationship (rather than just something she said in casual conversation), then she doesn't like you for whatever reason and she can't think of a better way to "let you down easy". "You're...
  19. L


    Wow, I can't believe how great you've been! After only one date, I'd say you don't own her anything, but it was super sweet of you to check on her. She may just need space to recoup right now. I'd say leave her a flower with your number tied to it with a little msg that says something like...