Women Don't Want a Semi-Successful Man

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Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
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Would you feel the same if you didn't have kids?
Absolutely. I'm an Einzelgänger.
The kids were the ambition of my wife.
I love my kids and I'm a good father, but I don't think they make my life happier and more fulfilling.
Plus I'm 'forced' to stay in contact with my ex-wife because of the kids.
My dreaded ex is the subject of three poems, that I know she won't read because she doesn't like poetry.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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So you need money to settle down with a woman? Who wants to settle down with a woman? Been there, done that, not worth the trouble.
There are some men in their 30s and 40s who are beta bucks guys. If a guy does well enough today, he can be a beta bucks guy. These beta bucks guys in their 30s/40s were typically ignored/invisible in their 18-29 years unless they had a social circle.

The problem with being a beta bucks guy in the 2000-present era is that women do a good job now earning their own money. Because women earn their own money in a lot of cases, it takes more money to be a beta bucks guy than it used to take, even on an inflation-adjusted basis.

In the United States, the OP @jaymbrs used the salary range of $75,000 - $125,000/year as a semi-successful man. I would take the upper range of that up to around $149,999 until a man actually starts to see an SMV boost from his annual salary. A $125,000/year earning 30s/40s guy isn't going to be doing that well with normie range looks.


Master Don Juan
Apr 26, 2023
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There are some men in their 30s and 40s who are beta bucks guys. If a guy does well enough today, he can be a beta bucks guy. These beta bucks guys in their 30s/40s were typically ignored/invisible in their 18-29 years unless they had a social circle.

The problem with being a beta bucks guy in the 2000-present era is that women do a good job now earning their own money. Because women earn their own money in a lot of cases, it takes more money to be a beta bucks guy than it used to take, even on an inflation-adjusted basis.

In the United States, the OP @jaymbrs used the salary range of $75,000 - $125,000/year as a semi-successful man. I would take the upper range of that up to around $149,999 until a man actually starts to see an SMV boost from his annual salary. A $125,000/year earning 30s/40s guy isn't going to be doing that well with normie range looks.
How can a guy be seen not as beta bucks but as a alpha fvcks according to you?

Cause according to your posts the only way a guy can be successful with women is:

- 6'5" or taller
- $150,000/y or more
- 6.5" d1ck or more
- Head full of hair
- Jacked
- Have high status
- Have a nice car
- Have a nice house

It looks to me that you're citing bull$hit in here that every woman regurgitates.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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It looks to me that you're citing bull$hit in here that every woman regurgitates.
The list you made in the quote below is close to the list that the typical White American woman wants. This is especially true of White women with bachelor's degrees or higher who live in more populated areas. Non-White women are a little bit less demanding.

Cause according to your posts the only way a guy can be successful with women is:

- 6'5" or taller (@SW15 note -- I think you meant 6'0"+)
- $150,000/y or more
- 6.5" d1ck or more
- Head full of hair
- Jacked
- Have high status
- Have a nice car
- Have a nice house (@SW15 note -- housing type doesn't matter. Apartment or house can be good. It does need to be a nice place)
A man doesn't need to have every single one of those but having most of those will help a lot. 6'0"+ and fit are the biggest ones.


Master Don Juan
Apr 7, 2023
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Nashville, TN
@The Duke is correct, obsessing over the perfect giga chad is pointless because women will have no idea how to keep that man attracted to them or they might ruin it themselves. Plus, if women don't want semi-successful men, then why are women choosing to procreate with losers, bums, and short men? There's literally a stay-at-home dad across the street that does nothing but sit on the porch and smoke black and milds. He looks like a skinny Ben Wallace, and they have two kids together.


Master Don Juan
Apr 26, 2023
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The list you made in the quote below is close to the list that the typical White American woman wants. This is especially true of White women with bachelor's degrees or higher who live in more populated areas. Non-White women are a little bit less demanding.

A man doesn't need to have every single one of those but having most of those will help a lot. 6'0"+ and fit are the biggest ones.
Okay so, in order to be seen alpha fvcks you just have to be 6'0" and fit? Exactly my point, forget about the money bull$hit and get jacked, women can pay for their own $hit today, but a jacked guy is rare when obesity is almost 40%, and every woman want a hot guy, whether they admit it or not.

The Duke

Master Don Juan
Feb 4, 2008
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Okay so, in order to be seen alpha fvcks you just have to be 6'0" and fit? Exactly my point, forget about the money bull$hit and get jacked, women can pay for their own $hit today, but a jacked guy is rare when obesity is almost 40%, and every woman want a hot guy, whether they admit it or not.
So how have your chances with women improved by getting into shape?


Master Don Juan
Apr 7, 2023
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Nashville, TN
Okay so, in order to be seen alpha fvcks you just have to be 6'0" and fit? Exactly my point, forget about the money bull$hit and get jacked, women can pay for their own $hit today, but a jacked guy is rare when obesity is almost 40%, and every woman want a hot guy, whether they admit it or not.
Unless you are dating a fitness chick, your average normie girl isn't going to know how to handle a guy with sub 12% BF. She thinks six pack abs are because of high metabolism and will pressure you to cheat on your diet and lifestyle eventually. They will never like your chicken breast and broccoli/anabolic diet, so your only option is to do some OMAD/Intermittent fasting which isn't sustainable in the long run. The guy is either going to have to compromise and put on some weight or the relationship will be mediocre at best and lead to other problems.


Master Don Juan
Apr 26, 2023
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Unless you are dating a fitness chick, your average normie girl isn't going to know how to handle a guy with sub 12% BF.
That's called dread, the girl will have anxiety cause the guys is sexy and wanted, and the end of anxiety is desire which is the best thing. Women want guys who other women want, cause she will feel she won a prize.

The guy is either going to have to compromise and put on some weight or the relationship will be mediocre at best and lead to other problems.
For real man, get the fvck out of the internet with these mediocre advices. When in the world when a guy compromise to soothe the girls anxiety has been a good thing? The mere act of compromised because "I want her to not feel the anxiety of maybe being replaced" will mame the relationship mediocre.

This is just speaks volume of your relationship, your girl has no anxiety or fear you replacing her, cause you "compromise" and that's the beginning of the end. That's Red pill 101.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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Okay so, in order to be seen alpha fvcks you just have to be 6'0" and fit? Exactly my point, forget about the money bull$hit and get jacked, women can pay for their own $hit today, but a jacked guy is rare when obesity is almost 40%, and every woman want a hot guy, whether they admit it or not.
I've always said that Game is some combination of looks, money, status, and personality. I believe looks are the most important variable of those 4 variables. Money becomes more relevant without looks. It is also possible to be 6'0"+ and fit and not attract women and that's usually connected to personality/vibe factors.

Unless you are dating a fitness chick, your average normie girl isn't going to know how to handle a guy with sub 12% BF. She thinks six pack abs are because of high metabolism and will pressure you to cheat on your diet and lifestyle eventually. They will never like your chicken breast and broccoli/anabolic diet, so your only option is to do some OMAD/Intermittent fasting which isn't sustainable in the long run. The guy is either going to have to compromise and put on some weight or the relationship will be mediocre at best and lead to other problems.
A guy doesn't need to be below 12% body fat. Even 13-16% can be quite decent.

Fitness chicks are usually 8+ on looks, whereas the normie women you're referring to might be high level normies in the 6-low 7s range. Normie could even mean 5-5.9.


Master Don Juan
Apr 7, 2023
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Nashville, TN
For real man, get the fvck out of the internet with these mediocre advices. When in the world when a guy compromise to soothe the girls anxiety has been a good thing? The mere act of compromised because "I want her to not feel the anxiety of maybe being replaced" will mame the relationship mediocre.

This is just speaks volume of your relationship, your girl has no anxiety or fear you replacing her, cause you "compromise" and that's the beginning of the end. That's Red pill 101.
I am sorry the truth offends you. You are in a dead bedroom situation with your partner despite being jacked. Being jacked might help you get short term sex gains, but it will not help you in long term situations unless you are dating a girl with a similar mindset. You are better off being around 13%-17% BF if you are going to date a normie woman.


Master Don Juan
Apr 7, 2023
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Nashville, TN
A guy doesn't need to be below 12% body fat. Even 13-16% can be quite decent.

Fitness chicks are usually 8+ on looks, whereas the normie women you're referring to might be high level normies in the 6-low 7s range. Normie could even mean 5-5.9.
If you want the pool party show off athletic abs, you are going to need to be at 10%-12% BF. When I was messing around with women before my GF, I was at 10% and it was pretty easy to acquire sex. When I broke up with the Polish chick, I was around 15% BF and this normie chick called me out on it during a date, so there is a difference. Now, we are about to enter a hard disagreement lol. I think Fitness Chicks are mostly butter faces and dull lifestyles. Behind that makeup, their faces tend to be jacked up and they usually have some insecurity issue. A normie chick can be relatively fit, but the "gym" isn't her personality unlike a fitness chick.


Master Don Juan
Apr 26, 2023
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You are in a dead bedroom situation
There is saying that goes "a thief thinks everyone steals" stop the projecting

your partner
Why so political correct in call her "partnet" wtf man?

despite being jacked.
I need to be more jacked, but thanks for the compliment bro.

Being jacked might help you get short term sex gains, but it will not help you in long term situations
Sure get fat for her, what a great advice you give, you should be put in the Hall of Fame

You are better off being around 13%-17% BF if you are going to date a normie woman.
I'm better being the body fat percentage I want to be.

When I was messing around with women before my GF, I was at 10% and it was pretty easy to acquire sex.
And now you let yourself go, that's typical of a blue pill guy, not surprising.


Master Don Juan
Apr 7, 2023
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Nashville, TN
Sure get fat for her, what a great advice you give, you should be put in the Hall of Fame
I NEVER said get fat for her. Reread the post please.
You are better off being around 13%-17% BF if you are going to date a normie woman.
13%-17% is not fat whatsoever! If you just date a normie girl on the sole purpose of her liking your abs, then the relationship is going to hit a huge wall after the honeymoon phase ends. This is the main reason why I have so many exes.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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If you want the pool party show off athletic abs, you are going to need to be at 10%-12% BF. When I was messing around with women before my GF, I was at 10% and it was pretty easy to acquire sex. When I broke up with the Polish chick, I was around 15% BF and this normie chick called me out on it during a date, so there is a difference. Now, we are about to enter a hard disagreement lol. I think Fitness Chicks are mostly butter faces and dull lifestyles. Behind that makeup, their faces tend to be jacked up and they usually have some insecurity issue. A normie chick can be relatively fit, but the "gym" isn't her personality unlike a fitness chick.
10-12% BF is probably more top tier/'Chad' than 13-15% BF, but both are good.

Higher level normies are relatively fit, and those are the women in the 6-7.2 range on looks. 7.3-7.9 is solidly above average and 8+ is elite level territory.

I have seen some fitness chicks with not so good faces. The best combination is a fit woman with good facial aesthetics.


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
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The list you made in the quote below is close to the list that the typical White American woman wants. This is especially true of White women with bachelor's degrees or higher who live in more populated areas. Non-White women are a little bit less demanding.
Am I glad not to be dating in America. :cool:


Master Don Juan
Apr 7, 2023
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Nashville, TN
10-12% BF is probably more top tier/'Chad' than 13-15% BF, but both are good.
Ideally you want the Chad athletic swimmer/soccer abs look. Lower in BF makes you look weird and 13%-15% you can pull it off in the morning, but I am too bloated by midday.

Higher level normies are relatively fit, and those are the women in the 6-7.2 range on looks. 7.3-7.9 is solidly above average and 8+ is elite level territory.
Who would you consider elite level territory?

I have seen some fitness chicks with not so good faces. The best combination is a fit woman with good facial aesthetics.
I think it is a mix of the stuff they are eating/taking and not washing their face properly. I hound on my girl to maintain face hygiene after going to the gym because I am not going to date a gym butterface.


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
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Western European women are not known to be stellar either.
Like you would know. I know that their list is quite a bit shorter.
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