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  1. S

    baby steps

    Hey guys I'm starting on a journey of self-improvement, things are going slower than I want them to be, to be honest. I feel like Bill Murray from What about Bob? doing his "Baby Steps." I'm getting more rejections than I want... I'm starting to cut down on cheesy pick up lines and sleazy...
  2. S

    Best Revenge Ever on the EX that dumped you.

    What about posting her number on craigslist??
  3. S

    Please explain buyers remorse

    Ok... if I undertand you correctly the girl -could be sexually attracted to me but feels like I have low social value -she feels guilty about it -could have wanted stimulation or fun for the moment So there is at least a base level attraction but for social reasons she decides to not...
  4. S

    Please explain buyers remorse

    Hi question for the more experienced members - What is and what causes buyers remorse when it comes to females? Like for example, when a girl gives you a number and seems initially excited but does not reply to invitations afterwards? Or more puzzling for me, when you have escalated to at...