best way to deal with ****blocking, sarcastic *****es


Don Juan
Jun 30, 2009
Reaction score
Bay Area, California
hey guys, another question for you DJs out there.

Has anyone ever come across a sort of b*tch whose actions leave you both pissed off and scratching your head at the same time. Lets say I know a chick, lets call her Katrina, and we are acquainted in a social organization which we are both part of. At first relations between me and Katrina were friendly, she seemed like an ok person, however does not rate very high in my personal attractiveness scale (a moot point cause in my experience guys interest level doesn't really seem to matter in the end).

However as I get more involved in the organization and I hang out with people at events (like dances, barbecues, get-togethers or even just lunch) and come in contact with Katrina more and more in casual situations I am noticing behavior from her which I don't really understand. She has started to make snide comments, sarcastic put downs, or in general been acting like a weird b*itch; however she hasn't said something which would cause me to put my foot down and she is sort of skating on the edge. This is a concern because there are chicks in the program that I would like to meet and get to know better.

I think that partially once I was a newbie in the program she (and her boyfriend) were friendly and introduced me to people as I was still new. I don't know if she feels like I "owe" her something or I should kiss her ass or something. An older friend of mine said she probably digs me , but this behavior is turning me off.

Either way if she is into me or not, I still need to deal with the problem, but my concern is to avoid overreacting.

If she is actually into me, I think her way of trying to put me down in front of other people is just insecure and frankly childish of her. At most I could lay her, but I think even that might be a road that would not be wise to go down.

Anyways right now I've just completely frozen her out besides standard greetings (even in groups situations), but I will need to deal with her sooner or later since we are in the same organization especially if she tries to ****block me from women I would like to meet.

What do you guys do with these kind of b*tches?


Nov 23, 2008
Reaction score
You have to keep trying to be respectful to her. Use the golden rule, and watever you do, do NOT loose your cool.


Don Juan
Jun 30, 2009
Reaction score
Bay Area, California
Conquer said:
You have to keep trying to be respectful to her. Use the golden rule, and watever you do, do NOT loose your cool.

Yeah that makes sense, so once other people see my actions they will see her attitude is originating from her own head and her thoughts.


Nov 23, 2008
Reaction score
exactly, let her be her worst enemy and it will sort its self out