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  1. P

    Charisma and success

    Style & prestige. Looks & leadership. Respect from other men.
  2. P

    "He's too short it sucks"

    Height issue is real. It also gets used as a insecurity check. If it bothers us, very difficult to pass. "The Duke" had the right answer.
  3. P

    She just told me: I just feel weird lately

    OP, her interest level is down. I know that is sort of basic comment.... Why her interest level is down is more interesting. Either way being with a low interest woman is depressing. After living with a man for some time, the woman knows more about that man. Some or most of the mystery of...
  4. P

    Girls doesn't feel like a human like us

    -Keep your grades in school as high as you can. -If your not in a sports club, get into one you like. If it doesn't work out pick another one. -If you don't already do it, have beer or coffee once or twice a week with a male friend. If you don't have any, find them in the sports club or...
  5. P

    Girls doesn't feel like a human like us

    If this is not the most important question... is it close to the most important. Solve this; and most everything else will fall into place.
  6. P

    I think im wron about this

    I understand this question... wrong question at this time. This is one of the questions not to ask unless what happened is what is wanted. Its a common thing to want to ask, but should be held back. There will be time to figure that out later. If it is yours, this is a huge huge huge...
  7. P

    Is male depression mostly linked to lack of female companionship?

    Sir, a few years ago I was active with this forum. I notice your post is almost exactly like before. Take a look at the book... "Unfu*k Yourself: Get out of your head and into your life" by John Bishop. Being stuck sucks. This book does a decent job of directly confronting some issue(s)...
  8. P

    At what point does it make SENSE to get married?

    When Hell freezes over.
  9. P

    The 80%

    perceptive. that is an easy measure to know. and you also seem to know what it means. when that happens and you don't see the guy, look harder.
  10. P

    Mental toughness

    Classic martial arts training is a decent path to learn this. I don't know much about the newer styles, but the old styles will result in increased strength of will and an increased perception of the magnitude of any task. Often times military men will be mentally tough if they have not been...
  11. P

    Texting response times mean nothing, stop panicking.

    agree with OP. While it makes sense that fast text means higher interest, also have to account for women being driven by feels, stimulus, and chemicals. Today she feels like texting fast, tomorrow she does not. The next day she feels like sex, two days later she does not. keeping some...
  12. P

    Frame Wars: the Alpha Woman

    no big deal. unless you had some indicators of attraction from her this is sort of business as usual. don't worry about it, the same thing happens often to everyone else. try the next one and if any invite you, go.
  13. P

    Being a 30's Male + debunking 'SMV' chart

    you will get sex from the women that are attracted to you.
  14. P

    Abundance is poison ( in defense of women)

    depends on the man he might have money and zero game or low T.
  15. P

    Mental toughness

    What does being mentally tough mean?
  16. P

    Girlfriend broke up with me after I spent Christmas Day with my family.

    Based only on this post you are not at fault. Nothing else to figure out, she wants you to leave. It doesn't matter why.
  17. P

    I just got dumped last night
