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  1. P

    Need Relationship Advice

    Does not matter how you feel about her. It matters how she feels about you. When you find or I should say when one finds you, you will feel like they WANT to be with you. Until that happens stay available. It is not nice to be with a woman that really doesn't want to be with you but has...
  2. P

    combat sports attractive to the female?

    Usually a white belt is not very impressive. Great way to expand social network however and have something fun to do.
  3. P

    MMA or MA

    All the contact sports are good, most BJJ groups are a good thing. Neck and back are primary targets and most groups spar hard every training. Depends on exactly how damage is your neck and back, consult with your doc more about it. For self defense nothing beats a small gun for an older...
  4. P

    Anyone got a good take on this fallacy ?

    Doesn't have to be Islamic. Just something for a pattern. Integrity and honesty even if the story is wrong.
  5. P

    Anyone got a good take on this fallacy ?

    OP, nothing new. I think your a seasoned member and likely know this. Men target the top 10% of women, and settle for what they can get. Women do the same. Look further into the animal kingdom to see... Also, take a read of the book Sex at Dawn or The Red Queen. Men kill each other...
  6. P

    Men with Naturally High Testosterone Levels

    That's in the middle range, its ok. If going bellow say 350 it would be a problem. Libido is somewhat an indication of overall health. Low libido can be blood flow or chemical related. T doesn't have to be high, but being low is a killer.
  7. P

    Anyone work or live in saudi arabia?

    That's interesting. If guys have 4 wives, does that mean women outnumber men 4 to 1. Or does it mean 3 out of 4 guys have no women.
  8. P

    Getting cold after arrange a date

    OP; do blood work to check your T level. Not a joke, some of what your are telling about how your thought process is fits with low T. Thats not an official diagnosis... just get it checked. If thats the issue, solveing that will be like night and day difference for you. If your not...
  9. P

    Approached 100 women during the day - No success!

    this is very important. tell more about this?
  10. P

    Guess what? Money doesn't matter.

    yeh, interesting stuff. So the same broke guy that can pull women in the local food bank, can also pull women in a nice club or resort if he wins a lottery of some sort to pay the entrance fee. True as you tell it, having money allows us to provide. Being a provider is a valid plan to...
  11. P

    Guess what? Money doesn't matter.

    Agree that women are attracted to money. Unpacking that, it is really the money and the power it buys relative to other women. If the man has used the money to present himself in a way that the woman is attracted to, then sure. Money is power, and women like power. The man is not money...
  12. P

    Guess what? Money doesn't matter.

    Women are attracted to money, and so are men. It does not equal being attracted to the person that has it. A person with money that does not know how to use it, is no better off than someone that has none. Money is to buy comfort and time. Money might make us more confident, and that is...
  13. P

    Handsome man game (not as positive as you think it is..)

    Agree, if you already have several submissive cute women, then no problem. The men that don't have that are looking for how to get it. It is a chicken and egg type of thing. Not every guys head works the same way, if striking out on path one, try path two, ....
  14. P

    Handsome man game (not as positive as you think it is..)

    yea, this is true. more will want you if they think others think you are cool. women tune into group think and really care about social validation.
  15. P

    Handsome man game (not as positive as you think it is..)

    agree and also disagree. what you tell is that it can be a challenge for some men to have male friends, and it is also a challenge for them to have female available. spend the energy on finding the male friends instead of hunting women. invest in a better future. yea... its difficult to do.
  16. P

    Handsome man game (not as positive as you think it is..)

    IMHO; number one attribute to attract women for ugly or handsome men is to have male friends that respect you and are seen with you. Its better if your the alpha, but just being part of the crew as long as the others respect you will be enough. If we hang out by ourselves only, or are seen...
  17. P

    Wife cut her hair

    Its easy to overreact, especially when we know how things work. Long hair is nice, shorter looks better on some... older women. For me its not a deal breaker unless its together with several other issues at the same time.
  18. P

    Elevating Your Social Status and Demand

    fake it till you make it ??????:lol:
  19. P

    Wife cut her hair

    Did it bother you that she did not talk to you about it, and it was a surprise?
  20. P

    Wife cut her hair

    yeh, women look nice usually in long hair. just like men look good with hair. Just doesn't work out for some of us.