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  1. R

    loosing a friend

    itis only useless because it does not interest you. Maybe one day it may happen to you , and you may find you may pose the same question?. Life is a journey don't be shallow just because you have not walked in my shoes. I will check to see if I find your questions are of interest to me and if...
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    loosing a friend

    Hello everyone, UK DJ here enjoying the world cup. I have a little issue that I would like some comments on. I tend to go to my local pub in the evening for a pint or two. Normally for quiz night or for a pool competition and have made some friends. Most of these people I keep at a...
  3. R

    Sarging alone at the bar

    I go out alone a lot of the time, for all the reasons given above. You are not trapped. When I went out with my mates most of the time we start talking about work etc and it gets boring. The only problem I have found is that you can get the lonely old man bothering you. I would suggest you...
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    how to make an excuse?

    Hello everyone, I'm in a bit of a dilema. There is a guy in the local pub who seems very aggressive , but I get on okay with. He wants to us to go drinking together tonight but I feel that he will gets us into a fight. But when I said I may not go he begs me to go. My gut feeling is to make...
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    Don't bring your personal problems to work!

    have you considered joinig a womens discussion room for a change?
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    I digress (excuse me), but I heard this song on the radio and thought the lyrics were very good Moody Blues lyrics "Moody Blues Late Lament lyrics" Breathe deep the gathering gloom Watch lights fade from every room Bedsitter people look back and lament Another day's useless energy...
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    thank you Maverick, you seem a very wise man to me, and someone who would be great to be in the pub with.
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    Where the Hotties are

    . Cooking classes - Guys are outnumbered 10-1. what I would like to ask is how you explain yourself being on your own with all these lovely ladies?. Oh I have always wanted to know how to make a lovely apple cake :-)
  9. R


    I was wondering the other day how life would have been for me at my age in the 50's and 60's. I know today life is better in that their are better job opportunities and generally the standard of life is better, but I can't help thinking life would have been better for me in another era. I am...
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    Where the Hotties are

    the reason I would like to meet a nice girl in a bar is that having a drink makes me feel more relaxed. If I see a hottie in a supermarket, I am probably feeling stressed on my lunch break. On a different subject why do women takes ages at checkouts when shopping, they never have their...
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    the hidden lonely world

    Thanks I totally agree. Whats it like in Germany?. I consider myslef reasonably good looking, intelligent and can I find a nice girlfriend no. Most of my friends in their 30's are single. I can have one night stands with slappers at clubs, but no thanks. Yet tv and magazines paint this...
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    the hidden lonely world

    Does anyone share my thoughts, that getting a girlfriend is one of the hardest tasks in life these days, and keeping one even harder. My task is even harder as there are no women at work It's quiz night in my local pub tonight, every week the bar has women, but always with their boyfriends...
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    Explosions at hemel hempstead

    suspicious?- would they tell us anyway
  14. R

    how would you handle this?

    I have to say some of the opinions from fellow DJ make them sound wize for their ages. At the 17 I new nothing!
  15. R

    how would you handle this?

    its weird girls in the UK for the most part don't date. Its just drunken sex. My concern is that I know nothing about her, and her of me
  16. R

    how would you handle this?

    was at an exhibition last week in the north of england. In the evening was at the bar and got talking to this barmaid. She was exactly my type but she was friendly. Anyway I felt she was attracted to me. After a few drinks I asked for her number and gave her mine and said if I back again would...
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    Annoying Polish girl

    well she still comes to the bar, and what is strange is that her mother comitted suicide a couple of months ago, but when we are talking she keeps mentioning she likes zombie films. So I change the subject. I just wish she would bring some female friends to the bar and not be one of the boys all...
  18. R

    Annoying Polish girl

    Hope she is not in the bar tonight. Is there anytime when being rude is appropriate?. Lat night she asked me to get her a drink when I was going to the bar, she wanted to drink a combination of blue wicked, smirnoff ice which was about 6 pounds, she gave me three pounds and said I'll buy you the...
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    Annoying Polish girl

    oh and I might add she drinks pints of stella through a straw!
  20. R

    Annoying Polish girl

    I am quite serious with this..I think she either devious or depressive and I maybe become a victim of stalking. She is very controlling. I want to be kind, but I don't want her think we are in a relationship