loosing a friend


Don Juan
Feb 5, 2005
Reaction score
Berkshire UK
Hello everyone,

UK DJ here enjoying the world cup.

I have a little issue that I would like some comments on. I tend to go to my local pub in the evening for a pint or two. Normally for quiz night or for a pool competition and have made some friends. Most of these people I keep at a distance because I go to the pub to relax and they are of different backgrounds. Some are professionals like me, others builders etc. But I enjoy it.

One friend though recently is becoming needy. One night we exchanged phone numbers (as we play in the pool team and we may need to contact with one another about events). One night he called me and asked if I fancied going for a beer, I said fine and we had a good chat. Just recently though he is phoning me every night to ask if I'm going to the pub. I am mostly a person who just decides on the night, and sometimes I like to go out on my own and chat to other people in the pub who I also know. Mostly when I go out I am hoping to meet women, either through her friends or at the bar. Mostly it is for relaxing after work.

Anyway, one night I turned my phone off when I went out and when I got home there was a drunken message from him asking where I was.

It’s not becoming a bit of an issue because although he is kind of a friend I don't want to be around him all the time. He is quite tiring because he talks a lot. He has been married, now single so I think maybe lonely.

What do you think?

Many thanks


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2006
Reaction score
just tell him you like your own space!

whats the big deal, if he gets piss* tell him to get a grip, you not is GF that should shut him up, but throw in a laught too, he maybe seeing you as a role model and wants to mimic you, it is normal.


Don Juan
Feb 5, 2005
Reaction score
Berkshire UK
itis only useless because it does not interest you. Maybe one day it may happen to you , and you may find you may pose the same question?. Life is a journey don't be shallow just because you have not walked in my shoes. I will check to see if I find your questions are of interest to me and if not expect comments to NOT your expectation.


Don Juan
Sep 19, 2005
Reaction score
Just explain to him that it's cool that he likes to hang out with you and your fine with it on occasion, but that you mainly go to the pub to relax and get away from EVERYONE and EVERYTHING and use it to relax and that you'll call him sometime to hang out.