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  1. P

    Trying to start a fightclub/Mens networking group is tough:)

    what's your age and how are you going about trying to do this? I think its probably different for a 19 years old, vs a 30, 50, 60 years old. Issues are how to meet someone and get them to trust you enough and also that they want to do the same.
  2. P


    yeh, this probably can be traced to some childhood stuff. Lots of people have the same thing, we call it being shy. Its normal, and its also one of the most important things to work on, like foundation level stuff. How do you feel when someone cold approaches you? It depends on when...
  3. P

    Why I think most relationships fail

    Most relationships fail because either the woman or the man gets bored. Usually it is the woman that gets bored. When bored, then self control and integrity are in the front seat. Self control and integrity are linked to consequences. Women in history had consequences for causing or...
  4. P

    Getting noticed when i step out with my son

    Is he 17+? and good looking?
  5. P

    Should you make a woman regret turning you down?

    nope. don't give it another thought. your energy will darken if you spend time worry about this. dark energy brings more dark to you. -- Maybe she is just not smart, and can not see/figure out that your a good deal. Can you forgive her for being not smart.
  6. P

    What do you do when you know she’s a hoe?

    you a hoe, she a hoe, hoe ho ho.
  7. P

    Relationships with 'broken' women.

    not possible if the man is also broken.
  8. P

    I gained 15 kg in a month... How can I lose this fast?

    The higher test and muscle growth will keep your metabolism up for awhile even if you stop. Those will drop again over time, months or maybe a year if you stop.
  9. P

    I gained 15 kg in a month... How can I lose this fast?

    Need to burn more energy than putting in. Cardio and burst. Start slow jog for a few weeks to loosen up and not have injury. After that do Run/Walk sprints. Its one of the fastest ways to drop stubborn visceral fat. Eat very healthy, take a break from alcohol(later when at target can...
  10. P

    AI in the dating marketplace

    next the Ai girl will be getting an Ai guy. back to the start because it will be difficult to compete with the Ai guys who are perfect.
  11. P

    A fixer upper?

    If both her and you think your smv is higher, then you can manage it how you think best.
  12. P

    The invisible Frame

    Its not women or men its both. If men would be monogamous women would be also. Best we can do is get perspective. Try to count the number of friends that would turn down your girl only because its your girl. How about if they are not your friend. Probably arranged marriages and strict...
  13. P

    Question: What do actually works nowadays?

    These two comments don't seem to fit. Are the band members all girls? I assume you hang out with the band members and socialize with them. BTW: Some guys would consider 5-10 women for half a year as good. Maybe if you consider that good the good will roll bigger.
  14. P

    Why do some very attractive women go for average guys their entire life?

    When we decide that a man is average, that usually means we think we are above them. Is he demonstrating fear or lack of fear. Everyone is good or very good at something. Do you know what this average guy is good at?
  15. P

    I can't understand why I'm not sexually attracted to this woman

    So the question is, what is it. Several agree that this happens, but its still a why is that... Its a vibe. This girl turns it off. She might be aware of that or not. Some/many women go around all day with Sex Vibe stuck in the on position. All men are paying attention to that. To be...
  16. P

    What Can I do about my small town?

    Make friends with some different men than you are currently hanging with. Be wise but a good friend. There are some circles, you have not been invited yet.
  17. P

    striving to be an irreplaceable men

    It is possible to learn how to deal and interact with people while keeping your kindness and integrity intact. It shall be a choice to do that instead of forced because of no choice. In this way you become something more. As always these things are a work in progress. Perspective, what...
  18. P

    striving to be an irreplaceable men

    Ever heard someone tell "just have confidence". Well, that is about as useless and not helpful thing that can be told. What even the masters usually fail to teach is HOW to have confidence. Often they.. don't tell because they don't know, and if they have true confidence they never ever...
  19. P

    Girlfriend has hinted at threesomes when drunk (with other women)

    If your girl is a keeper, then no. If not then sure. Its a door that can't be locked again. Two girls and you, what about two girls and the other girls guy. Is that ok? What girls say can be different than they actually think. Or what they think 5 minutes after they said it.