"Are you stalking me?" WTF!

MayHeM ThEoRy

Don Juan
Dec 31, 2007
Reaction score
Alright so there is this girl I really like at my college. Talk to her in class and always walk her to her next class (since mine is right next to it) and we always talk.

Well today I got let out early for the first time and I saw her walking so I caught up with her and called her by her nickname. "TROPHY WIFE!" (She said she wanted to be one when she grows up haha) She turns around and was like oh I didnt see u haha, and then the convo went as we were walking.

Me: I can't believe you looked up haha

Her: *laughing* shut up jerk

Her: I just got back my test

Me: Oh how'd you do?

Her: I got a 96.

Me: Haha I like how you're so nonchalant about it

Her: whatttttttt its just history its easy!

Me: Well see you're too smart to be a trophy wife now, I mean they're usually pretty dumb, no offense to your mom though hahah (She said her mom didnt work and just stayed home like a trophy wife earlier.)

Her: Yeah she's not too bright, haha I'm kidding But she cooks pretty well

Me: Really? I love Brownies, you should bring me some

Her: I know right?

Me: Yeah (trying to be ****y and funny here) make sure you write my name on each one though, in different colors.

Her: Oh righttttttt

*At this point we are in the main lobby of the building her next class is in, but she doesn't know that I have a class in here too since I never see her before this class*

Her: Are you stalking me? (Sounded pretty serious)

Me: What? No I'm going to my class, haha what the hell?

Her: Ohh

And she just walks off to her class...

wtf >_< What did I do wrong? I tried my best to flirt but what else can I do?


Senior Don Juan
Mar 25, 2009
Reaction score
Birmingham, UK
MayHeM ThEoRy said:
Alright so there is this girl I really like at my college. Talk to her in class and always walk her to her next class (since mine is right next to it) and we always talk.

Well today I got let out early for the first time and I saw her walking so I caught up with her and called her by her nickname. "TROPHY WIFE!" (She said she wanted to be one when she grows up haha) She turns around and was like oh I didnt see u haha, and then the convo went as we were walking.

Me: I can't believe you looked up haha

Her: *laughing* shut up jerk

Her: I just got back my test

Me: Oh how'd you do?

Her: I got a 96.

Me: Haha I like how you're so nonchalant about it

Her: whatttttttt its just history its easy!

Me: Well see you're too smart to be a trophy wife now, I mean they're usually pretty dumb, no offense to your mom though hahah (She said her mom didnt work and just stayed home like a trophy wife earlier.)

Her: Yeah she's not too bright, haha I'm kidding But she cooks pretty well

Me: Really? I love Brownies, you should bring me some

Her: I know right?

Me: Yeah (trying to be ****y and funny here) make sure you write my name on each one though, in different colors.

Her: Oh righttttttt

*At this point we are in the main lobby of the building her next class is in, but she doesn't know that I have a class in here too since I never see her before this class*

Her: Are you stalking me? (Sounded pretty serious)

Me: What? No I'm going to my class, haha what the hell?

Her: Ohh

And she just walks off to her class...

wtf >_< What did I do wrong? I tried my best to flirt but what else can I do?
There's your problem. You're clingy and too keen. Ignore her for a while. Talk to other guys/women.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 30, 2009
Reaction score
Oh, how awkward. I wouldn't speak to her again until she talks to/approaches you. Sounds like she handled that kinda rudely too...

Weird, though. Seemed like you were doing well.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 31, 2005
Reaction score
Seems like you're going too hard on the ****y and funny. I was a huge abuser of that and toned it down a little and got better results.


Don Juan
Apr 13, 2009
Reaction score
Is not really that bad but just do what everybody tells you here and back off a little until the next time she initiates the convo. Like ^ SamMalone and the morning show says above me "Seems like you're going too hard on the ****y and funny. I was a huge abuser of that and toned it down a little and got better results"

Just back off and don't be waiting for her after her class anymore. Just talk to her while in class and try to get how high her interest in you is. If you know it is pretty high and you can tell by her body language and the way she acts around you then you should ask her to meet you after class somewhere like a lunch date or something and try to escalate things a little more.

Jerky Boi

Master Don Juan
Feb 10, 2004
Reaction score
By following her around and hanging onto the same thread of conversation, you demonstrated lower value. Leave her alone for a while and next time you talk to her, let her be the one to follow you.

Your approach was fine and your conversation flowed well together. Girls react in weird ways sometimes man. Don't take it personally.

Dust 2 Dust

Master Don Juan
Dec 25, 2002
Reaction score
Sounds like low IL to me. I'd back off and be friendly, but I wouldn't pursue this one any further.


Master Don Juan
Jan 3, 2009
Reaction score
Her: Are you stalking me?

You: I only stalk pretty girls.
Mar 2, 2009
Reaction score
MayHeM ThEoRy said:
Alright so there is this girl I really like at my college.
What I quoted is the very first sentence of your thread - this is where you LOSE.

You are, as a player-in-the-making NOT supposed to "really like" some girl until you have had sex with her a few times.

Change in your mind how you feel about her....you DONT like her, understand?

you wanna party with her and bang her, THAT is what you want, but you DONT LIKE HER YET - LISTEN TO ME


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
Reaction score
To be honest nothing really happened.

You are just over stressing yourself because the real problem is that you are stalling instead of asking her out. She probably knows you like her and you are very close of being pushed into the friendzone or already in the friendzone.


Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2006
Reaction score
DJDamage said:
To be honest nothing really happened.

You are just over stressing yourself because the real problem is that you are stalling instead of asking her out. She probably knows you like her and you are very close of being pushed into the friendzone or already in the friendzone.
Right on. Ask her out next time you see her.

MayHeM ThEoRy

Don Juan
Dec 31, 2007
Reaction score
Ok so was there ever a chance I could have gotten her and I just ****ed up? I don't see how I got friend zoned AGAIN. All I do is flirt with the girl and I don't even talk to her that much (few min after class and a few times on facebook)


Jul 13, 2008
Reaction score
The United State of Texas
MayHeM ThEoRy said:
Ok so was there ever a chance I could have gotten her and I just ****ed up?
Well yeah. Basically,there's always a chance at the beginning. However,you need to make your interest known to the girl. Instead of playing junior high games and beating around the bush,you should have just stepped up to her like a MAN,and let her know your intentions.

MayHeM ThEoRy said:
I don't see how I got friend zoned AGAIN. All I do is flirt with the girl and I don't even talk to her that much (few min after class and a few times on facebook)
What do you mean by "flirt"? What exactly is it you do when you "flirt"? Because if you're in the friendzone after all this supposed "flirting",then maybe your definition of flirting is a little off. To me,it's funny that you say you don't know how you got friendzoned because when I read the things you said you did with this girl,I couldn't see how you WOULD NOT have gotten friendzoned. Your actions are standard friendzone producing behavior. Ok,well let me ask you this: Did you ever asked her out? And I mean a "DATE" date. Not hanging out,not getting a bite to eat with each other,but a real date. Did you do that?


Don Juan
Apr 15, 2009
Reaction score
Her: I want to be a trophy wife when I get married.

Me: I thought trophy wives are hot. (OR) We haven't even had sex yet and you're already talking about marriage? (OR) Fine, lets hitch a ride to Vegas after school.

Seems like she sets herself up.

More on the real topic: You've demonstrated lower value by being needy and/or clingy. Even if you didn't mean to in her eyes you have. I suggest not talking to her and talking to other hot girls in her presence.

MayHeM ThEoRy

Don Juan
Dec 31, 2007
Reaction score
Oh yeah I left this part out, might be important. Tried to say this because apparently seemed ilke DHV to me. "Why didn't you hold the door open for me? I always do it for you haha, I'm a trophy husband you know"

Her: Haha whatever, you're just a boy.

She had to run to class before I could respond, but I didn't even know what to say to that.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 5, 2008
Reaction score
A place where dreams become reality
CaptainJ said:
Her: Are you stalking me?

You: I only stalk pretty girls.
You can still be ****y and funny about this.

I guess your "What? What the hell?" reaction failed the sh!t test. Perhaps she just wanted to sound you out.

You could've just been C&F about it as usual, and say you're going to class and walk off. Well, she noticed that it affected you.

Be cool.

Dust 2 Dust

Master Don Juan
Dec 25, 2002
Reaction score
MayHeM ThEoRy said:
"I'm a trophy husband you know"

Her: Haha whatever, you're just a boy.

She had to run to class before I could respond, but I didn't even know what to say to that.
She's clearly not interested in you.


Don Juan
Jun 30, 2009
Reaction score
Bay Area, California
I second others on this thread, she is not into you, and if you keep pursuing, she might make it worse for you by saying you are stalking her. Quit while your ahead, shes not worth the useless trouble.