Great Article, a must read!


Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2004
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A little too stereotypical at times, but overall an excellent read. Highly recommended....mainly the last half though.
I touched on some of the topics presented in this article in one of my own I posted here. I can really relate to what this article is saying and I totally understand it. Many good points were made.


Master Don Juan
Feb 29, 2004
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Boston, MA
The guy who wrote the article should get out more. He's using incorrect decades old stereotypes.


Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2004
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Originally posted by Life-Trainee
The guy who wrote the article should get out more. He's using incorrect decades old stereotypes.
This is true as I already mentioned above, but if you see past some of that garbage to the main ideas and points, it is correct in many regards. Especially the part about boys living in dual income families without a strong father figure and being taught since elementary school by mainly female teachers till high school. This is dead on. There were other points which were quite valid as well.

California Love

Master Don Juan
Jan 2, 2004
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The Bay Area
I think he's reading incorrectly into the social changes that have occured over the past few decades. Also, his stereotyping of different college students is overly-offensive. Culturally, we have been loosing finess due to our increasingly busy lifestyles. Dad's don't spend time with their sons, and as a result, things like honor, dignity, fortitude, and most importantly, respect, are never instilled. Still, I don't think he's realized that there will always be a wide spectrum of people. Behavioral diversity is a promient aspect of all mammals.


Master Don Juan
Dec 30, 2004
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I think I've seen this before.

I disagree with a lot.

You will know them right away by their distinctive headgear.
I'm insulted that I'm a "barbarian" because I like to wear a hat.

They spoke the King's English, carried themselves with an air of dignity, treated women with respect, and studied assiduously.
And I'm sure going around respecting women got them lots of chicks.

Barbarians, not surprisingly, listen to barbaric music.
Subjective. I know people who think heavy metal is trash, I know people who think hiphop is trash and barbaric.

Boys learned to behave properly first from their mothers
We've established that listening to our mothers is a bad idea.

and carefully guarded their language so as not to offend the fair sex.
Women use just as vulgar language as men nowadays

A woman does not like to be yelled at by men in passing cars or from dormitory rooms.
Who says men do that because women like it?

Like the barbarian, the wimp is easily recognized by his personality and preoccupations. His main passion is music
But I thought barbarians were known for their "obsession" with heavy metal. They can't be wimps also. That's flat out calling all DJs wimps, and most DJs are some big macks. Wrong again for this guy.

Avery has posters on his wall of Eminem, Kobe Bryant, and Fred Durst of Limp Bizkit
What the hell is an 11 yr old doing listening to incredibly vulgar rap and rock music, and idolizing a sex offender?

The author's thesis is about women not finding men satisfactory any more. I thought we men were trying to find satisfactory women, not vice versa


Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2004
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oh yeah I was about to mention the hat thing as well. That was just bewildering. What does this person have against hats?


Don Juan
Jan 10, 2005
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He is talking about "hat guys" that never go anywhere without a baseball cap. They don't know enough to take them off inside a restaurant for example. Its called old school manners. Compare a 40's hat to a modern ball cap. See what I mean?

Personally, my hair is too cool to covered by a hat. How many chicks think to themselves "you know what I like, a guy that wears a hat all the time".

If that is your style good for you but most adults don't go around wearing a ball cap EVERYWHERE. That is what he is saying.

He makes a lot of generalizations but he hits some good points.

Compare two types of guys you have nowadays. The gangster wannabe and the alt rock peace wuss protester type. The gangsta wannabe is a "barbarian" in that he lacks class, culture and generally cannot speak in correct English let alone act like a gentleman. What he does have is an overabundance of testosterone. That is his appeal and why many girls go for that type of guy. He is ****y, aggressive and the like.
Then you have the alt rock, protester type guy who has ZERO testosterone and think it would be so much better if "everyone could just get along". He is practically a female and although somewhat cultured(in the academia sense) he has no appeal to a women who wants any semblance of a real man. His main concern is emotions and feeeelings.

That is a BIG disparity between cultures and no wonder men AND women are so confused about their roles nowadays.

Just my 2cents worth.