Women Don't Want a Semi-Successful Man

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Master Don Juan
Apr 6, 2018
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So you need money to settle down with a woman? Who wants to settle down with a woman? Been there, done that, not worth the trouble.
Some desire money, some a good looking guy, status, etc...

Here in Brazil some kind of women like to date the drug dealers guys. Most dont have money, just pretend to be dangerous... but it seems it triggers some desire in those kind of women.

I also believe some kind of women have different desire. Its just not as common in those days.

When I had social status as DJ, I attracted some type of women interest in that. When it changed, the type of women I date is a bit different... same for intensity of women cause Im not exposed as before. Which I prefer, cause I literally next gold diggers.

About settling down, is something I still have doubts. Maybe because of past experiences or maybe because I havent found a decent woman to that.


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
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Here in Brazil some kind of women like to date the drug dealers guys. Most dont have money, just pretend to be dangerous... but it seems it triggers some desire in those kind of women.
Some women like the bad boy type and think that the violent crazy criminal is just a misunderstood badass who goes his own way.

I also believe some kind of women have different desire. Its just not as common in those days.
Almost as many desires as there are women.
I counsel women with C-PTSD and many of them seek out abusive men because they loathe themselves and feel best when they get punished for being such worthless POS. If a man is kind to them, they mistrust them or think the kind men are weak and don't understand how grim and brutal the real world is. That's why these women gravitate towards violent losers. What do they have to lose?

About settling down, is something I still have doubts. Maybe because of past experiences or maybe because I havent found a decent woman to that.
While I don't begrudge anyone their LTR, I don't think a marriage contract should be signed. Not because of the legal consequences (dire as they are) but also because both men and women tend to sink into complacency as husband and wife and it takes real effort (as far as continuing to date your wife throughout the years) to keep a marriage together. Without that 'security blanket', both man and woman still have to do their best to keep each other interested in their pair bonding.

Manure Spherian

Master Don Juan
Jun 16, 2023
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They will never like your chicken breast and broccoli/anabolic diet, so your only option is to do some OMAD/Intermittent fasting which isn't sustainable in the long run. The guy is either going to have to compromise and put on some weight or the relationship will be mediocre at best and lead to other problems.
Never had to fatten up or had that problem. Where did you get this notion? Also people don’t need to eat a diet that tastes like cardboard to stay in shape, at around 12-15% bodyfat.
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Master Don Juan
Apr 30, 2006
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Men in this category, $75k-$125k salary, relatively in shape, drive a good car, has a few hobbies, women do not want. Why? Because this man has standards. Women do not want to work for their men. Women of today want a simp or a millionaire. Simple as that. This is what society aka social media is telling them. Get a man who accepts you for you are OR "you deserve better queen!"

Yes I am posting this out of frustration. I'm meeting many women (in their late twenties) who put in very little and expect a lot. I've never in my life had to put up with so much arrogant and self-entitled garbage from women of today.
It's OVER for SemiSuccessfulCels.

Manure Spherian

Master Don Juan
Jun 16, 2023
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It's OVER for SemiSuccessfulCels.
If they say and believe it’s over, then it is over for them.

If men operate in the paradigm of women having full ownership of the sexual market, then it’s over.

And to think that all fully successful men are immune to the abuse and rejection of women shows serious ignorance.

A non-exhaustive list of fully-successful men punked or left by women, men who “did the work”, “alphas”, Chads:

Brad Pitt
Will Smith (punked for all the world to see)
Vladimir Putin
Ben Affleck
Jeff Bezos
Tom Brady
Johnny Depp (woman defecated in his bed)
Kanye West

So I suppose if men look hard enough, then yes, it’s over for all. Or they can live their lives on their own terms, and find women that suit them.

The pigeonholing in this thread is not good.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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Aaron Clarey has spoken to this point that the middle class male is getting a raw deal. This is close to the mating issue @jaymbrs was describing for 30+, $75,000 - $125,000/year earning men.



Master Don Juan
Nov 17, 2020
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Aaron Clarey has spoken to this point that the middle class male is getting a raw deal. This is close to the mating issue @jaymbrs was describing for 30+, $75,000 - $125,000/year earning men.

If the point is to impress women with money, then yeah. Otherwise the 75-125k range is plenty enough ( even for a big city ) to have a decent sex life if you are not autistic/retarded or something and take good care of yourself

In the moment you play the money game you will only impress illegal immigrants or ugly broke women if you do not have a millionaire lifestyle . Or going to remote places where fresh water is not a thing and have to take a dump in a hole in the ground, like the jungles of Asia or most of Africa. Or whatever countries these guys advertise here

Your average American income money game is not really that inpressive not even for South Americans in their countries ( unless you go to the villages or ugly women ), and those guys have an average salary of like 500 dollars and are in perpetual financial crisis for like 50 years at least


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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If the point is to impress women with money, then yeah. Otherwise the 75-125k range is plenty enough ( even for a big city ) to have a decent sex life if you are not autistic/retarded or something and take good care of yourself
$75,000 - $125,000/year isn't enough to impress women with money/lifestyle/possessions.

In many large USA cities, that's enough to get a solid but not spectacular one bedroom apartment.

If you're 30+ and childless and wish to date 30+ childless women, they often have similar salary ranges and aren't likely to be impressed with anyone in that range. Most women with a bachelor's degree or higher are getting into this range when they are 30+ and a man in his 30s in that range isn't exciting.

Some 30s/early 40s single moms might be impressed with a man in that salary range if they are mediocre single moms.


Master Don Juan
Nov 17, 2020
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$75,000 - $125,000/year isn't enough to impress women with money/lifestyle/possessions.

In many large USA cities, that's enough to get a solid but not spectacular one bedroom apartment.

If you're 30+ and childless and wish to date 30+ childless women, they often have similar salary ranges and aren't likely to be impressed with anyone in that range. Most women with a bachelor's degree or higher are getting into this range when they are 30+ and a man in his 30s in that range isn't exciting.

Some 30s/early 40s single moms might be impressed with a man in that salary range if they are mediocre single moms.
Dunno what is with the fixation of Americans with big homes

In Europe the average 1 bedroom home is like 50 Sqm ( including a small terrace ), and a 2 bedroom one like 65-70 Sqm ( including a terrace )

Guess what, if you know how to furnish it you will have more than enough space to live comfortably

You do not need big rooms and you do not need a lot of rooms ( unless you have a really big family ) . Taking into consideration that couples these days have mostly 1-2 children, a 2 or 3 bedroom apartment is enough to live a comfortable family life

It is true also that Europeans are most of the time outside of the house, but you get the idea :)

Pierce Manhammer

Jun 2, 2021
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Crap I’m only 5’10” and my Schwanz ist too big!

How can a guy be seen not as beta bucks but as a alpha fvcks according to you?

Cause according to your posts the only way a guy can be successful with women is:

- 6'5" or taller
- $150,000/y or more
- 6.5" d1ck or more
- Head full of hair
- Jacked
- Have high status
- Have a nice car
- Have a nice house

It looks to me that you're citing bull$hit in here that every woman regurgitates.


Don Juan
Sep 29, 2019
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The idea of becoming financially successful, fit, to find women is backwards. The idea should be about setting goals and achieving them for self betterment. Women will be more attracted to that than a man being obsessed with them, resulting in higher standard women to choose from.


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
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Dunno what is with the fixation of Americans with big homes
I spoke about that with a Hungarian kitten who spent time in America.
According to her, it has to do with the lifestyle difference.
Americans tend to spend most of their time outside work in their homes, so you need a big home in order not to feel 'cramped', but Europeans spend more time outside the house so they don't need so much space.
Now, I don't know how true that is (I haven't lived in USA), as my kitten was wealthy and she and her husband had a huge house just for the two of them (no kids), but she claimed that most people (who live outside the big cities) need to be able to drive (not much public transport like in NL/Europe), so after work most people either go straight home or have 1-2 after-work drinks and then go home.


Master Don Juan
Apr 14, 2013
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If your a lame, your a lame.

No amount of money will make a women 'like" you.

As for the average man being undesirable to women, it does hold some validity. I started working minimum wage, then barley livable money, now I'm making 75K a year. What I've learned is that people pay your more money because someone else doesn't want to do it. (Its mental anguish rather then physical when working cooperator jobs, playing the game is how its described by my colleagues.)

The glorious status of a cooperate rat race office job is gone. Its just not a respectable job anymore.

The money is their but spending 40+ hours a week in front of a computer with you finger up your a$$ is pu$sy sh1t.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 22, 2023
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Men in this category, $75k-$125k salary, relatively in shape, drive a good car, has a few hobbies, women do not want. Why? Because this man has standards. Women do not want to work for their men. Women of today want a simp or a millionaire. Simple as that. This is what society aka social media is telling them. Get a man who accepts you for you are OR "you deserve better queen!"

Yes I am posting this out of frustration. I'm meeting many women (in their late twenties) who put in very little and expect a lot. I've never in my life had to put up with so much arrogant and self-entitled garbage from women of today.
How many of these goddamn threads are there going to be? Black pill bs. Jesus Christ SS, get it together. PUA was started by DAVID D & Allen Thompson nowhere in their books does it say

Women all just want money wah wah wah. God you are all so pathetic.

Eben I know that! Desdinova where are you? Global Marketing's site has become a nest of Black Pill Ztards.
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Senior Don Juan
Sep 22, 2023
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I spoke about that with a Hungarian kitten who spent time in America.
According to her, it has to do with the lifestyle difference.
Americans tend to spend most of their time outside work in their homes, so you need a big home in order not to feel 'cramped', but Europeans spend more time outside the house so they don't need so much space.
Now, I don't know how true that is (I haven't lived in USA), as my kitten was wealthy and she and her husband had a huge house just for the two of them (no kids), but she claimed that most people (who live outside the big cities) need to be able to drive (not much public transport like in NL/Europe), so after work most people either go straight home or have 1-2 after-work drinks and then go home.
I think you legitimately like talking to cats.
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