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  1. B

    Men confuse me

    If I found out any of my friends were trying to mack on my girl they would get a beat down like they have never seen. Luckily my friends all know and respect that rule. I wouldn't do that to my friends girls. I have had my friends girls tell me I have a nice ass and so on. Its a nice compliment...
  2. B

    Need some help with this situation->

    Yeah I am miserable, that is for sure. The problem is, sometimes it seems like there IS hope and sometimes not. She has a major issue with us arguing, she HATES it, as do I. If I just left her be and left her alone and stopped talking about "us" she would probably sort it out- she said as much...
  3. B

    How old are you pro Don Juan's?

    Royal Elite is absolutely RIGHT! I am early thirties and have had plenty of experience, threesomes etc and I can tell you, you can go from stud to AFC without realizing it. You really can go back and forth depending on if you fall "in love" and don't check your emotions. Love can hurt just as...
  4. B

    Men confuse me

    Issues like this make me not trust women. Do any of them actually NOT cheat??
  5. B

    Need some help with this situation->

    I am in a rat bag situation. My LTR of many years has turned sour on me and we live together. Sometimes she acts like she is "working out her issues" and we get along really great and other(most) times she says she doesn't want to keep trying to make our relationship work, she is not attracted...
  6. B

    Whats a good place to live?

    LA is a cesspool. You might as well move to Tijuanna.
  7. B

    Whats a good place to live?

    I used to live in Tampa which has pretty good nightlife(Ybor city) and TONS of very hot girls but I was there for over a decade. I got sick of the place. I may move back to Florida though, perhaps Melbourne, I don't know really. Sarasota is nice but not much going on.
  8. B

    Anyone else into Mixed Martial Arts?

    Yeah I like CroCop too, he is a bad ass.
  9. B

    avoiding burning muscle during cardio?

    No HIIT is not the answer. If you dont want to burn muscle DO NOT jog or run. Do 45-60 minutes of moderate cardio 7 days a week. I do the treadmill at a 11 degree incline at about 3.5 mph. When you are at the gym take a look at the people hauling ass on the treadmill, do they look big and...
  10. B

    Where is a cool place to live?

    No I mean Melbourne Florida. I actually lived in Melbourne Australia for some time, I LOVE it there and plan to buy property in Oz at some point. Australia is great!
  11. B

    Whats a good place to live?

    Your right, I didn't get too specific. Whatever you do DO NOT use the "best places to live" guides online, they are total BS. I live in the currently rated "best place to live in the US" and it SUCKS!! I want somewhere that doesn't make me feel like I am in Mexico!!
  12. B

    Where is a cool place to live?

    Alaska? Yeah its pretty cold maybe but I don't know about cool. NY is hip and all but I wouldn't want to live there. I have a lot of friends from Long Island/NYC area. One of the prerequisites for me moving somewhere is the gun laws being to my taste. I am a gun nut. I have been getting into...
  13. B

    San Diego County

    I lived in SD for a few years. It basically sucks to live there unless you have a lot of money, at least in my opinion although its hella better than living where I do now(in NC which REALLY sucks). The zoo is awesome, I had yearly passes and used to go at least once a week. One of the best in...
  14. B

    Anyone else into Mixed Martial Arts?

    You guys train or watch MMA? UFC, Pride etc? I missed the last Pride but there is an upcoming UFC next month that should be good. Tito vs. Vitor Belfort. I cant stand Tito so I hope he gets spanked. My fav fighter Wanderlai Silva is supposed to fight Randy Couture at some point which would be a...
  15. B

    Measuring bodyfat percentage

    Yes your best bet is to just go by how you look. I don't bother with the scale at all. My trainer (Swolecat in case any of you have heard of him) does the same. He is about 245, 6-7%bf but says he only really gets tested about twice a year.
  16. B

    How about a careers forum?

    You guys hit the nail on the head. A Careers/Financial Issues forum is EXACTLY what would be perfect. I look at like this- anyone familiar with Tony Robbins knows the differant parts to being a whole person, one of which is career which also encompases finance/investing etc. Without a solid...
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    How about a careers forum?

    A solid career is a very important part of every DJ's life, why not a forum to discuss these issues?? Myself, I am looking into ways to make big money. I am thinking real estate...
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    Where is a cool place to live?

    I am planning to move but don't know where to. Give me some ideas.
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    Measuring bodyfat percentage

    See here:
  20. B

    Great Article, a must read!

    He is talking about "hat guys" that never go anywhere without a baseball cap. They don't know enough to take them off inside a restaurant for example. Its called old school manners. Compare a 40's hat to a modern ball cap. See what I mean? Personally, my hair is too cool to covered by a hat...