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  1. R

    Annoying Polish girl

    Hello everyone from sunny England. Hope someone might be able to help on this?. Where I live there is a bar that I visit on an evening after work where I have a few beers to relax in the evening. Anyway there in a girl who comes from Poland who has suddenly started to come into the bar who has...
  2. R

    Rod Stewart

    well I agree with you on that, time to pack it in now
  3. R

    Rod Stewart

    sorry to sound a bit naff, but does anyone agree with me that in the 1970's Rod Stewart had a great voice. I know his credibility fell with his image, but I heard a track of his on the radio the other day and I thought what a voice he used to have
  4. R

    UK Crime

    there was a CNN report on this a number of years back, here is a link to info about this
  5. R

    UK Crime

    I try to get my head around the level of violence involved in some crimes and it is really shocking. I think a lot of this has to be drugs related.
  6. R

    UK Crime

    oh yes and just when you though it was pretty bad here, children try and hang 5 year old.. come on Mr Blair....sort this feral youths out
  7. R

    UK Crime

    I'm sorry to keep harping on about this, but because I am so annoyed about our useless Governments handling of criminal behaviour, I want to keep pointing out to you guys who live outside of the UK, crime is getting hell here. Were I live near Reading in Berkshire there was a hideous murder last...
  8. R

    Can our society get any more messed up?

    yes as I look out at Graffiti ridden Britton, full of low life chavs, dumbing down of tv (full of Jerry Springer style shows), rubbish junk food, gangster music and bad behaviour on tv, porn shows, lesbian behaviour in your face......I wonder how it must have been to live in the romantic 50's
  9. R

    UK Crime

    I might add, two horrific knife attacks here in the UK in the last week. I think its down to drugs becoming an epedemic here
  10. R

    UK Crime

    sorry no offence meant
  11. R

    UK Crime

    lots of women in nottigham though :-)
  12. R

    UK Crime

    lots of women in nottigham though :-)
  13. R

    UK Crime

    well take at look at this :-(
  14. R

    UK Crime

    by the way the table is correct....were on a BIG INCREASE
  15. R

    UK Crime

    I might add UK gangster are ass rough as anything out there, ask the people of Nottingham
  16. R

    UK Crime

    I think you could say the wrong types of people are breeding these days.
  17. R

    UK Crime

    I think some of you from the states maybe in for a suprise when you come to England. Crime is getting out of control, or indeed the fear of crime is prevalent. I live near Reading in the UK, and I have see a steady decline in standards, and I think in 10 years we are going to be in a right...
  18. R

    UK Crime

    is it me or is the UK becoming a no-go area. I mean I walk around my local town and I see broken glass everywhere from broken in cars. Burgalry seems to be everywhere. Bars are full of yobos. Its beginning to get me down. Don't get me wrong there are some really nice people also, but we seemed...
  19. R

    mid life crisis

    thank you for your well articulated reply. I have been very shy in my life, but have developed my personality. I am stronger now that I have ever been. My sister said that my mum feels she may have ignored me to much when I was little. I look the best I have ever and take care in my appearance...
  20. R

    mid life crisis

    Its not bothered before, but now I have turned 35 I am beginning to have a semi-mid life crisis. Wondering about my mortality etc.. Seems time is flying by. Anyone had this experience. I have some girl friends on an off, but nothing serious. I don't know whether its family pressures, not...