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  1. P

    Corey Wayne-You will only meet 1 to 3 women per DECADE who you instantly click with

    could be correct. we use our effort to try to get above and so do the women. getting a match that both think each other is above is rare. hmm; how can this info help me?
  2. P

    50% of married woman have backup partners in mind

    OP, yep. This is explained in The Red Queen and in Sex At Dawn. Both decent books. The way that humans are built physically shows that they are not designed to be monogamous. And it plays out that they are not unless forced, lazy or blue pilled. Most of us have some blue pill burned into...
  3. P

    Intellectual Obesity

    the solution is to relax and discuss the issue; with beer.
  4. P

    is BPD an absolute no-go zone?

    no go for an LTR. ok for a date, every other week. no go for twice a week.
  5. P

    How can you make a girl more emotionally attracted to you?

    "How can you make a girl more emotionally attracted to you?" Lots of ways, but...only do that for short time. For an LTR, don't do that. Follow your path, and invite her. Help her on her path when she asks you. If she is not emotionally attracted then filter her out. This is likely the...
  6. P

    Your Top 10 Red Flags to Look Out for

    Ex is a politician or crime boss.
  7. P


    Just out of interest, is there a list like this that is for eastern countries. This is the western list, and a good one.
  8. P

    The Importance of Money in Men's SMV

    That is true.
  9. P

    The Importance of Money in Men's SMV

    Different types of SMV scales. Ones for provider and one for lover. Money has everything to do with provider and nothing to do with lover. Yeh.. can argue about access that money can buy. Ultimately the pool boy and others have access to the same. Some will again argue that the money...
  10. P

    The shape of the container

    Just lead. I imagine leading can be considered manipulation... If the other follows, ok. If they don't; ok. Not controlling, but leading. Manipulation will also work, for a time. Let the water be what it is, it will adjust to follow you.
  11. P

    The shape of the container

    The manipulator will always be hunting. The other will just relax and choices will come to them, literally. They can hunt, but its not necessary. The assertion in the question seems backward. Is that on purpose?
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    How to keep a women in a LTR

    like all things; take advice from those that are doing what you want to do.
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    How to keep a women in a LTR

    You don't keep them. You can do things that will keep them attracted. I know it sounds basic.. but its about them wanting to keep you. They must want more of you than they are getting. Probably the others can provide long and short lists of how to do that. Really only one of you can be...
  14. P

    my female next door neighbor

    The suggestion of walking to coffee if that can be, is the correct one. If she likes you she will make it easy for you. The cost to you if you do not ask is very high. If she say no, its also good, then you know and can continue to be polite to her. Get to know her more, she will take...
  15. P

    Breakup with GF

    If she wants to spend more time with you, she will change her schedual to do it. If she wants your help she will ask for it. Apparently you liked/like her the way she is. Keep being who you are and who you are when she met you. I know this sounds much to basic, but it is what it is. You...
  16. P

    The Harshest Lesson/s Life Taught You (so far)

    It is very possible to create real wealth in Philippines. It is like other places, one must spend less than they earn. Its hard to do it in the Philippines because of the festival culture. Your common sense saving, investing, and improvement will be called out as greedy. Think, crabs in a...
  17. P

    Does a MMA champion like Sean O'Malley have to ridiculously Peac0ckMax to get chicks? I would think that such a champ would not need to do so.

    WWE, players had contracts to act certain ways in public for character promotion and ultimately increase ticket sales. TKO also owns UFC.
  18. P

    Random women smiling at you

    Smile is just a smile. Look and look again, smile and stare or eye lock, is different. Its just good business to smile by default.
  19. P

    Intuition vs redpill ideology

    I believe "Doc Love" had it right. Not exactly RP. When a situation doesn't make sense, RP does give a framework to figure it out that is better than nothing.
  20. P

    Need Relationship Advice

    That's the point. She feels suffocated. Not all men want the same type of women, just as not all women want the exact same type man. The woman that wants the guy will not feel suffocated. If its only a partial fit or settling, then yes I agree keep more distance.