Guess what? Money doesn't matter.

Captain Rizz

Don Juan
May 1, 2024
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Maybe. Bust these are likely very low quality women most successful men wouldn't want anything to do with. The drug dealer lifestyle might be attractive to hood rats and VERY immature women, and that's it. Most quality women want a guy who has his s*it together and has some goals and a career which usually equates to doing well financially.

All this talk about women fawning over broke baristas, bums, and bartenders is sad and largely not true with quality women.

How many guys on this site actually want to date a woman who's attracted to that kind of man?
You think women are all divine, rational decision-makers, unaffected by what they're told?

To some extent upbringing can make a women make the right decisions, but ultimately she absorbs whatever is in the air. A confident man will change her perceptions of attractiveness. That's kinda the entire concept behind game: attraction can be built through behavior despite shortcomings.


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
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Master Don Juan
May 2, 2022
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Money makes all the difference, c'mon now fellas..

I can literally write a double bible but I'll try to keep a hold of myself. Money allows you to define yourself, your true self. In every way. You can literally buy the persona you wanna be if you have enough money. I am talking wardrobe, crib, car, materialistic things.

The way women look at you when you pull up jacked, in a fly car ,oozing confidence while being on the run to more paper they can smell it.

Money might not buy you love, but you will get your foot between the door much, much easier and faster.

I was working on the boss his house thia week. Well..dude is 5,5 balding on the back but he seemingly DGAF about the latter. The pool and the horses in the backyard , the gym in the basement ect. No way his wife will "just " monkeybranche. No fecking way.

I geuss you gotta have been a dead broke don juan to understand the importance of money. One who has a great (although small) wardrobe but a shytehole crib. One whose jacked, but drives a shyte car or no car at all. You'll attract women, but the quality will differ from what you REALLY want. And when you get what you want she'll bounce because sooner or later your mask will come off.

And yeah, somewhere on planet earth broke dude will have a somewhat loyal woman. But dont fool yourself, if a similar version of him but significantly bigger and better somehow enters her life...his relationship WILL be at danger. A less loyal woman will monkey branche immediately.

The money you do or don't make is a testimony of your wickedness in this life. Its a snowball effect off attraction: you'll attract more women, money, business ect. Women guessed it..a byproduct.
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Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2014
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Like everything in life its how you use it

Most women want to be comfortable in life , money means comfort so there's a basic foundational block there

There is an overarching obsession with money now thats been curated by new money footsoliders on social media

You have to be careful displaying wealth because it can attract the wrong attention , traditional old money aristocracy likes to be silent for good reason

Women are attracted to power and money USUALLY allows some degree of power / status so it defenitley helps

Is it the be all and end all ..... no definitely not because women are slaves to their emotions and their emotions can be moved without the need for money

All swings and roundabouts


Don Juan
Jan 1, 2022
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Women are attracted to money, and so are men. It does not equal being attracted to the person that has it.

A person with money that does not know how to use it, is no better off than someone that has none. Money is to buy comfort and time.

Money might make us more confident, and that is attractive. But the money does not create lust for the animal that has it. It does trigger other animals to look for ways to get that money.

I have been poor and not poor, no difference in the attractiveness of the animal.

Money does do things like provide access to places that we can not go without it. However almost all places have a variety of women.

Having money is good, much better than none. It does not solve how to deal with women. You can buy services from women with money, but not loyalty and not respect.

The Duke

Master Don Juan
Feb 4, 2008
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The desire I create in a woman with my words and touch has always had more of an effect than whatever amount of money they thought I had. I'm not sure how they knew if I had money or not.


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2002
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Sometimes it isn't money but the future potential of a guy that matters the most (think of the guy in med school with tons of debt but will one day be a doctor). Plenty of women like guys without money as long as they have some aspiration for a better future.


Master Don Juan
Sep 25, 2018
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Women are attracted to money, and so are men. It does not equal being attracted to the person that has it.

A person with money that does not know how to use it, is no better off than someone that has none. Money is to buy comfort and time.

Money might make us more confident, and that is attractive. But the money does not create lust for the animal that has it. It does trigger other animals to look for ways to get that money.

I have been poor and not poor, no difference in the attractiveness of the animal.

Money does do things like provide access to places that we can not go without it. However almost all places have a variety of women.

Having money is good, much better than none. It does not solve how to deal with women. You can buy services from women with money, but not loyalty and not respect.
You aren't looking at this correctly.

A man having money or being well off is definitely seen as attractive or desirable to women, it's not the be all end all but it's definitely a major factor. A lot of women will legitimately be turned off by a man who is broke, unemployed, etc. Sure, you can cite some Chad example that couch surfs and smokes weed all day, but this is such an unusual thing in the real world and basically a myth obsessed about with the red/black pill communities. Women definitely place importance on other factors, such as being physically attracted to a guy or liking his sense of humor, but money is most certainly a big factor. For the overwhelming majority of men, so long as you aren't broke this really isn't that serious of an issue though. Unless you have the means to afford an upper class tier type lifestyle, it really doesn't make much of a difference. I'm talking things like being able to go on very expensive trips, buying high end clothing, being a VIP at nightclubs, etc. I personally think men that decide to go down this road though during the early stages of a relationship, or possibly right off the start, are setting themselves up for failure, for reasons I won't get into on here right now.

In contrast to this, men put substantially less value on how much money a woman has and there are other factors that are significantly more important, such as physical attractiveness and fertility. The reality is that the overwhelming majority of men would have no issues dating or even being in a relationship with a woman that worked a minimum wage type job if she was attractive, fertile, feminine and enjoyable to be around. In fact, most would probably take a woman like this over some "career" or "educated" woman that has an entitled mindset and thinks she is the best thing to happen since sliced bread lol.


Don Juan
Jan 1, 2022
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You aren't looking at this correctly.

A man having money or being well off is definitely seen as attractive or desirable to women, it's not the be all end all but it's definitely a major factor. A lot of women will legitimately be turned off by a man who is broke, unemployed, etc. Sure, you can cite some Chad example that couch surfs and smokes weed all day, but this is such an unusual thing in the real world and basically a myth obsessed about with the red/black pill communities. Women definitely place importance on other factors, such as being physically attracted to a guy or liking his sense of humor, but money is most certainly a big factor. For the overwhelming majority of men, so long as you aren't broke this really isn't that serious of an issue though. Unless you have the means to afford an upper class tier type lifestyle, it really doesn't make much of a difference. I'm talking things like being able to go on very expensive trips, buying high end clothing, being a VIP at nightclubs, etc. I personally think men that decide to go down this road though during the early stages of a relationship, or possibly right off the start, are setting themselves up for failure, for reasons I won't get into on here right now.

In contrast to this, men put substantially less value on how much money a woman has and there are other factors that are significantly more important, such as physical attractiveness and fertility. The reality is that the overwhelming majority of men would have no issues dating or even being in a relationship with a woman that worked a minimum wage type job if she was attractive, fertile, feminine and enjoyable to be around. In fact, most would probably take a woman like this over some "career" or "educated" woman that has an entitled mindset and thinks she is the best thing to happen since sliced bread lol.
Agree that women are attracted to money. Unpacking that, it is really the money and the power it buys relative to other women.

If the man has used the money to present himself in a way that the woman is attracted to, then sure. Money is power, and women like power. The man is not money, he must stay in-between the money and the woman of the woman is attracted by the money.

If the man has used the money to really make himself happy, then that happy is attractive.

One of the most powerful things is if the money is used to have an entourage(body guards, personal assistant, and so on), and they show respect to the boss. Its that respect that is attractive.

Its not the future earning of a doctor, its the attitude and behavior of the future doctor now.

And yes women will select a man they are not attracted to as a way to get money.

This is one of the blue pill myths, that money equals attractive.


Master Don Juan
Sep 25, 2018
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Agree that women are attracted to money. Unpacking that, it is really the money and the power it buys relative to other women.

If the man has used the money to present himself in a way that the woman is attracted to, then sure. Money is power, and women like power. The man is not money, he must stay in-between the money and the woman of the woman is attracted by the money.

If the man has used the money to really make himself happy, then that happy is attractive.

One of the most powerful things is if the money is used to have an entourage(body guards, personal assistant, and so on), and they show respect to the boss. Its that respect that is attractive.

Its not the future earning of a doctor, its the attitude and behavior of the future doctor now.

And yes women will select a man they are not attracted to as a way to get money.

This is one of the blue pill myths, that money equals attractive.
I'm mostly referring to real world examples.

Sure, there are the ultra wealthy that have a tremendous amount of power, but they are so few and far between that it's not even really worth considering. Whether they are celebrities, high end professional athletes or major CEOs or big players in finance......these individuals are literally like one in 10,000 or possibly even rarer. These people basically hit the lottery in some fashion, whether that be due to genetics or being born into the right family, etc.

The thing about money is that it allows you to both provide and care for a woman but also create enjoyable experiences. Imagine you are well off and you meet a woman and you are able to take her on a nice trip to Maui or Cabo or something. Maybe she is really into art and you take her to Paris or perhaps she is really into fashion and you take her to Milan. Meanwhile, if you are broke AF you can't provide these experiences.

I will add this though, if you are a miser with your money or excessively frugal it really isn't going to do all that much for you. A woman doesn't really care that you have 6 or even 7 figures in your investment portfolio or that you invest all of your left over income. I'm not saying you shouldn't invest/save or that you should blow your money. The interesting caveat to this though is that the overwhelming majority of well off people typically live something like this and are otherwise "boring" individuals, contrary to what most people probably imagine lol.


Don Juan
Jan 1, 2022
Reaction score
I'm mostly referring to real world examples.

Sure, there are the ultra wealthy that have a tremendous amount of power, but they are so few and far between that it's not even really worth considering. Whether they are celebrities, high end professional athletes or major CEOs or big players in finance......these individuals are literally like one in 10,000 or possibly even rarer. These people basically hit the lottery in some fashion, whether that be due to genetics or being born into the right family, etc.

The thing about money is that it allows you to both provide and care for a woman but also create enjoyable experiences. Imagine you are well off and you meet a woman and you are able to take her on a nice trip to Maui or Cabo or something. Maybe she is really into art and you take her to Paris or perhaps she is really into fashion and you take her to Milan. Meanwhile, if you are broke AF you can't provide these experiences.

I will add this though, if you are a miser with your money or excessively frugal it really isn't going to do all that much for you. A woman doesn't really care that you have 6 or even 7 figures in your investment portfolio or that you invest all of your left over income. I'm not saying you shouldn't invest/save or that you should blow your money. The interesting caveat to this though is that the overwhelming majority of well off people typically live something like this and are otherwise "boring" individuals, contrary to what most people probably imagine lol.
yeh, interesting stuff. So the same broke guy that can pull women in the local food bank, can also pull women in a nice club or resort if he wins a lottery of some sort to pay the entrance fee. True as you tell it, having money allows us to provide. Being a provider is a valid plan to find a woman. I get it, just pointing out the subtle undertone.


Master Don Juan
Jul 9, 2013
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Money needs to be used properly

women don’t get wet when you talk about your 401k and savings account or other responsible finances.

women would definitely prefer that you have a nice car to drive them around in and a nice rooftop suite overlooking the city skyline to take them back to vs. not having a car and living with your mom in the basement.

they’d definitely prefer to be taken on luxury trips and visiting famous bars/restaurants vs. eating fast food or going to happy hour for a date.

basically women will appreciate the flashy stuff rappers do in music videos that’s not actually financially smart. But it won’t mean anything if you’re ugly and boring


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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Money needs to be used properly

women would definitely prefer that you have a nice car to drive them around in and a nice rooftop suite overlooking the city skyline to take them back to vs. not having a car and living with your mom in the basement.
I agree with your general point. There are exceptions.

@BPH has been able to get notches while living at home with his parents in his late 20s/early 30s.

In March 2011, Roosh was a 31 year old former microbiologist turned sex/dating content creator when he wrote the article below.

It is possible to get laid while broke and unemployed if you hit the right buttons.


Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2020
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The 22 year old woman isn't going to care about money when she's mostly evaluating close to her own age. When she's dealing other other 20 something men, looks factors will matter far more than money. When a man in his 30s/40s wants to attract, seduce, and retain an early to mid 20s woman for an extended period of time, money will matter. A 37 year old man is going to need money + looks for a 22 year old girlfriend. The 22 year old woman can get looks alone from 22-27 year old men, but she can't get money from them. That's where money makes a difference.
OK. We can say money matters when a man is looking for a woman 15 years younger to have sex with.

A 42 year old woman with 2 kids needs a beta provider. She's also only dealing with men 42-55 in most cases. Even a childless 42 year old woman is likely to consider money more.
Agree. Anything over child bearing age, money becomes very important for a woman since she loses her sex appeal and leverage.

Pierce Manhammer

Jun 2, 2021
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I wouldn't go for those type of girls in the first place
Given women are so good at hiding what they've done, how would you know? I'm sure you'd find more than a few of the gals in the meme attractive enough to hit on...

The Duke

Master Don Juan
Feb 4, 2008
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I wouldn't go for those type of girls in the first place
Those girls are a great time. Lol, ya gotta live a little. I used to be in that exact scene. Makes for good stories.