I hate myself


Don Juan
Feb 10, 2005
Reaction score
I am so pathetic.
I have not achieved much during my lifetime. I should have gotten better sexual experience but haven't been able to get some during the years. Just the thought of my previous failures cripples me at the moment and occludes any future success. Perhaps my poor history is revealed to others through my behavior. I tend to clinge onto the thoughts that other people are aware of the dumbass I used to be and do not allow room for me to change.

Mind you I am not a sucker, I have perused the many techniques offered by this site and others and found them extremely logical. I consider that my knowledge about women and dating is good enough. Just haven't had the guts or maybe luck to bring this knowledge to fruition.


Don Juan
Feb 5, 2005
Reaction score
Berkshire UK
you are not pathetic, just need confidence. My problems are to do with the fact my parents ignored me most of my younger life. I have had to make my confidence through success at work.

Ps can I ask what is it like living in Beirut?


Don Juan
Feb 10, 2005
Reaction score
you are not pathetic, just need confidence.
You're right, it might be the case that I am suffering from a crisis at the moment because I had just graduated college and am unsure about what is going to happen next in my life. I am looking for work, but haven't been lucky yet, so this issue must be putting me down.

Ps can I ask what is it like living in Beirut?
Contrary to your initial hunch, Beirut is highly developed and not war-striken as it was in the past. Regarding women, their mentality is progressively getting influence from Western culture, but traces of arabaic thinking remain evident. This is the mentality that regards sex as taboo and promotes male superiority.


Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by Disturbed
You're right, it might be the case that I am suffering from a crisis at the moment because I had just graduated college and am unsure about what is going to happen next in my life. I am looking for work, but haven't been lucky yet, so this issue must be putting me down.

Contrary to your initial hunch, Beirut is highly developed and not war-striken as it was in the past. Regarding women, their mentality is progressively getting influence from Western culture, but traces of arabaic thinking remain evident. This is the mentality that regards sex as taboo and promotes male superiority.
Cool! Never thought I'd see another Lebanese person in these forums lol. I am Lebanese. Fled during the 80s due to the civil war. I lived in Canada since.


Don Juan
Feb 13, 2005
Reaction score
Los Angeles
You need to become more social man, your problem is that you're not sociable. Women in our society are more sociable creatures than men; this just they way they've been brought up by our society. Two words of advice man "Never Fear" and to add to that "Don't fear what is not known". This meaning, don't be afraid to talk to women or to even ask them out. Shut your current state of thought for a few mins and just do; don't think about the negative or even the positive. I'll tell you this though, once you become more outgoing it's alot easier to talk to people (especially women). Also, work on your pattern of speech (use tongue twisters as they do often help). So yeah man, get involved in your community whether it's through a job, a club, school, or community events (notice that I do not mention bars or dance clubs as this might be too extreme of an environment for you to handle right now). But if you fee gungho and learning by the lessons of life, then by all means do the dance club scene. I have to say, interesting experiences. :cool:


Master Don Juan
Sep 21, 2004
Reaction score
south west, uk
I never really achieved anything until my thirties!

At the time it seemed all was hopless, now I look back and realise it's where I learned much of what makes me happy today.

Dapper Swindler

Senior Don Juan
Aug 25, 2004
Reaction score
What a coincidence, I wrote something about this in my DJ journal last week.

"I'm the kind (if there is such a kind) of person who does not like their pasts. My memories are just streams of dullness marked by points of shame. I avoid talking about my past if possible. It is either too shameful or unnoteworthy. But I think this kind of past makes me different from other people. Other people seem to have followed a set path that was defined by their pasts. They are following this path into the future and I see a certain lack of freedom in where they are headed.

I like to think I have a unique ability to disconnect myself from my past and thus determine my own future.

When I was doing my senior essay research, one writer explained why villains are so attractive is because they have the ability to "reinvent" themselves at any time. Like Edward who turned to good at death's door in King Lear. I look at my past and say, "yes, these are things that have happened to me. But I can just as easily disregard all of it. It does not define me. It does not matter." I like to think I can reinvent myself at any moment. I can stop what I'm doing, reflect, and start a new path.

I do not like to talk about my past because I do not like to be defined by it. My past will not be a part of who I am. Who I am will be what I decide. I take pride in this."


Don Juan
Feb 10, 2005
Reaction score
You need to become more social man, your problem is that you're not sociable. Women in our society are more sociable creatures than men; this just they way they've been brought up by our society.
I have to admit that at times I come across as rigid and cold, as if I had bolts popping out of my neck. It has nothing to do with the person in question. It is just that I preoccupy my mind too much with problems that I suffer from.

Two words of advice man "Never Fear" and to add to that "Don't fear what is not known". This meaning, don't be afraid to talk to women or to even ask them out. Shut your current state of thought for a few mins and just do; don't think about the negative or even the positive.
I consider myself fairly confident. I had ingrained my mind much with the wisdom imparted by David D and others from this site. I know that if the situation calls upon me to be ****y in front of the girl in question, then I got her. Otherwise, I walk away because I do not want to bang my head against the wall. I have NEVER given a girl the pleasure of turning me down, and this will hold forever forth.

notice that I do not mention bars or dance clubs as this might be too extreme of an environment for you to handle right now
FYI I do the dance club thing a lot.


Don Juan
Feb 10, 2005
Reaction score
What a coincidence, I wrote something about this in my DJ journal last week.

"I'm the kind (if there is such a kind) of person who does not like their pasts. My memories are just streams of dullness marked by points of shame. I avoid talking about my past if possible. It is either too shameful or unnoteworthy. But I think this kind of past makes me different from other people. Other people seem to have followed a set path that was defined by their pasts. They are following this path into the future and I see a certain lack of freedom in where they are headed.

I like to think I have a unique ability to disconnect myself from my past and thus determine my own future.

When I was doing my senior essay research, one writer explained why villains are so attractive is because they have the ability to "reinvent" themselves at any time. Like Edward who turned to good at death's door in King Lear. I look at my past and say, "yes, these are things that have happened to me. But I can just as easily disregard all of it. It does not define me. It does not matter." I like to think I can reinvent myself at any moment. I can stop what I'm doing, reflect, and start a new path.

I do not like to talk about my past because I do not like to be defined by it. My past will not be a part of who I am. Who I am will be what I decide. I take pride in this."
Amen brother. Likewise I despise my past and wish that my future is not defined by it. I perceive that the only factor that hinders my deviation from the spiteful path are the people that I know. Each person holds expectations of what I am capable of that I unconsciously try to complement by being who I always am. That is why I am planning to escape the environment I am accustomed to and start afresh. That way I can meet new people who are clueless about my past, making it easy for me to deny it.


Don Juan
Sep 2, 2004
Reaction score
I never really achieved anything until my thirties!

At the time it seemed all was hopless, now I look back and realise it's where I learned much of what makes me happy today.
Amen to that! Most of my best social and personal successes happened after I turned 30, and I could not have done so without the failures of the past 29 years.

Unfortunately, since now most of you know my real age I have no choice but to kill you all :p


Senior Don Juan
Dec 31, 2004
Reaction score
I have found it to be amazing how you can tell someone by the screen name that they choose.

I belive it was Anthony Robbins who demonstrated that when you change the way you hold your body, you will change your state.

Try walking tall and feeling powerful and strong.