She doesn't have your number and you call her but she doesn't pick up


Oct 3, 2006
Reaction score
Here is the situation. My chick friend introduced me to her sister. So, I got her number. 3 weeks later which was today today. I called her cellphone for the first time (she didn't have my number stored on her cellphone prior) and she didn't pick up.

I texted her saying

"hey woman, u better pick up your phone next time I call -sosuave"

Which is more effective for you guys..leaving a message on her voicemail saying it was you who called or would text her?



Don Juan
Oct 26, 2007
Reaction score
Central US
I'm not a guy...but I would definitely vote for leaving a message. Texting seems sort of impersonal, and for a first contact thing it could be a little weird. With a message, you can let her know who you are, why you're calling, and where you got her #. She may just not answer her phone if it's an unknown # (I don't!)


Senior Don Juan
Oct 24, 2007
Reaction score
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA you nailed your own coffin shut with that lame ass message. of course, waiting three weeks to call her was enough to do you in anyway.

i always leave messages. i call four times.

#1 - Hi, Susan, this is marinetti. I was calling to see what you're doing Sunday. I'll try you again later tonight.

#2 - Hi, Susan, this is marinetti again. Guess I missed you. I'll try you back again in a couple days.

{Perhaps on Monday}
#3 - Hi, Susan, this is marinetti. I wanted to see if you're up for getting some coffee on Wednesday. I'll call you back then.

#4 - Hi, Susan, you must be pretty busy lately. If you want to give me a call back, my number is ###-###-####. Hope to talk to you soon.

Then I'm done. Odds are after four tries she doesn't want to talk, but I never write any girl off.

[Edit]: Good point by Lexie. When you get a number, call the phone right away so she has your number. Always.


Oct 3, 2006
Reaction score
Lexie said:
I'm not a guy...but I would definitely vote for leaving a message. Texting seems sort of impersonal, and for a first contact thing it could be a little weird. With a message, you can let her know who you are, why you're calling, and where you got her #. She may just not answer her phone if it's an unknown # (I don't!)
Yeah, i told her who I was. in the text.

If you are a chick then I need your opinion on this one.

Another single chick I approached. Called her up months later and she picks up her phone (she didn't have my number prior) 1st minute opening conversation went very well (good vibe)...then I asked her

Me: "So, you free this thursday? Yes or no?" ( i asked her this in a kinda jerkish tone of voice)
HB: "let me see... yeah, im free this thursday"
Me: "Actually, let me call you back. I got to go do something really quick"

I ended up not calling her back because I wanted to see if she was going to chase me and call me. She didn't call me back.

I guess she wasn't that interested if she didn't put an effort into at least calling me back as a follow up to see why I didn't call her back.

Whats your opinion? Thanks much


Senior Don Juan
Oct 24, 2007
Reaction score
girls rarely chase man, rarely rarely chase unless you've already shown the ability to escalate to a romantic level

i'm a guy, but come on. testing a girl before you've even set a first date? come on.


Oct 12, 2007
Reaction score
actually I've done both. one that works decent, I called on monday no answer, I hang up....I call thursday no answer, I hang up, I tex on monday and say"

hello, this is skirtchaser, just wanted you to know I tried calling a couple of times and couldn't reach you.

last week when I did this I got a tex back that said oh hi.... I've been busy, how are you?

my reply was; can I call you now?

she replied yes and I called and we are going out thursday to the art museum, I got season passes and its a cheap first date.

I hate that voice mail 5hit, if I don't get a call or tex after the first tex I drop it.


Oct 3, 2006
Reaction score
Hey skirt, yeah, I TOLD her in the text that she better pick up. I hate sending text messages with open ended questions because I like using the salesman no commitment philosophy.

I'll call her up tomorrow if she doesn't pick up. I'll leave a voice mail saying

"hey its sosuave, have a good life"


Oct 12, 2007
Reaction score
after I got the first tex, then I asked if I can call her now, if she didn't reply I would of felt the answer was no and that's the last time she would of heard from me.

nothing cute, straight to the point. I'm all serious when it come to business, and I treat dating the same way.


Don Juan
Oct 26, 2007
Reaction score
Central US
verysuave said:
If you are a chick then I need your opinion on this one.

Another single chick I approached. Called her up months later and she picks up her phone (she didn't have my number prior) 1st minute opening conversation went very well (good vibe)...then I asked her

Me: "So, you free this thursday? Yes or no?" ( i asked her this in a kinda jerkish tone of voice)
HB: "let me see... yeah, im free this thursday"
Me: "Actually, let me call you back. I got to go do something really quick"

I ended up not calling her back because I wanted to see if she was going to chase me and call me. She didn't call me back.

I guess she wasn't that interested if she didn't put an effort into at least calling me back as a follow up to see why I didn't call her back.

Whats your opinion? Thanks much
Honestly, that sounds jerkish, just like you thought. I wouldn't have called back even if the guy was a Brad Pitt look-alike. If you act like a jerk before the date, how is she supposed to think you'd act during the date? I'd expect a guy like this to pull the "I forgot my wallet" routine so I wouldn't bother calling him back.

And if you say you're going to call back, ALWAYS call back. If you want to give her the option of "chasing" you, say "hey, I actually need to go right now, you want to call me back later?"

Basically, she was interested - she said she was free, but you blew it by leaving her hanging. If she wasn't interested she would have been "busy".


Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2006
Reaction score
verysuave said:
Yeah, i told her who I was. in the text.

If you are a chick then I need your opinion on this one.

Another single chick I approached. Called her up months later and she picks up her phone (she didn't have my number prior) 1st minute opening conversation went very well (good vibe)...then I asked her

Me: "So, you free this thursday? Yes or no?" ( i asked her this in a kinda jerkish tone of voice)
HB: "let me see... yeah, im free this thursday"
Me: "Actually, let me call you back. I got to go do something really quick"

I ended up not calling her back because I wanted to see if she was going to chase me and call me. She didn't call me back.

I guess she wasn't that interested if she didn't put an effort into at least calling me back as a follow up to see why I didn't call her back.

Whats your opinion? Thanks much
Anybody else thinks this is one of the most funny first time call ever?

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
Galt's Gulch
marinetti said:
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA you nailed your own coffin shut with that lame ass message. of course, waiting three weeks to call her was enough to do you in anyway.
I love to watch how much effort is put into getting numbers by some guys and then they never call and when they do they just give the woman a huge reason for not returning their call. :crackup:

The Sperminator

Senior Don Juan
Jan 18, 2007
Reaction score
Me: "So, you free this thursday? Yes or no?" ( i asked her this in a kinda jerkish tone of voice)
HB: "let me see... yeah, im free this thursday"
Me: "Actually, let me call you back. I got to go do something really quick"

Are you serious lmao. Sorry that was just a jerk move. I would be very very surprise if she agrees to go out with you now. Also I think the text seems a little too much too. Seemed like you were being rude. I'm curious to see what happens though. I could be wrong.


Oct 3, 2006
Reaction score
The Sperminator said:
Me: "So, you free this thursday? Yes or no?" ( i asked her this in a kinda jerkish tone of voice)
HB: "let me see... yeah, im free this thursday"
Me: "Actually, let me call you back. I got to go do something really quick"

Are you serious lmao. Sorry that was just a jerk move. I would be very very surprise if she agrees to go out with you now. Also I think the text seems a little too much too. Seemed like you were being rude. I'm curious to see what happens though. I could be wrong.
HEY B1TCHES, BELIEVE IT oR NOT, I CALLED UP THIS CHICK AGAIN 3 MONTHS LATER AND SHE PICKED UP HER PHONE TODAY and said "HI SOSUAVE, what happened? I thought you were gona call me back.."

Me: "yeah long time no talk, but I did call you back like i said.. you see"
HB: "yeah you are right"
me" how you been?
hb: good, just working and stuff. You still work at the same place?" bla bla bla...................

me: "you free this thursday?"
hb: "i am only free mondays cuz i have school and work.
me: "hmmmm ok...,
hb "I am also free on sunday nights too"
me: "hmm, im not sure what my schedule is for next week, but ill call you back and let you know... so I'll talk to you later then"
hb: "ok then

Whaddaya know, she kept my number. SO, she only has monday and sunday off everyweek..

Am I going to be the one who supposed to go after her and request those days off so I can take her out?.. She's making me chase her now..

Anyway, what woould you do?


Master Don Juan
Mar 19, 2006
Reaction score
Get Call Backs

U WAITED WAY TOO LONG TO CALL HER BACK........U call and get U leave a message or hang up and text or call back?

LETS GO BACK IN TIME A BIT.............if you extracted the number using a time compressed speed seduction method, that action alone increased your flake factor by 4. Solid digit extraction occur right after the rapport stage.

Allowing 3 MONTHS to pass is a bit much. Other factors include: PEOPLE (especially women) dont usually answer UNKNOWN CALLERS.

A simple text message informing her to answer her phone is a good lead in, to gettting a live person. Make sure to personalize it with a bit of playful teasing.

Women don't usually call strangers back, they enjoy being chased, trying to alter that fact is difficult.

So whats left is voicemail.... are there tactics to increase your odds of being called back,.,,,,,,,,,YOU BET. bUT BEFORE WE GET TO THAT, YOU Gotta pay attention to the outside variables that influence being called back.

1) TIMING: timing is essential. You do not want to call too late or too early in the day. Your goal is to talk to the person not a piece of technology. Most people work from 9-5pm M-F and eat dinner between 5-7 PM; 8:00 PM should work. Weekends and Holidays are a difficult time as most people are busy.

2) YOUR INITIAL IMPRESSION-how you made her feel in the initial number extraction, did u make her laugh, did she seem genuinely interested. The key here is to make yourself memorable so she will recall you when you talk to her, this also increases your odds. Hello, this is Jim from the Internet, my number is 555-1212, is NOT VERY INTERESTING.

3) IDENTIFY YOURSELF-start with her first name, then state your name, include your phone number at the beginning and lastly where you met.

4)) INCORPORATE-something from their profile, a cute little pet name/tease, anything humorous/silly. Remind her why she gave you her number in the first place. Capture her attention early on. Is this the Mary Poppins chic who is all talk. Sound effects also increase your call back ratio dramatically. U can re-direct her to youtube, etc.

5) STATE YOUR PURPOSE-even though you got her voicemail your actions should proceed as if you are talking to her. Give her options and specify the day but leave the exact time/location details for a live conversation.

6) CONTACT # - be sure to leave a number where you can be reached at & the best time to call as this cuts down on phone tag. Speak slowly and clearly when leaving your number.

so those are the factors now what about the tactics to get a call back, glad you asked, we go........

FIRST IMPRESSIONS ARE EVERYTHING-once you leave a message, you cannot go back and change it. Make sure your message is concise, exudes confidence, and to the point. Don't just wing it, have some idea of what you are going to say, smile when you speak, be cheerful, it puts you in the right frame of mind. You HAVE TO GIVE HER A REASON TO CALL YOU BACK, so make sure you have a plan. Here is a few examples of how to influence your odds of getting a call back;

THE MISTAKE-this is where you leave THEIR number to call you back (assuming they have caller ID…..or leave an additional work number). She will call you back informing you that you left her number by mistake. You can also leave a partial message that sounds cut off right at the crucial moment.

TRIVIA QUESTION: you leave them with a cliff-hanger, trivia question, guess what I heard, etc so that they must call you back to hear the answer/punch-line/outcome.

CONGRADULATIONS YOU JUST WON: again (keeping with the humorous theme) you want to stand out from the norm. Informing them they just won or asking where can you send the check. Call back for this time sensitive matter, etc.

FOLLOW UP CALL-some people leave one message and think their work is done, this is not realistic (see techno glitch). 100% of the women you do not call will not call you back. Call back a day or two later…still no answer THEN move on.


U should check out DaVagina it


Oct 3, 2006
Reaction score
COD said:
U WAITED WAY TOO LONG TO CALL HER BACK........U call and get U leave a message or hang up and text or call back?

LETS GO BACK IN TIME A BIT.............if you extracted the number using a time compressed speed seduction method, that action alone increased your flake factor by 4. Solid digit extraction occur right after the rapport stage.

Allowing 3 MONTHS to pass is a bit much. Other factors include: PEOPLE (especially women) dont usually answer UNKNOWN CALLERS.

A simple text message informing her to answer her phone is a good lead in, to gettting a live person. Make sure to personalize it with a bit of playful teasing.

Didnt you read what I said previously, Ive called her 3 months ago, she picked up, made plans, then I told her i'll call her back...(i didn't)

I called her up 3 months later (yesterday), she picked up the phone and actually said "Hi verysuave".

I was a bit surprised she had my number stored LOL and threw me off a little.


Master Don Juan
Mar 17, 2006
Reaction score
verysuave said:
Didnt you read what I said previously, Ive called her 3 months ago, she picked up, made plans, then I told her i'll call her back...(i didn't)

I called her up 3 months later (yesterday), she picked up the phone and actually said "Hi verysuave".

I was a bit surprised she had my number stored LOL and threw me off a little.
Yes and you're still at home, alone, dateless, and probably jerking off.

Big accomplishment. You definitely proved us all wrong.

The Sperminator

Senior Don Juan
Jan 18, 2007
Reaction score
Haha omg verysauve you crack me up. How the hell did you prove us wrong? Because she picked up? First of all you never arranged for a date and secondly even if you did she could still flake on you. So until you **** her don't post anything on here saying you proved us wrong. All you proved is you have learned nothing while being on this site.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 5, 2007
Reaction score
United States
If she doesn't pick up, you leave a straightforward message:

"Hey this is #41, we met the other night doing whatever, I was hoping to get the chance to talk to you but looks like we missed one another. I'll try back some other time, or you can call me back at this number."

If there was something funny that you talked about or something you can reference to help make a personal connection in the message, that's definitely a good thing to include.

Usually if they don't call me back (and, usually, I do get called back within an hour or so), I try one more time and then delete the number.

Whenever you call, always have a planned message in your mind in case she doesn't pick up -- nothing sounds worse on a recorder than someone fumbling around for words and filling the gaps with a lot of "Ums" and "Uhhs."


Master Don Juan
Aug 16, 2007
Reaction score
verysuave said:
Here is the situation. My chick friend introduced me to her sister. So, I got her number. 3 weeks later which was today today. I called her cellphone for the first time (she didn't have my number stored on her cellphone prior) and she didn't pick up.

You phoned your friend's sister 3 weeks after getting her phone number? Way way way too late. Why did you wait so long? Did you think she was by the phone the whole time waiting for your call?

I texted her saying

"hey woman, u better pick up your phone next time I call -sosuave"

Translation: "Listen bvtch, I am very important and don't have time to treat women with respect. You better satisfy my every need when I want or there may be hell to pay."

Which is more effective for you guys..leaving a message on her voicemail saying it was you who called or would text her?
In your case, I would be concerned with message itself than the way you left it.

Two days after getting her number, you could have given her a call and said "I would love to for coffee with you, tomorrow 8:00 p.m." Simple, direct, to the point, showing genuine interest.