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  1. S

    ugliest hookers

    Those are mugshots, nobody is going to look perfect on a mugshot, the first picture on the line up is ok, the rest... some of them look like trannies.
  2. S

    insecure boyfriends, violence over females, possesiveness

    hey guys, I want to pose a question to the community over here, I dont think every one is going to have the same opinion on this one. It's a two parter. OK... lets say you are in a group of friends or associates, like a club, or team, or some sort of social group. You are cool with the...
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    Mariah Carey Owned! lol

    I give eminem mad props for being a Detroiter who became big in the rap game and bringing spotlight to the urban sprawl that it is and doing it while being white. But really what do you know about Eminem dude, do you remember when his first single was "the real Slim Shady?" Do you know...
  4. S

    Sunglasses at night? Cool or too duchbaggish?

    I guess it really depends on the venue. If you are wondering if you look like a douche bag you probably do then (because you give off insecure vibes)... Especially if its a pair of nerdy Blues Brothers specs.
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    Mariah Carey Owned! lol

    First of all, Mariah is not a rapper. Secondly, this is not a diss. A diss would be between peers who are trying to put each other down. Just like a boxer punching out a heckler in a crowd would not be a "fight." Thirdly, it doesn't matter if Eminem thinks Nick is gay, not cool, or...
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    The "Just Got Dumped" GUIDE

    Yeah I second you on this one... actually I think this "guide" is bad advice, especially for guys who are trying to break the AFC mindset. It encourages game playing when they are still learning their ABCs. I think a lot of guys need to toughen up and feel the pangs of rejection and use it to...
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    how hot am i really?

    bathroom pics are not really the best for online dating profile, or for people to judge you. show more of your style, something like action pics where you are doing something you like ( a hobby or sport or something), out with friends or something like that. And pictures that are full...
  8. S

    Mariah Carey Owned! lol

    Actually Eminem looks weak after this, almost like a scorned b*tch. He's overly emotional and engaged in the whole discussion. Remember how fighting females is like competing in the special Olympics? in the end you're still retarded. I like Eminem and all, but this **** makes him look...
  9. S

    Does anyone have a sixpack?

    Hmm you got to the 150's before you started bulking? Fat loss has really slowed down for me, I am 170 right now, but it seems like lthese last few pounds are really stubborn. Actually I think I have been wavering around 170 for a couple months now (though my bodyfat % has gone done a little)...
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    Does anyone have a sixpack?

    Yeah I agree with you on this. People get so bent out of shape about the sixpack, but whats the point if you have skinny girl arms with minimal back/chest development. Just curious, how tall are you dude?
  11. S

    Lady Gaga must die

    MIA is not hot, shes super skinny and she dresses terribly, like lady gaga. Rihanna is a sim girl who knows how to dress, except for her odd dominatrix costumes.
  12. S

    Does anyone have a sixpack?

    sorry cant spot reduce... I'm in a similar boat to you. I'm between 5'8" and 5'9" and I weigh 170 lbs, dont have a six pack. Working on it, I'm between 15-16% bodyfat. You need 10% or lower body fat for ab definition to show. You should measure yourself with calipers. Also don't listen to...
  13. S

    so I'm at the gym tonight........

    Dude, I am not saying this in a sarcastic way, if you were offended I apologize. But reality bites, you have to let go of the ego, that was my point. But the fact is you didn't make enough of an impression on her for to gravitate towards you.
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    so I'm at the gym tonight........

    FFrom your description, it sounds like she sees you just as a chat buddy. Also how you approached her, you qualified yourself unnecessarily her in the same way a someone with a crush would, telling her here I am, my name is trent, I am a nice guy but nothing in the way that conveys your...
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    George Sodini/LA Fitness murderer internet diary

    I agree. The arguments to defend this guy are full of moral relativistic hogwash. A lot of serial killers play the victim and blame society, look at Charles Manson, Ted Bundy, Jeffrey Dahmer. A lot of people in the United States have a ridiculous sense of entitlement. People die of...
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    George Sodini/LA Fitness murderer internet diary

    Is it just me or does this guy's journal read like a Stephen King novella... I think I've read at one or two stories that were fiction that sounded similar ... that's eerie.
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    George Sodini/LA Fitness murderer internet diary

    wow that was an especially stinking pile of horsesh*t and you are full of sh*t. dont be angry at me, be angry at sosuave for allowing me to insult you.
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    got caught by the fed's in Monjolia! with a g!!!!

    WTF? I don't think this is the place you would spend your precious free time for serious legal advice.... on how to escape from the justice system of "Monjolia..."
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    Black men and online dating

    Get real. This is not a fact, this is an opinion, based on your observations and or experiences. There are black girls that say they date only white men, true. There are girls that may prejudge you based on race, true. But so what, are you gonna give up because of that? Because in the long...
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    Looking For Help, PMs

    and another thing, hitting a rock bottom can actually be a learning experince, have you heard of any great men that did not experience obstacles int their life? No because that's what men do, overcome obstacles to achieve their goals.