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  1. R

    Rank Yank Accent

    you obviously haven't heard of the english estuary accent - hideous
  2. R

    The Cold Approach in the UK - Lets here From the Brits

    I don't think I look my best during the day, especially first thing. More worried about getting work. I'm better in the evening when I am more relaxed. I might have a go at at weekend. Bythe way has anyone visited Ilkley? (near Leeds), some great bars there with lots of attractive women!
  3. R

    I hate myself

    you are not pathetic, just need confidence. My problems are to do with the fact my parents ignored me most of my younger life. I have had to make my confidence through success at work. Ps can I ask what is it like living in Beirut?
  4. R

    The power of the mind

    Has anyone experienced this. Once I missed a girl who I was getting on with in a bar. She was a barmaid. The girl left her job, actually she was sacked, but I liked her. I was actually very shy then, always have been but better now. There was some real chemistry, one night she rubbed up against...
  5. R

    Meeting women (Bar scene)

    I know girls want fun, but I'm not going act the twit to get them into bed. Thats the problem, a lot of young men here in the Uk feel they have to be loud, aggressive and act like idiots to get the women, just to pander to their shallow minds. How many times do year hear girls say I'm bored if...
  6. R

    Meeting women (Bar scene)

    I know how you feel, I am 35 and can't think of last time I met a classy sexy intelligent women. Don't come to England mate, the bar scene here is pretty bad. Alot of the bars have 95% men and they are all after after the same girls. What annoys me is that women seem to go for the loud...