How do you adapt? First you understand the problem, then make the necessary changes.
1. Realize that the odds aren't in your favor when it comes to online dating. There are far more men using OLD than women. Men struggle to find their equivalent matches, and women are inundated with matches so that tips the odds in their favor and breeds the entitlement and attitudes that Attack Formation didn't acknowledge. On OLD an HB5 can get the attention of an HB7, and a HB7 might get the attention of an HB9 because there are simply too many guys chasing too few of women in that realm. If your SMV isn't high enough for the type of woman you want(hot with good attitude) then you will likely have to settle for a hot girl with problems or sacrifice looks for less mental issues. The type of woman we all want is also the rarest. Some are deserving of the best women, some aren't.
The sad thing about OLD is men don't have enough options to make good choices, and women have too many options to make good choices(And they've never been good at that anyways).
So how do you overcome? Stop using OLD and find places that aren't over hunted and the women wont be as overvalued. You can also increase your SMV. Get better pics. Whatever it takes to stand out from the crowd.
2. Whenever I meet a new girl, I let her show me who she is. What she shows me determines what box I put her in. You can have as many boxes as you need based on what you are looking for. The last run I did had two boxes. Box 1 was "fun & games". Box 2 was "this COULD be a standout girl, top 10% in all the categories that matter, time will tell." My mindset is I'm not looking for anything serious, but if the right girl presents herself I've been around the block enough times to be open to a serious relationship. Don't set yourself up for failure by being dependent on the outcome. Toss your preconceived notions out the window. Most women aren't worth having.
Why did that girl frustrate you likely put her in the wrong box. You didn't size her up correctly from the start. You thought more of her than she really was. You got in too deep. You cared too much. No girl can frustrate you if you don't care. Kick her out if she can't behave. Don't invest mentally until you are sure you have sized her up correctly.
3. Date like they do. They don't have a scarcity mindset. They always have options lined up. You can too, if youre willing to improve your position.
4. Never before in the history of dating have men and women needed solid dating/social skills. Its how we convince others to buy what you are selling. Without those social skills you don't create that connection. Its all about how you make them feel. Be a better salesman.
Young women have been brought up in a world that has taught them they can have it all, they should compete with men, be in control, need to be right, be strong and standup when faced with conflict, don't. They've been lied to. This schitt does nothing but turn a masculine man away. Its not submissive. Its not feminine. But its the reality of the world we all deal with. So until then its only fun and games that a man should offer.