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  1. S

    Looking For Help, PMs

    hi Message Boy, Without getting too deep into your problems, you give a vibe of neediness and desperation. What I'm guessing is that women sense this vibe from you. I feel for you man. I was fired some months back from a well paying salaried job and after living in my place I ended up...
  2. S

    girl giving to confront?

    Sorry dude, ultimatums don't work on females, especially if their interest level is wavering. Take heart I've been in the same boat, but the paradoxical thing is that the fact is that you have so much invested already that you are trying to figure out a "strategy" to approach and in fact...
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    Lady Gaga must die

    sh*t this is the reason she is still on the air, people are either indifferent or actually dig this crap. Here's hoping to that her music will die a QUIET death and at least move off the radio/ top 40 so at least they stop playing this crap at clubs. I think Dave Chapelle said it best: "this...
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    Lady Gaga must die

    haha good one. I wasn't talking about how good looking or f*ckable she is... I was talking about her music (or what she calls music) ... Plus there are a bunch more sexy singers and performers we have to choose from besides her.
  5. S

    Gay Dudes Hitting on You?share with us

    hmmm... you are trying to bait the guy to accept your point of view. I agree with others on this forum, you don't have to "accept" romantic or sexual attention from other males as ok. That does not make you insecure. Not knowing what you truly feel about sexuality and not defining your own...
  6. S

    Lady Gaga must die

    The title says it all.. who's with me? Tell this no rhythm hussy to take her "disco stick" to Europe, where someone might like her crappy techno pop.
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    best way to deal with ****blocking, sarcastic *****es

    Yeah that makes sense, so once other people see my actions they will see her attitude is originating from her own head and her thoughts.
  8. S

    best way to deal with ****blocking, sarcastic *****es

    hey guys, another question for you DJs out there. Has anyone ever come across a sort of b*tch whose actions leave you both pissed off and scratching your head at the same time. Lets say I know a chick, lets call her Katrina, and we are acquainted in a social organization which we are both...
  9. S

    western women attitudes towards islam, muslims & arranged marraiges

    You know what that is a good point, I think I will have to make this decision down the line. For right now, all I know is that I want to meet new and interesting women and discover what type of girls I really click with.
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    Arrggh Online dating BS.. SOS

    In my case, yes I agree. I think I was using online dating as a crutch when I should be out there and getting some real results. Thanks for your input guys, I think I'm going to use online stuff as a supplement (at most) for non-digital approaches.
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    What is the WORST thing a woman has done and how have you OVERCOME it?

    Dude, those are some painful ego-busting moves that were pulled on you, hope it made you a stronger and more resolute in your game.
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    The New Black???

    fertileTurtle, Nephew (shaking head), reread what I wrote. I didn't insult America. anyways this thread has gotten way too bloated for its own good. cheers
  13. S

    western women attitudes towards islam, muslims & arranged marraiges

    hey guys wanted to get perspective from some experienced DJs (I dont need any feedback from racist or prejudiced people thank you) I am a guy who came from a pretty restrictive Muslim family (my parents were in an arranged marriage back in the old country). Basically most of my extended...
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    The New Black???

    I think you have the wrong forum buddy.. Why don't you go on to some Stormfront websites or some other some other "pro-America" but covert white supremacy circle jerks?
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    Arrggh Online dating BS.. SOS

    Argh I signed up for a Plenty of Fish account a month ago and I've had zero success, nothing even resembling success. Most of my messages to profiles get no response, sometimes I get some emails back and forth, a couple times I even get a number. With one girl who I was chatting with for about...
  16. S

    "Are you stalking me?" WTF!

    I second others on this thread, she is not into you, and if you keep pursuing, she might make it worse for you by saying you are stalking her. Quit while your ahead, shes not worth the useless trouble.
  17. S

    GOOD NEWS! but bad too!

    Kontroller, the problem is he is taking about high school, gossip spreads around too much, and rumors are all overzealous school officials need to start a witch hunt, especially if there is alcohol or drugs involved.
  18. S

    GOOD NEWS! but bad too!

    Bad news dude. When I was a high school sophmore (9 years ago), there was a senior (who was 17 at the time) who had sex with a freshman (who was 14 at the time) and he ended up being charged with statutory rape. He served jail time and his family was successfully sued on top of that. Link to...
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    baby steps

    online dating sites seems just like emotional porn for me... the computer puts too much distance between male and female for effective chemistry... or maybe I'm just bitter and frustrated with my lack of success
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    baby steps

    This is why I dislike online dating, you can't read people cues that would give you a much better feeling on their IL.. that's why I try to push for a real world date sooner. But I agree it probably showed too much neediness on my part. Would a total complete withdrawal and backup strategy...