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  1. B

    What would you do?

    Would you guys go after a girl you know is unhappy in a LTR? I know a hella hot girl who has been with just one guy since she was like 18, she is 21 now and her friends say she is unhappy in the relationship. Her bf is a like a 2 and she is an 8. Everyone knows it but her. Her bf is away in SC...
  2. B

    'Party' Pictures... Lesbian sex.

    --> I don't know what your talking about, I am a broke azz and have had rich chicks before. They aren't looking to marry a poor guy but if all you wants is freaky sex its not hard to find. For all you guys that cannot find girls like this I recommend you get into the trace/club scene. MANY...
  3. B

    Who here has their own place?

    I do too, that has a lot to do with it. They have convinced our culture that men and women are the same and its caused havoc.
  4. B

    'Party' Pictures... Lesbian sex.

    -> I have had quite a few threesome's and while they are hella fun I think they are overrated. Its not that big a deal. I have had better sex with just one girl. Of course, nothing like getting two girls to "service" you. It is good for the ego if nothing else. :)
  5. B

    Who here has their own place?

    LIVING WITH PETER PAN Maybe the twixters are in denial about growing up, but the rest of society is equally in denial about the twixters. Nobody wants to admit they're here to stay, but that's where all the evidence points. Tom Smith, director of the General Social Survey, a large...
  6. B

    Who here has their own place?

    WEDDINGS CAN WAIT With everything else that's going on--careers to be found, debts to be paid, bars to be hopped--love is somewhat secondary in the lives of the twixters. But that doesn't mean they're cynical about it. Au contraire: among our friends from Chicago--Michele, Ellen, Nathan...
  7. B

    Who here has their own place?

    -> WORK IN PROGRESS Kate Galantha, 29, spent seven years working her way through college, transferring three times. After she finally graduated from Columbia College in Chicago (major: undeclared) in 2001, she moved to Portland, Ore., and went to work as a nanny and as an assistant to a...
  8. B

    Who here has their own place?

    Continued: SCHOOL DAZE Matt Swann is 27 ??He took 6 1/2 years to graduate from the University of Georgia. When he finally finished, he had a brand-spanking-new degree in cognitive science, which he describes as a wide-ranging interdisciplinary field that covers cognition, problem solving...
  9. B

    Who here has their own place?

    -> Actually time magazine had an article about this last issue. It talked about the generation of "twixters" who live with their parents into their 30's, it is a WORLDWIDE phenomomenon, not just in the US. While you have to take Time's liberal bias into accord, it still has some good points...
  10. B

    Who here has their own place?

    -> I don't think it matters that much. I have been able to get chicks without a car and living at home as well as with a hot ride and my own place. Its about YOU, not what you have. Obviously its much better to have your own place if possible.
  11. B

    'Party' Pictures... Lesbian sex.

    --> Your girl sounds a lot like my now ex. She is/was freaky like that and really hot as well. Watch out, if it turns into a LTR you could be in trouble. Enjoy it and keep it fun! Personally I would never post nudie pics of my girl online but I am sure everyone on here is glad you did. ;)
  12. B

    Porno...the dark side....

    Ever think to yourself: "Damn, there are MILLIONS of really beautiful young girls doing the most nasty things online....why is that?" My theory is that girls and especially cute girls all get molested by someone at some point and that pushes them to think sex is nothing more than a tool. It...
  13. B

    on a scale from 1 to 10 what are you?

    I don't know, chicks tell me I look like a more muscular Sugar Ray(Mark McGrath), what does he rate? I feel bad for the guy actually, people go around calling him Sugar Ray...ok I don't feel that bad for him. Man *****! ha.
  14. B

    Need some help with this situation->

    Man, I am getting stressed out trying to get everything arranged during the few hours she isn't here and still at work. I got quite upset last night but hid it from her. I still have some more packing and whatnot to do. I am leaving the day after valentines. How sweet and romantic. :confused:
  15. B

    Need some help with this situation->

    I simply have a hard time turning down a *******. :p Doesn't matter how I feel, the wheels are in motion, I am out next tuesday!
  16. B

    Need some help with this situation->

    That is pretty rough. Worse than this I suspect. We are ok with each now as far as, we are getting along just fine, she just says she isn't "in love" anymore. So whatever, I will be on my way. I am getting everything arranged now. I need to get some boxes to pack, maybe I will order some...
  17. B

    Need some help with this situation->

    Hey, at least you had a truck! I don't even have a car right now. I sold mine awhile ago and need a new one. I am ok with this now, as ok as I can be. I have been through this before. I will meet new girls, I will survive. I am going to just be normal until I leave, I have had enough drama...
  18. B

    Need some help with this situation->

    She is the only one on the lease. No way can I stay longer than I already have. She wants me to move and so do I. Don Juanabbe, clean out your mailbox!
  19. B

    Need some help with this situation->

    Some good points. My now ex, she does realize some of these things, on the surface at least. She has grown more into being a traditional women on the surface but at heart she is just a scared little girl who doesn't know who she is or what she wants. I emailed her this morning asking her what...
  20. B

    Need some help with this situation->

    Yeah I think that has something to do with it. She is almost 26 and has decided she can "go it alone" or some such nonesense. Good luck I say! If I had married her its hard to say if this would have worked out or not, who knows. I only plan to get married once hopefully. On the plus...